
Omniverse Mayhem

A soul from modern era transmigrated into a whole new world. He was accompanied by a mysterious system. With his overpowered knowledge of many Anime, Manga, Novels, etc. Will he able to survive? Let us explore, how he wreck havoc in multiple unvierse/world, gains strength to protect his loved ones while uncovering the layer of fog that surrounded him. Will he become a Hero? OR Something Worse? Anyways, a new and bizarre adventure begins.... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: English is not close to my main language, so grammar is not that good. Also different people have different concepts. My main character may not be likable to many. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the Author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidence. There must be many grammar mistakes(First 20 chapters) and loopholes.. I'll try my best to correct them. And if you can't turn blind eye at some then I'm sorry, this Fanfic is not for you. Hey, I'm an inexperienced author, ya know! -------------------------------- Just to be sure this fanfiction is not for the people who have weird fantasies.......It is a simple slice of life story with dimensional travel. Also many good characters may be portrayed as a dark. ----------------------------------- 3 Chapters per week.... Discord -- https://discord.gg/DGbZG24T5R

IWhoMustNotBeName · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

130. The Truth 1

Time returned to the morning.









Azami Nakamura slapped his subordinate's face angrily.

His pale face became hideous as his empty black eyes fell on the news headlines.

Rest of subordinates who were kneeling, cowered in fear.

They knew the consequences of facing this crazy dog.

On the TV screen, it could be seen how Mana Nakiri stripped him naked in front of the whole world....His affair, his deeds all came to the light.


As a man, he was divorced and discarded by a woman.

A mere woman.

Though he married into her clan and took her surname, all for his ambitions. For that, he was willing to sacrifice his self-esteem a little.

Yes, he's a Male chauvinist, misogynist.

It's a form that is used to women at a lower social status than men.

How could he tolerate this humiliation and that too through the media telecast?

Will he be able to lift his face in future?

It's so unbearable that he couldn't wait to rush there to kill this bitch.

A trace of cruelty flashed in his empty black eyes.

"Good! Good!!"

"Hey!" Azami turned around and shouted at his minions, "Call that chief inspector! Tell him to kill that kid! If not, do it yourself. Sooner the better!"

With a distorted face, he ordered.


They all retreated back and left the room.

Looking at Mana's face, Azami muttered madly, "You'd have never expected my next moves, bitch."

As a person who likes to play conspiracies, he knew that Izumi had begun to move.

Without him, this bitch wouldn't have the courage to speak a word against him.

It's okay.

He didn't panic or show any fear on his face.

His eyes were calm as water.

Anyone in his place would be scared silly and couldn't even think straight.

DEVIL's reputation was too notorious and he never let his prey escape his clutches.

That doesn't mean he wasn't angry.

In fact, he forced himself to calm down as anger might affect his rational thinking.

As a conspirator, how could he not have one or two brushes??

He has a few hole cards and each one of them is unexpected.

As for who's the kid?

Hehe, Guess?

His source of confidence was coming from there, after all.


Too bad!

Time has changed.

He's not the master of the overall situation anymore.

When he realised it, he would be half a step to hell.


Two hours had passed since the news that put the whole of Japan in turmoil.

Izumi could be seen standing opposite the door of a typical western style Japanese house, with his usual clothes and behind him was his 'personal maid', stern-faced Grayfia.

Grayfia was strangely exuding a burst of youthful aura, as if she had been watered overnight by the blooming roses, which was extremely beautiful.

As a former Satan class Devil, it might seem that she was immortal, but, that's not entirely true.

Every devil has a long limited time. Each class rank has its own perks. After a certain period, they too grow old just like humans.

However, after coming in contact with forbidden pleasures, she felt that her body was clearing changing along with her power.

She wasn't the only one.

Including his remaining women also noticed these obvious changes, after a series of experiments, they came to one conclusion.

Izumi's precious PROTEINS.

They couldn't believe how magical it was. Constant nourishment made their body younger and stronger.

Of course, it had its own limit.

For example, if his women didn't have his drop of blood like his daughter, his protein had no effects except nourishing your body, making it beautiful.

No matter how much effort you put in, you can't break through those shackles.

Take Grayfia for example.

Her limit was Peak-Satan Class, now she has become a Super Class Devil, same as Ajuka, Rizevim and Sirzechs. That's where her power growth stopped. Unless she receives his blood, she'll be forever stuck in that rank.

Just like the limitations of the body itself will also determine the upper limit of growth for an age group.

Ahh, don't forget the restoration magic that she got from Arifureta world.

As long as she doesn't get killed in a battle, she's basically immortal.

Despite this, they didn't mind having another one. Anyways, the more the better.

Just like men, women too want it all.

(Note that to this day, only Myuu has received his blood. As a result, she inherited a few abilities....hehe)

Since then, they were obsessed with it and of course, Izumi welcomed them with open arms.

He's losing ain't nothing here.

Another reason why they could still walk normally after rigorous exercise was because of strong vitality which makes them energetic and active.

Which woman doesn't love to be forever young and beautiful??

Whoa, whoa, farther away....


They just finished their strenuous exercise and had no time to rest as there was a delay.

If it wasn't a normal world, they'd have teleported to their location.

Since it's a normal world, they had to do the procedure and of course, there would be bound to cause some inconvenience inside the car which is not very suitable for children.

Cough... cough.

That's the current situation


"Who's there?"

A voice came through the door as both of them could hear the footsteps.

Izumi looked at Grayfia who nodded and said, "I'm looking for Kyousuke-kun.."

"Kyousuke? What did that guy do again?"

The door opens.

Revealing a beautiful young woman with shoulder length, dark brown hair that's styled with a portion of her bangs held back with a clip, whereas the fringes hang loosely on both sides of her face. Though her eyes were a little open, when looking up close, she had olive colored eyes.

Pic Here

"You are?"

The woman was stunned seeing two unexpected faces.

She simply didn't expect to see the famous Izumi Miyamura up close.

He was really the most handsome man she had ever seen.

The media didn't exaggerate in his case.

But, as a mature and already married woman, she quickly adjusted her state and fully opened the door.

"Please come in."

"Thank you."

Both Izumi and Grayfia entered the house with the mature woman behind them.

They had already sensed there were three people present inside the house.

"Thankfully, we're here on time." Grayfia thought silently then she saw Izumi's mischievous smile, and immediately some indescribable image flashed inside her dirty mind.

However, that's only for a second.

Her face instantly became emotionless. Now it's her job time, no distractions.

At least on the surface, she didn't show it.

Her personality sometimes changed into kuudere (a character who seems emotionless from the outside).

The mature woman behind them could feel the strange atmosphere, but she was busy thinking why the famous Izumi Miyamura is here and when did he become friends with Kyosuke?

And why the hell did that guy never mention him?!

It's normal for her not to know about Izumi's sensitive identity as Kyosuke never mentioned anything about his sister to her and she was only aware of his identity and nothing else.


Her deep thoughts broke as she heard a collision.

It was her son who collided with guests.


She shouted angrily as it was very rude behaviour.

Souta was a young boy with a fair complexion, messy gray hair, and olive-colored eyes.

"I-i am sorry, Big brother!"

He hurriedly bowed his little head.

"It's okay. Don't be serious." Izumi waved his hand and squatted down.

"Souta, is it?"

Souta nodded timidly.

"Can you tell why you were running desperately?"

"Dad and Sister are quarreling. I can't sketch properly."

"Haha, your art?" Izumi laughed then asked, "Can I see it?"

"Um." Souta showed the paper he was holding.


Izumi was stunned, even Grayfia was a little surprised.

However, Grayfia's eyes then wandered towards somewhere.

On the paper, a picture of Luffy was drawn with the windmill village as the background.

Of course, it was very quirky, but at the same time, it was really amazing that a child of his age could draw something like this.

You know most kids would draw something like a Sun or Moon or a garden or family members.

"You like One Piece?"

Upon hearing this, Souta's eyes sparkled.

It was as if he was waiting for him to ask this.

At this moment, he forgot where he was.


"I love it!"

"I, also want to be a Pirate King!"

"Luffy is my favourite!!"

"Souta! Behave!"

A stern voice immediately interrupted his ongoing enthusiasm.


Souta was terrified and hurriedly hid behind Izumi.

"Please don't scold him." Izumi stood up and patted Souta's head, "Little guy has a lot of talent like his father."

"Don't you think so, Kyousuke-kun?"

"Hahahaha! You're embarrassing me, Izumi."

A silvery voice sounded as Kyousuke who was eavesdropping, appeared under Izumi's playfulness and the mature woman's angry eyes.

Scratching his hair awkwardly, he gestured, "Come inside, everyone."


Inside the living room, Izumi was sitting with Grayfia standing behind him and to his opposite, everyone from Hori household.

Especially Kyouko Hori who was stealing glances at him.

This made Grayfia frowned inwardly.

'This girl...'

"Kyousuke-kun, are you sure you want to hear with everyone present?"

"Yeah." Kyousuke nodded and said, "I want them to know. I've learned my lesson from past. Too much hiding is more harmful than good."

Izumi sighed as he could feel Kyousuke had changed.

It was related to what happened with his mother.

Well, it might be better.

But, is it easy to do so?

Shaking his head, Izumi handed a box to Souta.

"Let Souta go. Here take this, little guy."

"Thank You." Saying that, he rushed to his room with a happy smile.

He was happy because someone finally recognised his art and his goodwill towards Izumi's increased.

Poor boy.

Little did he know that the creator of One Piece Anime was sitting near him.

If his mind weren't full of imagination towards becoming an Otaku, he would definitely recognise Izumi at a glance.

I wonder whether he'll cry later knowing it.

With Izumi introducing a new era of anime culture, he had become idols for many.

In this world of work, his works awakened passionate feelings hidden in the depth of their hearts.

Especially, for a guy like me.


Because most anime will harbour serious moral philosophies from real-life situations.

Things like decision-making, the ability to overcome loss, and the importance of familial relationships form the cornerstone of almost any anime you watch.

(A/N: Last time. Don't treat MC according to normal standards. He has already written many anime in a small period of time.)

Kyousuke raised his eyebrows even though they were hidden.

"You're being targeted."



"Keep your voice down, Yuriko."

The mature woman named covered her mouth quickly as she could see Kyousuke's face wasn't very good right now.


Everyone inside could feel his anger through his voice.

Kyouko Hori was also taken aback by her father's voice.

Is this the same jobless Kyousuke I knew?

But, this wasn't time to think about it.

What's going on here? Can someone tell me? Why would someone target her Dad?

She didn't have time to ask her questions as Izumi spoke again.

"You know him..."

"He is all over the news."

Kyousuke's expression turned gloomy as a name slowly came out of his mouth.

"Azami Nakamura.."


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