
Omniverse Journey To Kill The Author(Genshin Impact Arc)

In the world of Nirmek Earth, a young man named, Venus Eros Ambrosio, figured out that his life was nothing more than a cheap alternative version of reality written by some third-rate author. Having discovered the secret of his reality, he immediately fell into the hands of the author, who would revel in the phenomenon and change things as it pleased. Nothing could be done to stop this being that existed far beyond his existence, after all, he was a mere creation derived from the mind of the same being he was trying to oppose, was it even possible? That was when the system first appeared and began to give him knowledge, and even reward him as he completed the scenarios the author put forth. Eventually, he was told of 'The Facade' title which would be his first step to true freedom, from this tyrannical being. Now having finally gotten 'The Facade' title and had sex with his sister, Venus decided it was time to have sex with his mother, before departing on his adventure through the Omniverse, in order to kill the author. _____________________________________________ 1st World: Genshin Impact Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or anything aside from my added original content. [Tags: Incest, genderbend, Androgenous, Loli, 18+\Lemons, R*pe, Beastiality, Harem, Netori, Monster Girls, Super Powers, Eye Powers, Sex Slaves, First-Time Intercourse, Fellatio, Rare Items, Mind-Control, Magical Space, Magic, Cultivation, MILF, Beast Girls, Game elements, Hentai, Sex]

Kikinori27 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 1: I'm back! Time to Fuck!(Last Scenario)

"Out of all the stars in the skies, none has ever shone nearly as bright as me. After all, I never shone, only outshone." -Venus Eros Ambrosio

Sitting comfortably on his bed, was Venus who had just remembered what had happened to him and what those dastardly traitors had done to him.

He was no mere mortal, he was the reincarnation of the embodiment of Lust, one who stood high in the power chain of the omniverse, but unfortunately for him, his habit of ntring and messing around finally caught up to him and the other divines ganged up on him almost killing him and ultimately forcing him to reincarnate himself to survive. Now that he remembered all that, there was an obvious need for revenge, and while Venus did understand that it was his fault that things got to this point he never killed any of them or forced their partners to be with him. Many other divines who had a domain over lust had similar behavior to him, so why did they target him specifically? That was easy because he was known for being the most powerful divine with domain over lust.

None of it mattered to Venus anymore, as he had already decided that once his powers were restored none of the involved would escape punishment... No! That was not enough, he now had to make himself a greater being than before, so great that something so foul could never again happen to him, he had to become the next ruler of the omniverse and attain true omnipotence, something that didn't interest him before as he already had what he wanted, but now things were different, he had to assert his dominance over all of the omniverse.

"Those fools will pay and the whole omniverse will be under my command once I'm done. The best method to achieve that... I guess I have no choice but to go after the world fragments, how ironic, I'm now going after something I once called a pointless goose chase..." Venus sat up as he looked around the room and finished assimilating his new memories as a human.

"What frikin loser my human reincarnation was... A virgin at 19, how disgusting. In my first life, I lost my virginity as a 3-month-old, though I'll give it to him that I had the advantage of being able to take my prime form at that age already... Even still, by human standards, something like 14 or 16 would be acceptable... I have a lot of work to do... Fortunately, my human reincarnation had the <Harem aura> ability. It seems not all my powers were lost in the process, but that only makes me more disappointed that he failed to lose his virginity! For my sake! According to his memories, there are plenty of willing women in his life alone!" Venus frowned seeing all the opportunities his reincarnation missed. In the end, his pain and disappointment were so great that a single tear escaped his right eye before he cleaned it.

"I'll atone for all your sins against depravity and perversion. Unbelievable! How could the reincarnation of LUST! Be such a meek child?... Whatever, if I am to cry over all his crimes against my name and very nature, I might accidentally flood this planet." Venus got up from his bed, walking towards the exit of his room.

*Bam!* The door was kicked open and a short girl with red hair that many would immediately identify as a loli upon putting eyes on her.

"Onii-chan! I can't take it anymore!! You've escaped me for the last time! Mother can no longer save you, I'll be the one to take your innocence!!" She declared with frenzied and almost beast-like eyes as the lust in her was visible as she breathed deeply with saliva dripping from her mouth, as she looked at Venus.

"As much as I find that proposal enticing, you're going to have to wait as there is no way it would work without my <Hentai Physics> ability becau- Damnit! I forgot I'm a human now, I'm not necessarily as glorious or hung as I used to be... In that case, you work as a first partner. It will be a great opportunity for me to test drive this body." Venus mused completely unbothered by the girl's presence.

"What?! Onii-chan would never be so brave or straightforward! Who are you?! What did you do to my Onii-chan?!" The girl stepped back and took a karate stance against Venus.

"Me? I'm still Venus, just a much better version... Actually, I'm the original version. You've been living your whole life with the discount off-band poorly made imitation that ended up representing the opposite of what the original was." Venus explained nonchalantly while waving his hand around, his displeasure with the thought of his reincarnation visible.

"What the hell are you talking about?! I don't care about any of that! Just give me my Onii-chan back! This is my last warning!" She shouted at Venus.

"My apologies, I'm still not used to human customs, but I'm still your brother as all the memories and feelings still in me. I remember the time you bondaged me in the public pool's storage and then tried to take my virginity but got interrupted before you could or the other many moments like that, at the beach or school or that one time in a public stall and even that time you wanted to give me a handjob in a rollercoaster... That and so many more other occasions are still here in my mind. Honestly, considering how many times you failed, it's admirable that you're still trying." Venus responded.

"Y-Yeah! But you'd never talk about it! No matter how many times I brought it up! Plus you're speaking too confidently and weirdly! Prove that you're really Onii-chan!" She retorted.

"Don't mind if I do. Now, say AAAA." Venus approached her with a sly smile and lifted her face by the chin making her look directly at his eyes, before she blushed while obeying like an obedient child by opening her mouth.

Once her mouth was opened, Venus inserted two fingers of his free hand in her mouth and began using them to caress her tongue in an oddly gentle but sensual way, sending waves of this strangely comforting pleasure that slowly embraced all of his sister's body. She felt in a way a type of shame for letting herself be so happy and horny from such an experience, especially when she wasn't even sure this was her real brother, after all, it wasn't right for her to feel this way if it truly wasn't her, but her body was too weak to resist such undeniably oddly satisfying pleasure.

(How sluggish? Is this the best this body can do? Unfortunately, I can't even fully control it yet, that's how low I've stomped after technically dying... How pitiful, however, it is exactly because I stand at my lowest right now that I will rise to my highest by the end of this. Just you bastards wait, I'll come back and ntr you all to death! And even worse my special surprise! Hahaha! Revenge will be sweet!) Venus reveled in the joy of imagining the suffering of his enemies once he gets back at them, and how tasteful it felt way before it even came.

"Well, let's finish this warm-up, shall we my dear sister?" Venus accelerated his finger movements inside her mouth before adding a bit of gentle twisting and pressing sending a final wave of pleasure through the young girl's body and rendering her defeat as the gates flooded and her juices began to drip on the floor.

"Aaahhghhhh" She moaned as well as she could with fingers in her mouth, carrying a silly smile that portrayed her satisfaction with this exchange as her body fully relaxed, and began accepting Venus as the commanding force.

(Even in my pitiful state, my experience with the lustful arts is still unmatched and unfathomable! A mere mortal could never resist me, much less such an inexperienced one.) Venus began accepting his new position and smiled as he now decided to see himself as he and nothing more regardless of the situation, he was and would always be Venus Eros Ambrosio.

He picked her up in a princess carry before taking her to the bed and laying her on it.

"So, what do you say? Do you still want my virginity?" Venus calmly asked even though this felt weird for him to say such words, but it wasn't all that bad.

"Yes! Please take me! You're finally going to take responsibility for making me this way, for making your own sister so obsessed with you! You made me wait for so long!" She opened her arms and with teary eyes begged her brother to ravage her taking her innocence away forever... At least her physical innocence...

"Then let us begin with a bit of foreplay." Venus spoke casually as he leaned into her embrace and kissed her taking in her lips, and tongue for himself forever now her first kiss was his.

While he navigated his way through her mouth, his hands did not stand idle and one was moved to her breast gentle groping her and intensifying the enjoyment of the moment, closely followed by his free hand slithering into her bottom where it began to caress her lower lips through her underwear.

Even then being attacked from multiple fronts and completely overwhelmed with this lustful satisfaction, She refused to separate her lips from his as this moment was one she would rather live until she suffocated, than have it cut short by her measly biological limitations.

Unfortunately for her, Venus had other plans and didn't let her wish come true as he stopped kissing her, leaving only this weirdly warm feeling of emptiness and dissatisfaction as she wanted more!

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere, you'll get plenty more later. For now, just enjoy what you get, it might be greater than you expect." Venus saw through her childish desires and could help himself but chuckle a bit at the notion, and her cuteness.

Seeing her, nodding her head in response, Venus began undressing her calmly. Following his advance, she too began undressing him. It was quick and soon two naked bodies were now on the bed.

She had perky medium-sized breasts with a round pulpy dump truck ass, followed by thighs worthy of that dumpy. Her long green straight hair and red eyes had a certain lush to them on her dark complexion as she blushed unable to look Venus in the eyes despite her prior blunt attitude.

(Image here)

Her curvy guitar-like body was laying under Venus, who now had an average teenage male physique with not much of note, except for the fact that he was hung, packing a whole 23cm(9 inches) of length and 5cm(2 inches) of diameter on a fully erect cock. That and his heterochromatic eyes, one golden purple, and the other golden grey, each carrying a mystic feeling that couldn't quite be described. Followed by his purple outstanding eyelashes similar to those of Rimuru Tempest, complementing his luscious rose quartz hair, which had a spark of wilderness to it. Finally, all that lay on a dark skin complexion with various tattoos all over his body... Well, maybe it would be more accurate to call them birthmarks since he was born that way.

(Image here)

(Not too terrible, a little lacking but this much was expected already.) Venus thought to himself as he continued to grope her breast and caress her bottom. As he did so, before his expectations she came again. (It seems the body is adapting to my movements and control over the <Harem aura>, much faster than expected. How unexpectedly pleasant.)

"It would seem you're enjoying yourself, so I would say it's about time you get some work done as well." Venus sat on the bed before pointing at his erect member.

"... Y- Yeah! I'm sorry, I got distracted because... You know... I'll just get right to it!" Her embarrassment was tangible as she got down there and began first using her hands to caress the shaft up and down slowly exploring the limitations.

While it was mildly pleasant her lack of technique made it a bit less effective than it should be, but nothing too worrying since Venus now in a mortal body could enjoy it all the same.

Soon her curiosity took the best of her and she began licking slowly getting a taste of it, only to increase the speed as she began to find a sense of e fondness and even strangely familiarity with the taste. While it was salty, somehow it felt sweet like tasting her favorite ice cream for the first time all over again. Not only that, but it was also addicting, the more she did it the better it got, and before she knew it, she was taking it in her mouth.

The blowjob was for a lack of better words sloppy, not only was her suction weak, but she also didn't use her tongue and was struggling a bit to keep her teeth in check, but all that was expected by Venus, after all, practice makes perfect and she had a lot of time to improve, plus there was a certain charm in her efforts.

This sloppy blowjob continued and things improved a bit, but much work still had to be done. It didn't go that deep since her gag reflex couldn't really handle much more right now, so she barely got half of it in, all that aside the current teenage body Venus inhabited still eventually lost to it. Venus gave her a warning right as he was about to unload, and so it was shot as she tried to contain it in her mouth, but was easily defeated by the seemingly never-ending stream of white that soon fell on her and the floor, creating an actual white bath and even a puddle before stopping.

*Cough!* *Cough!* "God! Do all guys just let out all this every time?!" Seeing the sheer amount she couldn't help but ask as she would feel pity for them if that were the case, one could only imagine the annoyance of having to clean all that every time you want some relief.

"Not that I'm aware of, for all I know I'm the only one like this." Venus calmly responded as he sat on the bed with his still-erect meat stick.

"If that's the case, from now on call me whenever you want to do it! I'll help!" She announced still covered in his cum.

*Chuckle* "Is that so? Then I'll keep that in mind, for now, let's get you cleaned before I move in" Venus could help but chuckle at her cuteness, it was something to see her act like that despite being covered in cum, most women he knew would be mad at this point.

-A Cleaning up session later-

"Normally when I bathe I fully calm down, but right now I think I want it even more... How odd?" She murmured to herself as she was once again on the bed under Venus.

"Just relax and let me take care of the rest." Venus said as he got his face at the entrance of her secret garden. She was shaved and clean.

Right then Venus got to work and began using his tongue on her insides, while his left hand began taking care of her clit, and his right hand started teasing her rear entrance.

(Usually, when I'm this nervous, I can't do it... So why is it that today, not only does it feel better than ever, but it's also going so smoothly... Is it because I'm doing it with onii-chan?! Yes! It has to be! I'm so happy!) Out of reflex because of how she felt, she put her hands behind Venus' head and pushed him deeper into herself.

Soon after her third ejaculation came into play, and Venus drank her sweet nectar the same way a certain yellow bear gobbles up honey. It was a feast that soon came to an end.

Venus got up and positioned himself and his heaven-piercing spear to take the final step.

"I'm going to put it in." Venus said.

Nodding weakly while hiding her face behind her hands, she braced herself for what was to come, since from what she knows it will be painful.

Seeing that Venus smiled and began to go in slowly, giving her time to adjust, until he hit the barrier. He looked at her one more time and she once again nodded.

Just then, Venus thrust in causing her to tremble in pain from the impact as the blood began to flow out, before she took a bit of a breather with the pause he gave her. The inside was tight and he almost began moving out of pure instinct, but he stopped himself.

"Please continue..." She confirmed.

Having heard that, Venus began to thrust slowly giving her time to take in the pain while it lasts. Not long after he began moving faster and the pain she felt was fading away as it was overtaken by pleasure. Her grip on him growing tighter as if almost trying to sneeze every last but from Venus, something that quite surprised him in a good, as he did not expect her to be a natural in this regard.

Eventually, every thrust filled her with joy and chills of satisfaction as her expression was descending deeper into depravity, the more and deeper he moved into her. By the time she had taken 80% in, Venue put her legs to rest on his shoulders and began to work faster and harder.

The deeper him moved, the less likely to actually leave Venus felt, as her cunt was slowly beginning to act like a black hole, ready to consume all of him and never let go. Even so, the pleasureful experience that this new body of his was tasting for the first time was leaving it somewhat addicted to the sensation already.

Drool could be seen falling off her mouth as she began to accumulate orgasms from the waves of pleasure rippling in her after each thrust.

It was becoming impossible to contain the urge to orgasm for him, as he did his best to see the limits of this body. Though this experience was certainly memorable one for this body's first time.

"MORE!... Please give it all to me!" She requested and it was delivered as Venus was able to fit in 90% and moved at a high, and lifted her from laying on the bed to him holding her up by her thighs as he thrust into her.

Her nails sunk into his back as she began to kiss his nick while getting pummeled by him.

Very soon Venus could no longer contain it, and he let it all out in her. As almost instantly it began to leak as the amount was too, and he pulled out to let the river of white shoot out on top of her.

Basked in the afterglow, her deprived expression showed her current inability to hold a conversation.

(Holding back while in this state is painful, I'll have to get stronger and quickly if I don't want to go crazy or break any of the girls I might get myself involved with.) Venus thought to himself despite having a clear smile full of relief and appreciation.

"I better clean this..." Venus got up and got to work cleaning the scene.

-A Cleaning up session later-

"This will do." Venus said as he looked at the now clear scene.

Now done cleaning he went to the bed and embraced his sister from behind before falling asleep.