
The truth

- Talk, Megan... About money and lies.

- Dad... It's always hard to talk to you... But I'll try.

- Don't waste my time, Megan. And I don't even regret wanting to hear it. Go straight to the point.

- I didn't take the money from my inheritance...

I hoped he might have any kind of reaction that would encourage me to keep going, but no. He continued to stare at me in the same way: without much interest.

- All the money went to Martim Collins' account. He forced me to ask for my share.

- Why would he do that?

- Because they're broke.

- I already know that. In fact, every Noriah knows that the Collinses are bankrupt.

- Dad, I ran over Axel... It was an accident. Martim threatened me and said he would tell the police that I did it on purpose if I didn't ask you for the money. Threatened to send me to jail... So I forced myself.

Pedro Miller said nothing. I asked:

- Dad, did you hear what I said?