
On Death's Doorstep

A demon?!?! Thats bizarre I can barely stand! There is no way I'm a demon! These turn of events have me confused! My name is Eclipse and my big sister enrolled me into a school filled with creatures! maybe there is a big secret about her to!? This contains long chapters so I hope you love to read! I hope you don't mind helping me find out the truth about me.... And we shall find out together how I ended up On Death's Doorstep.

Numberonewolfy · Fantasy
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6 Chs


What secret does he want to keep from me? Why doesn't he want a family? Why do I have to be the one who goes through this....why couldn't it be someone else who had to manage their powers? A bunch of questions fill my mind. " ECLIPSE!!!! " I finally hear Ace and turn to him.

"y-yeah?" Dammit Eclipse stop stuttering! "Is that a ultra legendary rabbit?" oh, he is talking about my new...pet? "I uhm I guess so?" wow real smooth Eclipse, real smooth. "wow those are hard to find...especially if they are beasts. No one has been able to catch one." He begins to poke at my rabbit "OW" The rabbit bites Ace's finger. "OH MY GOD!"

I turn around and pull my rabbit "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?" He yells at me in pain, I realise what I'm doing and let go. Hurry think,think,think I got it! "KILLER LET HIM GO!!" Killer seems to like the name and climbs on my back. Ace passes out on the floor from loosing too much blood.

I am not a doctor....I don't know what to do. I hear screaming....I look up and see a portal. I back away quickly knowing what's coming. Instead of what I thought would be only a human, an eagle and a girl wearing a black cloak with a white skirt pop out! OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD! The eagle if flying towards me! The girl lands right on me and the eagle sits on a tree branch.

"Oop, I am so sorry-" There's something big and squishy on my face....the girl instantly screams and backs away. "Wha-?" I look over to the girl and she's holding her breasts. "OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY!!" She can't stop blushing, so I get up and help her up. "S-Sorry about that...." I look away not wanting to face her. "Uhm it's alright." We sit in silence for a moment, not knowing what to say.

It doesn't take long to notice that our pets are in a full blown fight! "Killer stop!" "Fluffy stop!" we say our pet's names at the same time and they stop fighting. Killer comes to my side and climbs on my back ready to rest. "Why are you just standing there?" I look over at her, afraid of my surroundings. She has a big smile on her face, one I have never seen before.

"Shouldn't we be looking for a place to sleep?" She is so happy and joyful.... I can tell already her personality is pure. "Y-Yeah we should..." I look over to Ace, still laying on the floor. We will have to carry him. I look over to her and she flashes me a smile. I love her personality, so cool, joyful, and caring...we lift Ace up and head into the woods.

I start a fire with wood and a lighter out of Ace's pocket. "What's wrong? You look worried." She looks very sad as if she is trying to help. "Nothing.... It's just.....Ace is not healed and my rabbit is sleeping..." I look down, like the crybaby I am. I want to cry, but that's what Ace would want me to do. "I can heal him!" She has a bright smile, she already trusts me. She fixes Ace up with bandages and a few other doctor related things.

Once Ace is fixed up we sit him closer the the fire. "Oh, I haven't told you my name!" I look up and giggle a little. "Well my name is Amy!" She let's out a relieved sigh. "My name is Eclipse! I can tell your relieved to finally get to know me!" I give her a smile and she returns it. I look over to Ace, his white buttoned shirt is now covered in blood along with his pants. "I can tell your worried bout him..." I look over my shoulder to see her sitting behind me. I can't hold back my ferocious blushing.

"We can't be worried about him forever we have to sleep." She gives me a quick kiss on the cheeck and goes to lay down. I put my hand on my cheeck, wow Amy kissed me! I lay down wanting another from both of my new comrades.