
Omniverse II. - Stories Across Multiple Worlds & Realities

Stories in multiple worlds and inter-dimensional reality. In this little book, I tell some very bizarre stories with happy endings about the many wonders and mysteries that encompass the Multiverses.

JohnatenDBrown · Fantasy
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Zack and Nick

Zack and Nick were lying on a beach towel, enjoying the warm sun and the gentle breeze. They had spent the morning surfing and swimming, and now they were cuddling and kissing, oblivious to the curious glances of the other beachgoers. They felt happy and free, like nothing could ruin their perfect day.

Suddenly, they heard a loud boom that shook the ground. They looked up and saw a huge crack in the sky, like a tear in a canvas. From the crack, strange shapes and colors emerged, floating and swirling in the air. They were unlike anything Zack and Nick had ever seen before. They looked like abstract paintings come to life, or fragments of dreams and nightmares.

"What the hell is that?" Zack gasped.

"I don't know, but it's beautiful," Nick said, mesmerized by the sight.

They watched as the anomaly spread across the horizon, filling the sky with bizarre forms and patterns. Some of them seemed harmless and playful, like bubbles or balloons. Others looked menacing and dangerous, like spikes or blades. Some of them made noises that sounded like music or laughter. Others emitted screeches or roars that made Zack and Nick shiver.

They grabbed their phones and checked the news. They saw that the same phenomenon was happening all over the world. No one knew what it was or what caused it. Some people speculated that it was a cosmic event, a glitch in reality, or a sign of the end times. Some people panicked and ran for shelter. Others stayed calm and admired the spectacle.

Zack and Nick decided to stay on the beach. They felt strangely calm and curious, as if they were witnessing something magical and mysterious. They held each other tight and kissed again, feeling a surge of love and wonder.

"Whatever this is, I'm glad we're together," Zack said.

"Me too," Nick said. "Maybe this is a gift from the universe. A reminder that life is full of surprises and beauty."

They smiled and cuddled closer, watching the anomaly unfold. They didn't know what would happen next, but they didn't care. They had each other, and that was enough.

Zack and Nick decided to explore the anomaly and meet some of the abstract entities. They felt a strange attraction to them, as if they were calling them. They packed their belongings and walked towards the water, where some of the entities were hovering and dancing.

They approached one of them, a bright yellow sphere that looked like a sun. It was warm and radiant, and it made a humming sound that sounded like a lullaby. Zack reached out his hand and touched it gently. It felt soft and smooth, like silk. It reacted to his touch by glowing brighter and moving closer to him.

"Wow, this is amazing," Zack said.

Nick touched it too, and felt the same sensation. The sphere seemed to like them, and wrapped itself around them like a hug. They felt a wave of joy and peace wash over them.

"This is incredible," Nick said.

They smiled and hugged each other, feeling the sphere's warmth and light. They looked around and saw other entities nearby. Some of them looked friendly and inviting, like the sphere. Others looked curious and shy, like stars or flowers. Others looked indifferent or aloof, like cubes or pyramids.

They decided to try to communicate with some of them. They waved their hands and said hello, hoping to get a response. Some of them ignored them or moved away. Others responded with gestures or sounds that seemed to mimic them. Others reacted with emotions or expressions that seemed to match theirs.

They had fun interacting with the entities, learning their behaviors and personalities. They felt a connection with them, as if they were sharing a language beyond words. They wondered what they were, where they came from, and what they wanted.

They didn't notice that the sky was getting darker, and that some of the entities were changing their shapes and colors. They didn't notice that some of them were becoming more aggressive and hostile, like claws or teeth. They didn't notice that some of them were moving closer to them, with malicious intent.

Zack and Nick were about to leave the water, when they heard a loud roar behind them. They turned around and saw a huge red shape that looked like a dragon. It had sharp teeth and claws, and it breathed fire. It was one of the entities, but it had transformed into something terrifying.

It lunged at them, ready to attack. Zack and Nick screamed and ran for their lives. They tried to dodge its flames and bites, but it was too fast and strong. It caught up with them and grabbed them with its claws.

"Help! Help!" Zack and Nick cried.

They struggled and fought, but it was useless. They felt its claws digging into their flesh, and its breath burning their skin. They looked into its eyes, and saw nothing but hatred and hunger.

They realized that they were going to die. They felt a surge of fear and pain, but also of love and gratitude. They held each other's hands, and whispered their last words.

"I love you," Zack said.

"I love you too," Nick said

They closed their eyes, and waited for the end.

The dragon opened its mouth, and swallowed them whole.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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