

Title:On Her Terms Author:Benista Sam Main characters:Riley and Bryan Supporting Characters:Steve,Ashley,Tessa,Heather,Joey,Emma,Gary Character Traits:loving,abusive,jealousy,passion,greed,revenge,crazy. Setting:Past,Present,office,city Plot:In a love and hate affair,only the strongest wins.Riley,one of the main characters got out of an abusive relationship,worked on herself and landed a good job,she meets Bryan her childhood love and current boss whom she broke up with when she caught him kissing Ashley,Riley and Bryan gets back together again but the ghost of Riley’s past resurfaces and Bryan must step in to protect Riley when Steve almost stab Riley .Riley must face the law when Steve accuses her of murder,Meanwhile history repeats itself as Ashley comes to work at Bryan’s company,she hatches a plan to separate Riley and Bryan. Agenda:To promote true love and give hope and comfort to victims of abuse,also for entertainment. Wow factor:The villian have creative ways of seeking revenge. A future,a new beginning, a dark past. Riley finally accept there isn’t one soul meant for everyone.After a failed love,Riley is ready to spread her wings and explore but she wouldn’t settle for any less after her heart has been broken so many times.Would she finally believe in love again? Will it it last when she finds love again?Friends turn to enemies,dark secrets are revealed ,lives are lost but in the game of love and hate,only the strongest survive.

Benista_Sam · Urban
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Bad Bad Steve

"Ugh I hate you! I hate you! Get away from me",Riley said as she cried bitterly looking over at Steve.

Riley and Steve are college sweethearts and have been together for 5years after Riley's breakup with Bryan her childhood boyfriend.Riley would basically do everything Steve tells her to do.

One would say she lived to please Steve.What others called torture,she called it love.He was sweet for the first year of their relationship but things went downhill in the second year.

Hewould bring hookers to their apartment while Riley was away working and when Riley finds out,he would manipulate her into thinking it was her fault.

"A man needs pleasure",he would say.

Riley would constantly be made to sleep in the basement for two days everytime she said something to offend Steve,she got pregnant around summer but lost the baby because Steve forced her into doing drugs with her.

Steve was both emotionally and physically abusive.This time around Riley was finally ready to walk out of the relationship with the little pride she had left and only 30$ to her name.

Shewent inside the bedroom picked only one jeans and a t-shirt and slammed the door on Steve's face."Where do you think you're going you ungrateful bit*ch,well get out,I don't need you anyways".These were Steve's words as he watched Riley through the window.

Blasting the boom box out at her apartment, Riley looked in the mirror in her bedroom and kept shouting the words"Freedom has never felt so good".

Today has been 3 years since she left Steve and she couldn't help but feel proud of how far she has come. Ding! Ding! The door bell rang and it was Riley's friend Tessa.

Tessa met Riley three years ago on the street shivering on the day she left Steve.She took Riley to a shelter home but came back for her the next morning.

Shetook care of Riley and found her a job to start her life afresh,and for that,Riley was forever grateful.

'Hey girl' Riley said as she welcomed Tessa into her home.They opened a bottled of wine and toasted to Riley's 3 years of freedom.Tessa looked at Riley and began to smile.

"No! No! No!,I know you,I know what you're thinking, that is not going to happen".

That was Riley's words as she looked over at Tessa". "But he's a good guy,he loves you just give him a chance" replied Tessa."I never want to love again!Never!".

Riley went inside her room and locked the door immediately she said this.Tessa's boss has been after Riley for years and she always refuses his invitation to dinner.Riley had been telling Tessa for long she wasn't ready to get her heart broken again, she can't see herself loving any man ever again.

Theonly thing that was on her mind now was her job and if she ever needed a kid she would go for artificial insemination.