
Chapter —3

Flying towards the residence of Nathan I was able to find him immediately in an office of some sorts reading thought files upon files with a scowl on his face.

" oh well, at least he's a looker so that's a plus…now to host up….ewww let's never do that again" I thought to myself shaking my non-existent head.

Immediately I flew Infront of him and entered inside his body immediately entering his unprotected soulworld in the form of a sun with a single star revolving around it.

Immediately I used my ability analysis on both of these things.

[Soul Form: Sun.]

[Ability form: Star{Plunder: An ability that allows it's user to plunder anything that a person has at random from Abilities, knowledge and traits}]

" okay so I'm in his soul….oh well time to make myself known " with a grin I willed my power over his weaker unprotected one and I gained full control over it before I shot to the sun(soul) and entered it till I reached its core and then after making myself comfortable and hiding myself I began.

—Nathaniel's Pov

Groaning at the amount of files infront of me and the responsibilities that came with I wanted to break everything but I pushed that thought aside and stilled myself before I signed the papers stating that I was taking full control of my family company.

'Damnit if i knew that being a damn Reincarnator was this shitty I would have tried living more in my past life…but now I'm in the marvel world with nothing to protect me…I'm doomed' I thought with tears threatening to spill forth from my eyes but then out of nowhere a screen appeared before me immediately catching my attention as it came with that clicle ding in all the novel's I've read in my last life.


[Congratulations Nathaniel Hawthorne you've been picked among the infinite mortals in the Omniverse to wield my powers, you'll gain The Devouring System]

" Wh-What?…a system? " with excitement bubbling inside of myself I grinned and stood up from my seat looking as the screen followed my every movement.

[Do you agree to gain the Devour System?]

The system asked me which was dumb as why the fuck would I not want a system in a world like this?, I wanted this! I had to have this system so I could live and gain power, whatever system it was I needed the edge and now with the responsibilities of gaining my family company I needed it even more!

" yes! Yes I agree!" I said without hesitation

[Consent gained]

[ Initiating bonding…..]

[ Bonding….20%]

[ Bonding…..58%]

[ Bonding…..79%]

[ Bonding….100%]

With a grin on my face I waited patiently as the bonding furthered and as soon as it reached 100% I blacked out before I felt excruciating pain as if my soul was being broken down into a million pieces before I felt no more…I was no more.

—Darius[MC] Pov

As soon as Nathan agreed to have me I gained full rights to his being and unleashed my ability [Parasitic] and using my powers deepened our bond and infecting him at the same time.

By using my ability [Parasitic] I was also able to learn that I released nanoparticle level sized pieces of my soul around myself which are the soul I was infecting and using that soul fuelled themselves and multiplied till everything and his soul and body was mine to control.

So as soon as the bonding was complete I found myself outside Nathan's soulworld and in the real world in Nathan's body standing up.

Looking around the luxurious office with papers on 'my' desk I grinned as I started sifting and combing through his memories and absorbing his memories to the fullest even gaining his past life's memories.

A minute later I was done and sat back at my chair with a grin.

' well this will be fun ' and as soon as I thought that a screen appeared Infront of me from the Primal System Archive and since I was controlling this body with my consciousness outside myself it appeared as so.

[ Congratulations System you've gained your first host, good on you.

Now you've begun you journey through the system life.

We hope you have a Pleasant eternity.]

Finishing reading that another screen appeared.

[World Info.

World: Marvel: The system wars.

: Long ago the master and creator of this world one above all in a genius spurt of boredom created a system(fake system-born) of which could give anyone immeasurable power and gifted it to one human in his multiverse but what he failed to see with his power was a war that this one deed would create.

The system host gained immeasurable power and rose through the power scales of his universe but in doing so he angered the hundreds of gods and entities in the multiverse and in one fell swoop he was hanged up upon by the multiple pantheons and entities of the universe and he fought valiantly but at the end he fell and in doing so the system that had accompanied him throughout his journey split into thousands of fragments and shot throughout the multiverse, some of those pieces some gods got allowing them to breakthrough that bootlenecks of power which only fuelled them to find more or such pieces but in doing so more then trillions of universes died under the wrath of their newfound power.

The pieces of the origin system created by the one above all had gained new hosts, some mortal some not and in doing so hundreds of thousands of system users appeared and wrought havoc upon the multiverse with each and every system host going each other this multiverse grew accustomed to their godly wars and with each death a new host would be found and the cycle would commence.

Now in a random point of events this universe by some miracle gained more then a thousand system hosts through the pieces of the origin system and birthed more then a thousand system hosts.

Mission: Make your host Survive the war of systems that will commence in 3 years time.

Note: If a system host of your choosing kills a system host of the origin fragments, you will gain 5 levels per fragment your system has killed]

" what the fuck…? Bruv what? So there are hundreds of system fragments scattered around the world due to OOA and now we are given a mission to make our host's survive through this…..great…just great what I needed a war of superpowered maniacs with a system….god damn it why the fuck didn't I get into a romance world or some shit…." I thought to my self flopping on my bed.

And not long after I felt something shooting right at me and before I could even react it got inside my soul making me panic before.

<Congratulations you've been chosen to become a system fragment holder>


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