
Beautiful and Mysterious Axel Collins

Early on Saturday of that week, my parents left for Noriah North in search of our unknown uncle Lewis Miller's inheritance. I was happy, but I wouldn't believe it until I saw all the money in our family's possession.

As soon as they left, Martina announced:

- I'm spending the weekend at Dex's.

- I warned you that I didn't want this responsibility of taking care of you. - said Michelle. – After nine months you show up pregnant and I'm still going to be blamed.

- Do you really think I'm silly? asked Martina.

- Honestly, I think. – Michelle said shrugging her shoulders and pouring coffee. - I'm going back to bed.

I watched the two argue. I poured myself a latte and started drinking it, sitting in the uncomfortable, hard, cold chair in the kitchen. Michelle returned to the bedroom. I said:

- She might be right...

- In what? asked Martina. - Do you also think I'm silly?

- No... I just think you should be careful... Imagine getting pregnant at 15. It would be horrible...

- Meg, I can bet I'm smarter than you.

I pretended not to hear. I didn't want to fight with Martina. She left and I remained there, looking out the window. The day was gray, though it didn't look like it was going to rain. It felt like it was cold on the street. It took about ten minutes for my sister to come down with a backpack.

- Are you really going? I asked.

- What do you think I'll be doing in this house with you all weekend?

- Martina, our parents went looking for an inheritance... Do you have any idea of everything that will happen in our lives after that?

- I have... I think everything can get even better. But life is short, Meg. I can go out on the street and get run over.

- Life isn't just about having sex, Martina.

- You say that because you haven't done it yet.

I looked at her and laughed. Martina was clueless. She gave me a kiss and said:

- I love you.

- I love you too, Martina. He takes care of himself.

- Leave it to me. You too... And try to get out a little. Go have fun, Meg.

- I'll try to do that... The gray days of autumn don't do me much good.

- Remember: life is short.

- It might not be...

- Do not start...

Martina left. I grabbed my coffee and sat on the couch, staring at the checkered windows that overlooked the street. I felt a little cold and grabbed a blanket. I looked at the clock and it was already ten o'clock. I called Penelope, my friend.

- Hi, Meg.

- Hi, Pen. How are you doing?

- Well... And you, fell out of bed?

- It's not early, Pen. It's past 10.

- Miss me? she asked, letting me hear the laughter on the other end of the line.

- Well, my parents left and I'm feeling alone, in a house with two more sisters. - I confessed.

- Look, Meg. I'm having a little party here at home tonight.

- He hadn't even told me anything... - I pretended to be sad.

- I had yes, but you never give importance...

- Well, I think today might be different.

- I doubt it... I could bet you don't come.

- As you are mean to me... I will. As I said, I'm alone.

- Not alone, with two sisters.

- Actually one. - I explained. – Martina has already left.

I heard Penelope laugh again, amused, on the other end of the line:

- I hope you... No one deserves to be with the bitch Michelle. Why don't you come now?

I looked at the street and said:

- The weather is so ugly...

- So come soon... It might rain later...

- I'm not sugar. - I replied.

- So you come later? What time?

- Late afternoon... I promise.

- I'll wait for you then... If you give up, let me know.

- Will not give up.

- Just believe seeing. You will like it, I guarantee it. Do you know who just showed up here?

- Who? – I asked with little interest.

- Axel Collins.

I felt my heart beat faster:

- Axel?

- Yea...

- Did you talk to him?

- No... But I asked some mutual friends to let him know about the little party...

- Great idea. And... I have some bombshell news for you.

- Count...

- Not even. Surprise. I'll just tell you when I get there.

- It will kill me with curiosity.

I laughed:

- I really will... And you won't believe me when I tell you.

- I'm waiting for you... And your news. And I'll hope you actually show up this time.

- Kisses.

I turned off the phone. I lay down on the couch and covered myself. I had nothing to do. Penelope had been my friend for a while. We studied at the same school. She was rich and I was poor. Yet she never cared about it. The world at the school where I was a scholar was different from mine. Still I had adapted well. I was there to study and not to make friends. And so I did. He always got the best grades. She was focused and interested. Penelope was smart too, and we studied together, helping each other out when one of us had a hard time. The only misstep was getting interested in a beautiful, mysterious boy named Axel Collins. We would graduate that year. We never studied together in the same room. But Axel caught my eye a lot. Although always on the front pages of everything to do with Noriah Sul high society, he personally didn't seem like that person. He was involved in the school's social causes, and although seductive and handsome, I never saw him with a girl at school. That's why he drew so much attention from everyone. Axel was thin, tall, dark and had brown eyes. His long, curly hair was always neatly combed and neat, as were his clothes… Everything was impeccable. He wasn't one of Noriah's princes, but he looked like one. He was always polite to everyone. We crossed paths a few times in the hallways and he greeted me. That was not a privilege, unfortunately. He did that to everyone. I can't explain why, but he caught my attention with his beautiful pair of dark brown eyes that contrasted with his light brown skin and well-drawn and full eyebrows. I even had several clippings of him in my room and a poster I got from Penelope, which she had printed especially for me for my last birthday. I ended up removing everything from the walls a while ago, because I thought I was no longer a teenager to keep that kind of thing. But I still didn't have the courage to throw it away when I looked at the images of him looking at me. So I put it in a box. Every now and then I would open it and look at those images. That man, although so close to me, was a distant dream. And I think I liked him for exactly that: it was almost impossible. I think I even preferred to pretend sometimes that I liked him more than I really felt, just so they would stop trying to get me boyfriends. Both Penelope and Martina were focused on that: finding me a date. Little did they know that for me that was not so important. Why did I have to like someone to be happy? Why did I have to lose my virginity because they all had already? I didn't have to do what everyone else did... Still, I tried to match myself. She was always seen as “straight up”, correct, who didn't do anything wrong or out of the norm. But that wasn't it... There was no reason to deviate from the standards... They were “my standards”.

Michelle didn't even wake up for lunch. I didn't eat anything either. He wasn't hungry, having had breakfast late. In the early afternoon, a light rain began to fall. Autumn in Noriah South was like this: cold, rainy and gray... A little depressing at times.

We lived in a small, simple house, consisting of three small bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room. The bathroom was hotly contested. Our house was in the countryside, away from many others. We had a huge patio, where when we were little we used to play and have fun. Today it was only good for hot days, when we hung clothes on the line. That place wasn't very good for planting, not even trees. A tangle of red, grass-covered soil that grew wildly in the summer, taking up much of my father's pruning time. I liked the porch that ran the length of the house. Practically only I used it. I lay in the hammock to contemplate the night and sometimes even slept there in the summer fort. What would our life be like after we got rich? What would change? Would we still live in Zone D? Would my parents want to move house? Would we always be united, even with our differences, as it always was?

Michelle appeared in the living room, her hair damp. I think I just got out of the shower. She glanced at me as she went to the kitchen and asked:

- Are you going to spend the day there?

- No... Actually, I'm leaving soon. - I said.

She came back and looked at me, her brow arched in surprise:

- You will leave?

- I'm going to Penelope's house. She's having a party...

- And Megan Miller will give the pleasure of your presence?

- Are you being ironic, Michelle?

- I? You're welcome.

- Won't you complain, like you did with Martina?

- Of course not. I really want you to go. I'm bringing some friends here.

- So Martina isn't the only one wrong in all this, is she?

- Don't give me a moral lesson, Megan. I am already 24 years old. Martina is 15. She is still a child.

- Still you didn't even call when she left. - I criticized.

- I told her to take care of herself... And not get pregnant.

- Good advice... - I scoffed.

- Wants to know? Do the same as Martina and go fuck around, it's about time, Megan.

I looked at her puzzled. My sister was very cruel when she wanted to be. Always the mistress of reason. What did these people have against my life and my choices? Maybe I should have lied that I'd slept with someone before, so no one would be worried about choices and decisions that should be up to me alone.

I got up and went to the shower. I really needed to leave. I couldn't stand a night of drinking and brainless men and women wanting only perversion. This is what Michelle would transform our house into that night. Yet she was always my parents' favorite. They never criticized her. They always thought of her as perfect.

When I got to the room I thought about what to wear. Was cold. I opted for a pair of jeans and a white blouse with a brown leather coat over it. Low-top boots finished off the look with light makeup, which highlighted my fair skin and greenish-brown eyes. I let my light brown hair down, falling down to my back. A light lipstick looked good on my full lips. I grabbed a backpack and put a couple of clothes inside, as well as my toiletries. He would spend the night at Penelope's house.

When I noticed it was already starting to get dark. Penelope didn't live close by and the bus stop was far away. So I called Cassia, another friend, asking if she would come too. With the positive response, I arranged to stop by her house to catch a ride. She didn't live far away, although it wasn't close either. About thirty minutes walk. She didn't really believe that I would either. Apparently no one trusted that I could go to Penelope's party and have fun. I looked down the street and saw the light rain falling again. I even thought about giving up. But I heard voices in the room and when I got there two of Michelle's friends had already arrived. One of them I knew from other times and I didn't sympathize with him at all. The way he looked at me, seeming to devour me, was detestable. As soon as he saw me, he greeted:

- Goodnight.

I responded with a wave and headed for the door. Definitely better to go to the night that promised fun at my friend's house than put up with people I didn't like.

- Won't you stay, dear? – he asked looking at me.

Michelle came out of the kitchen, carrying beer cans and placing them on the coffee table.

- She's going to a party. – Michelle explained ironically.

- But there will also be a party here. - he said. – And it will be fun. I can bet that much better than yours.

- Take your eyes off my sister, Raul. You are too old for her.

I looked at them and opened the door, walking out. I took a deep breath, feeling the cool breeze. I put my backpack on my back and followed my way on the wet road from the rain that couldn't decide whether to stop or continue. Night had definitely fallen.

I walked a little along the deserted street in the dark and moonless night. Field on all sides. I was used to that landscape, even at night. The curious thing is that I was terrified of the dark, but I loved the nights. What I didn't imagine was that torrential rain would start out of nowhere, completely blurring my vision. Within minutes I was soaked. I took my phone out of my backpack to call Michelle to pick me up, but there was no signal. I went further to the middle of the street, lifting the device up, trying to look for a speck of antenna. When I turned around, I saw a bright light heading my way and I couldn't run. I was completely still. The car would hit me... I screamed and closed my eyes... And everything went dark.