
Omori : Coma - Konsui

"Welcome to White Space" "You've been here as long as you can remember" "Perhaps too long? Who knows" "This is our reality after all" So forth, Omori does his usual routine in headspace until something surprising he did was striking himself early in white space. with a new emergence of Sunny whose full name is Susumu Miyamoto. As thereof, there's a comatose and sleeping-like figure in this shared bedroom. It was none other than Mari, Mariko Miyamoto. What would happen next?

Mystic_Magnificous · Video Games
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38 Chs

File J: "Journey's Joy" (2/2)

As they dismantled the bed fort together, Basil chuckled at the sight of the three boys huddled close. "Look at you three, like a trio of penguins trying to keep warm in the cold," he teased, his gentle tone reflecting his caring nature.

Aubrey, always observant, commented with a smirk, "It's like seeing the evolution of height and build here. Kel towering over everyone, Hero with his mature stance, and Sunny holding his own despite being the shortest." Her words carried a hint of playful banter, showcasing her confident and witty personality.

Despite the teasing, there was a sense of camaraderie and comfort among them, reminiscent of their childhood days. Kel's growth spurt and muscular build contrasted with Sunny's slight frame, but their bond remained strong, evident in their laughter and shared memories.

Hero, the eldest and often the pillar of support, smiled at the scene. "It's moments like these that remind us of how far we've come, from playful antics to now, where we still find joy in each other's company," he remarked, his voice carrying a sense of nostalgia and gratitude.

With the bed fort dismantled and the room tidied up, they gathered in the living area, ready to continue their day together, cherishing the journey and joy they found in each other's presence.

Sunny said with a Monotone "Kel and Hero insisted despite is not being kids anymore—" As Aubrey hush him to say "Yeah yeah before you woke up earlier…they told me…one thing hasn't changed though…Besides the nostalgia of childhood sleepovers was….Kel still drools in his sleep ughh…"

Sunny's monotone comment added a touch of realism to the conversation, acknowledging the passage of time and their transition into adulthood. Aubrey's playful interruption lightened the mood, revealing a humorous tidbit about Kel's sleeping habits.

With a smirk, Aubrey added, "Yeah, Sunny, they were reminiscing about the old days before you woke up. But you know what hasn't changed? Kel still drools in his sleep. Some things never change, right?" Her teasing tone brought a chuckle from the group, adding a moment of lightheartedness to their shared memories.

Basil joined in with a giggle, adding, "It's like a timeless tradition, Kel. Your sleep drooling is as iconic as ever."

Hero, with a playful grin, chimed in, "Yep, Kel, you're a legend in your own right. Drool and all."

Kel, not one to be left out, defended himself with a mock-indignant expression, "Hey, hey now, I'll have you know that drooling in sleep is a sign of deep sleep and intense dreaming! It's a compliment to my adventurous dreams!"

He then grabbed a pillow and playfully tossed it in Aubrey's direction, laughing along with the others. The room was filled with light-hearted banter and laughter, a comforting familiarity amidst the challenges they faced outside their cozy sleepover setting.

Sunny then sighs, liking it despite sensing he is still bothered. As he turns to Basil scooting near him.

For Basil whispers "You still sure you okay right now Sunny?"

As Sunny node and whispers back "Sort of, while it's true…you two fix your Photo album Uhh…..Besides…You didn't tell the truth about why my face in the photo album was defaced because of me. I still can't believe days ago you wanted me to zip it even in front of Kel…when ask how your photos with my face got shades of black marker—-"

Sunny's expression reflected a mix of longing and uncertainty as he leaned closer to Basil. "You're still sure you don't want to try going beyond just catching up with everyone?" he whispered.

Basil met his gaze with a solemn look. "I understand, Sunny," he murmured back. "And about the photo album... I wanted to spare you unnecessary guilt. But I promise, we can talk about it when you're ready."1

As they held hands. Sunny asked "Still, your gardening gloves look nice on you—" Basil smugly spoke "Hey your bandages look cool too…Despite the Uhh….reasons you'd have them.." Suddenly they got hit by pillows by Aubrey as Hero and Kel hid behind Sunny and Basil for Aubrey shouts "Hey DON'T use the weakest of our group like shields!!! Face my PILLOW wrath!!!"

The playful banter continued as Aubrey unleashed her pillow wrath on Sunny and Basil, who laughed and defended themselves with pillows of their own. Despite the light-hearted moment, there was an underlying sense of camaraderie and comfort among them, as if they were reclaiming a sense of normalcy amidst their shared trials and challenges.

Hero and Kel smiles. Then, Kel turns to Hero noticing his melancholic gaze as he whispers "Hey Henry Corazon2, you okay Bro? Still can't wait when Mari can also have fun with us again?"

Hero's smile faltered slightly as he glanced at Kel. "Yeah, I'm alright," he replied, his tone carrying a hint of wistfulness. "Just thinking about how much she'd enjoy these moments too. Can't wait for her to join us again." His gaze drifted towards the ceiling, lost in thoughts of Mari's eventual recovery and their shared moments ahead.

As he winks at Kel "Although…it's sweet that my brother is also the best by actually making Sunny smile—" As Kel gasps "Really? Do you believe that Sunny is happy again thanks to me bro? Even though you recently came back to Faraway…. me and Basil simply summarized the recent events to you?"

"That's what it seems like," Hero replied with a nod. "Sunny's been through a lot, but having all of us together seems to lift his spirits. Your energy and Basil's presence help in bringing back that genuine smile of his." He smiled warmly, appreciating the bond between them and the positive impact they had on Sunny's mood.

Kel sighs "Hehe, although that sleepover we had since forever…you're quite a light sleeper as always bro….so any ahem….other Ladies interest you back in your college?" He teases a nudge while Aubrey, Sunny, and Basil pillow fight in the background.

Hero chuckled at Kel's teasing. "You know me, Kel. The college has its share of interesting people, but no one quite like our group back home. Besides, I've got more important things to focus on right now than dating." He glanced over at Sunny, Basil, and Aubrey, enjoying their playful pillow fight. "Seeing everyone happy and together like this is what matters most to me."

As he blushed "Besides, You know there's only one person I had in mind like those sweetheart movies back at one of the shops of Faraway Plaza…"

Kel grinned mischievously. "Ah, I see, the classic sweetheart films-related person from the shop! You'll have to introduce us sometime. Maybe we can all go on a double date when things settle down a bit," he suggested with a playful wink.

They chuckled as Hero spoke, "Sure if you had your LOVE at your school Kel.." Suddenly they notice their pillow fight over and clean up the pillows and blankets. Even the foldable mattress. Up until, Sunny and. Basil pants. Aubrey happily spoke "Okay you Corazon Brothers!!! Aubrey Wattson here shall now get on with the clean up and we can discuss how we can repair the treehouse by the Miyamoto's3 house backyard… "

Aubrey's enthusiasm for organizing and planning was evident as she took charge of the clean-up. Hero nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a plan, Aubrey. We can brainstorm ideas for the treehouse later."

Kel added, "Yeah, and maybe we can make it even better than before! With all of us working together, it'll be a breeze."

Basil smiled. "I'll make sure to bring my tools for the repairs. It'll be a fun project for us."

Sunny, feeling a bit more at ease, joined in. "I can help with painting and decorations. It'll be great to have a place to hang out again."

With their tasks assigned, they set about cleaning up the remnants of their sleepover, eager to embark on their next adventure of reviving the old treehouse.

Kel turns to Sunny "Ohh? So Sunny could be our artist? Is that what you're up to when not doing violin for 4 years?"

Kel's question made Sunny chuckle. "Maybe! I've been practicing some painting and sketching during my quiet times. It's a nice change from the usual routine."

Kel grinned. "Nice! Can't wait to see what you come up with for the treehouse."

As they finished cleaning up and prepared to head out, Sunny felt a sense of excitement about the upcoming project and spending more time with his friends.

However,he felt guilt in his chest with Aubrey especially as he still recalls how despite the wounds and cuts all healed in Aubrey's hands and wrists when he unintentionally harmed her when misunderstanding her harming Basil due to her aggressive bullying for the Photo album in the earlier days. Until he blushed pink when Aubrey scooted close to lean her head over his to say in a soft gentle whisper "You seem still trouble Sunny? Is there something else bothering you?"

Sunny's cheeks flushed as Aubrey leaned in, her concern evident in her voice. He hesitated for a moment before speaking softly, "It's just... memories, you know? Sometimes they sneak up on you, even when you're having a good time."

Aubrey nodded understandingly. "I get it. If you ever need to talk or anything, I'm here, okay?"

Sunny managed a small smile, grateful for her understanding. "Thanks, Aubrey. I appreciate it."

With a reassuring pat on his shoulder, Aubrey gave him a warm smile before turning back to the group, ready to tackle the task of repairing the treehouse. Sunny felt a bit lighter, knowing he had friends who cared about him.

As Sunny spoke "Umm Aubrey—" as she turned with a frown yet composed demeanor. As he continued finding his fingers "Thanks for…Forgiving Basil, Me, and Everyone else ever since Mari—"

Aubrey's expression softened as Sunny thanked her. She smiled gently and placed a hand on his shoulder, offering reassurance. "Sunny, we're friends. We've been through a lot together, and forgiveness is part of that. We're all here for each other, no matter what."

Sunny nodded, feeling a sense of relief. "Yeah, you're right. We are a team, after all."

With a nod of agreement, Aubrey turned back to the group, her demeanor cheerful as they continued discussing their plans for the treehouse. Sunny felt grateful for her understanding and the camaraderie of their group.

As they discuss a bit. Hero notices Sunny being Bashful with the sketchbook he got from his bedroom. Even Mewo (an adult black cat) is nuzzling to be curious. While Basil chats with Kel happily shaking hands for handiwork and materials for the house.

Hero noticed Sunny's bashfulness with the sketchbook and the curious nuzzling of Mewo. With a warm smile, Hero approached Sunny and gently asked, "What have you got there, Sunny? A new masterpiece in the making?"

Sunny blushed slightly but nodded, opening the sketchbook to reveal some detailed drawings of plants and flowers. "Yeah, I thought I could contribute by designing how the garden around the treehouse could look. Maybe it could lift everyone's spirits," he explained.

Impressed, Hero nodded enthusiastically. "That's a fantastic idea, Sunny! Your drawings are amazing. It'll definitely add a touch of magic to the treehouse surroundings."

Sunny's smile widened at Hero's compliment. "Thanks, Hero. I hope it turns out well."

With a reassuring pat on Sunny's back, Hero encouraged him, "It will, Sunny. Your creativity will shine through, just like it always does."

Meanwhile, Aubrey finished sorting the tools and joined the conversation, eager to hear Sunny's ideas for the treehouse garden. The group was filled with excitement and anticipation for their project, bonding over shared goals and creative endeavors.

As she gasp "Wait Sunny you drew these? That's amazing!!!l" As Sunny hides his face wiht his (bandaged) hands "Ohh? Y-y-yeah…although my earlier drawings are hmm…might be scary?"

Kel's curiosity piqued as he leaned in beside Aubrey, trying to catch a glimpse of Sunny's earlier drawings. "Scary, huh? Now you've got me intrigued, Sunny. What kind of drawings are we talking about here?"

Aubrey chuckled softly, nudging Sunny playfully. "Come on, Sunny, don't be shy. Let us see what you've created."

Sunny hesitated for a moment before slowly lowering his hands, revealing sketches of fantastical creatures and eerie landscapes. "They're from when I used to have strange dreams," he explained, a hint of nostalgia in his voice. "I thought they were scary back then, but looking at them now, they're just memories."

Kel's eyes widened in fascination as he examined the drawings. "Whoa, these are cool! You've got a real talent for capturing the imagination, Sunny."

Aubrey nodded in agreement, impressed by Sunny's artistic abilities. "You should consider sharing these with everyone. They're too good to keep hidden."

Sunny blushed at the compliments but smiled gratefully. "Thanks, guys. Maybe I'll show more someday."

The group's conversation shifted to discussing ideas for the treehouse renovation, fueled by Sunny's creative spark and the shared excitement of working together on a meaningful project.

Basil then gazes at Sunny winks at Basil for a moment meaning he can say something. As Basil smiled and softly spoke "Actually everyone since I am the only one able to interact with Sunny via Phone text and calls….for the past 4 years despite being shut in, being busy with Mari with the help of his parents and the cat Mewo….He has this unique HEADSPACE or dreams he calls the Dreamworld…He even bases his dream persona on a piano brand of Mari….and he brings us to his dreams a lot!!!"

Basil's revelation about Sunny's dream world caught everyone's attention, eliciting curious looks and nods of interest.

Aubrey leaned forward, intrigued. "So, Sunny has been taking us on dream adventures? That's fascinating!"

Kel grinned, imagining the possibilities. "No wonder he's been so secretive about it. Sunny, you sly fox!"

Sunny blushed at the sudden attention but nodded, confirming Basil's words. "Yeah, it's my way of staying connected with everyone, even when I can't leave the house much. It's like a shared space where we can have fun together."

Hero chimed in, impressed. "That's creative, Sunny. I never knew you had such a vivid dream world."

Basil chuckled, nudging Sunny gently. "You've been our guide in more ways than one, Sunny. It's like you're the bridge between reality and imagination."

As the conversation delved into Sunny's dream adventures and the unique experiences they shared in his dream world, the group felt even closer, united by the bonds of friendship and the wonders of imagination.

YouAs Kel sees more. Awkward smile to other eerie drawings. As Aubrey is just happy Sunny is expressing himself differently. As Sunny spoke "If you're curious umm….maybe at a Better time…it's not weird right? Me having these dreams of a version of you guys hanging out with a cooler version of me that I call myself Omori? In the dream I mean…"

Kel chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "Nah, not weird at all, Sunny. I bet Dreamworld Kel is ten times cooler than me, right?"

Aubrey smiled warmly. "It's wonderful that you have such a creative outlet, Sunny. And it's even more special that you include us in your dreams."

Hero nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it shows how much you value our friendship, Sunny. Dream adventures sound like a blast!"

Basil added, "Plus, it's a testament to your imagination and resilience, finding ways to stay connected and creative even during challenging times."

Sunny's face brightened at their supportive responses. "Thanks, everyone. It means a lot. Maybe someday I'll show you some of the fun adventures we've had in Dreamworld."

The group continued their conversation, discussing the intricacies of Sunny's dream world and the unique experiences they could have together, bridging the gap between reality and imagination.

As he hesitantly spoke scratching his neckbrace "I also…a-Al-always bring Mari with us in those dream adventures despite I am unsure if I interpret her well…."

Aubrey's expression softened, understanding the significance of Mari's presence in Sunny's dreams. "That's thoughtful of you, Sunny. I'm sure Mari would appreciate being part of your dream adventures."

Kel nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it shows how much you care about her, even in your dreams."

Basil added, "It's a beautiful way to keep her memory alive and honor your bond with her, Sunny."

Hero chimed in, "And I'm sure Dreamworld Mari is enjoying every moment of those adventures with us."

Sunny smiled gratefully at his friends' understanding and support. "Thank you, everyone. It means a lot to hear that."

Their conversation shifted to lighter topics, and the group continued to enjoy their time together, appreciating the bond they shared and the creative outlets that brought them closer.

Then, they got a group hug from Kel as the rest joined in for he spoke "Hey!!! Guess Sunny can bring more inspiration to glue us together!!!" As Basil nods shyly. Aubrey huffs "Yeah yeah, It's nice despite us being distant from him for 4 years…he still cherishes us being friends even in dreams…"

Hero joined the group hug with a smile, adding, "Sunny's always been the glue that holds us together, in reality and dreams. It's amazing how he finds ways to connect us even when life throws challenges our way."

As they shared this moment of unity, Aubrey grinned. "I guess we owe Sunny some credit for keeping our friendship strong."

Kel, still in the group hug, chuckled. "Definitely! And with his artistic skills, who knows what other adventures we'll have, real or dreamlike."

Sunny, feeling a mix of happiness and gratitude, whispered, "Thank you, everyone. I'm glad to have friends like you."

Their bond was strengthened by their shared experiences, they spent the rest of the day planning for their upcoming project to repair the treehouse and reminiscing about past adventures, both in reality and in dreams.

As they all pamper him saying in unison "We know you're grateful!!! We're grateful too!!!" As Sunny slid away from the hug first "Phew…Anyways shall we check out the treehouse by the backyard? We can discuss it more properly if we face it…" Let's a sleeping adult black cat Mewo on the floor. He is aware that Basil and Aubrey saw the present state of the treehouse yesterday yet not so much at that time before today.

Sunny's suggestion was met with nods of agreement from the group. They gathered their tools and headed to the backyard, where the old treehouse stood, a nostalgic symbol of their childhood adventures.

As they approached, Basil remarked, "It's been a while since we've been here. The memories flood back, don't they?"

Aubrey smiled, looking at the treehouse with a mix of fondness and determination. "Definitely. It's like stepping into a time capsule."

Kel, always the practical one, added, "We'll need to assess the damage and figure out what materials we'll need. But I'm sure with all of us working together, we can make it as good as new."

Hero, carrying some tools, chimed in, "And Sunny's artistic touch will bring some flair to the repairs, I'm sure."

Sunny blushed at the praise but felt a surge of motivation. "Let's do our best to make this treehouse a place of joy and memories again."

With that, they began their project, each contributing their skills and enthusiasm to restore the treehouse to its former glory. It was a day filled with laughter, teamwork, and a shared sense of purpose, strengthening their bonds even further.

Then, Aubrey smiles at Kel "Look Kel!!! Me and Basil forgot to say yesterday while you and Hero were busy helping Sunny's things move out and dinner….our colored Pinwheels are here…surprising the Miyamoto household didn't remove it…"

Aubrey's mention of the colored pinwheels brought a wave of nostalgia to Kel's face. "Wow, they're still here after all this time? That's amazing! It's like a little piece of our childhood preserved."

Basil, noticing Kel's excitement, added with a grin, "Remember how we used to race with those pinwheels? Good times."

Kel nodded eagerly. "Yeah! And how we'd pretend they were magical flying machines, soaring through imaginary lands."

Aubrey chuckled, "And Sunny would always come up with the most creative stories about our adventures with those pinwheels."

Sunny, feeling a rush of memories, joined in, "Those were some of the best days. It's nice to see them still spinning, reminding us of the fun we had together."

As they admired the pinwheels, spinning gently in the breeze, they were reminded of the simple joys of childhood friendship and the enduring bonds they shared.

Hero then sighs "Right Kel….remember this old collar for a younger Hector? Good times…" when he spots a broken rusty old collar for the dog on the bark of the treehouse's stumpy side.

Hero's nostalgic sigh prompted Kel to walk over to the broken rusty old collar, picking it up gently. "Wow, this takes me back," Kel remarked, turning the collar in his hands. "Hector was such a lively dog. I remember how he'd run around the backyard, chasing after anything that moved."

Basil, who had joined them, smiled fondly. "Yeah, Hector was like our unofficial mascot. He'd always be there, wagging his tail and joining in our adventures."

Aubrey, intrigued, asked, "What happened to Hector? I don't remember seeing him around in recent years."

Sunny, with a playful grin, chimed in, "Oh, Hector's still around. Just older and wiser now, back at the Corazon household."

Kel chuckled. "Yep, he's become the wise old dog of the neighborhood, dispensing advice to all the young pups."

As they reminisced about their beloved childhood dog and shared laughter about Hector's imaginary adventures, they felt a mix of nostalgia and amusement, glad for the light-hearted moment amidst their discussions.

Mewo, playing with the pinwheels, let out a playful meow, adding to the cheerful atmosphere. "Remember when Mewo and Hector had their little rivalry?" Hero chuckled, gently scratching behind Mewo's ears. "They kept us entertained with their antics."

Kel nodded, grinning. "Yeah, Hector would try to chase Mewo, and Mewo would always find clever ways to avoid him. It was like a daily show in the backyard."

Sunny, watching the playful interaction between Mewo and the pinwheels, smiled warmly. "Our little furry friends added so much life to our childhood adventures. It's good to see Mewo still enjoying herself."

As Mewo continued to bat at the pinwheels, the group shared stories of Hector and Mewo's playful escapades, reminiscing about the joy and laughter they brought to their lives.

Meanwhile, Aubrey noticed the ladders and spoke "Sunny, recall how mostly Mari Piggyback you to reach the height of the treehouse or it's because.." As Basil sighs "He is afraid of heights..back then.."

Aubrey's observation prompted a nostalgic smile from Sunny. "Yeah, Mari was always the brave one when it came to climbing. She'd piggyback me up there without hesitation."

Basil nodded, recalling the past. "Sunny was never a fan of heights. I remember the first time he climbed up there by himself; it was quite the adventure."

Sunny chuckled sheepishly, admitting, "I still get a bit nervous with heights, but back then, Mari made it seem like flying."

The group continued to reminisce about their childhood adventures, each memory adding to the warmth and camaraderie of their reunion.

Then Kel headpat Sunny "So see? Guess my piggyback on you for the past earlier two days isn't so bad.." flushed face of Sunny before it dilate his eyes and spoke "Although Kel I am unsure if we can all fit the treehouse since it is only big enough for our childhood selves…"

Kel laughed, giving Sunny an encouraging pat on the back. "Don't worry, Sunny! We'll figure something out. Maybe a bit of renovation and expansion could do the trick."

Basil chimed in, "We can definitely make it work. It'll be a fun project to tackle together."

Aubrey nodded in agreement. "Yeah, with all of us working on it, the treehouse will be better than ever."

Hero added with a smile, "And think of the memories we'll make up there, just like old times."

Sunny's expression softened, his eyes reflecting a mix of nostalgia and excitement. "You're right. It'll be like a new chapter of our childhood adventures."

With renewed determination, they set off to explore the treehouse and brainstorm ideas for its restoration, looking forward to the bond it would strengthen among them.