
Omniversal Travel

A young man with a terminal illness dies and is reincarnated in the world of The Witcher as Vilgefortz Of Roggeveen,knowing the fate that awaits him,a new ambition is born within him,to unravel the mysteries of the Omniverse. The protagonist is someone who would do anything to achieve his goals,although he is serene and kind most of the time. This is my first fanfic and there will be no harem. sorry for the bad spelling but english is not my first language. Disclaimer:Most of the characters and stories do not belong to me. The various images are from official websites.

OmniDark · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 1:The abandoned child

On a hospital stretcher lay a thin young man, he had no eyebrows or hair and his eyes seemed unfocused, next to him was a nurse who was telling him something to which he did not pay attention, lost in his thoughts, the nurse took out a syringe and He injected it into his arm, suddenly the young man's entire body began to tremble as a sharp pain ran through his entire body. The last thing he heard was the nurse's panicked screams. When he regained consciousness he felt strange, he tried to open the eyes but his eyelids seemed too heavy, he tried to move his limbs but he felt like he was swimming in muddy water, he suddenly had a theory that seemed crazy, to confirm his theory he tried to touch his navel, and as he guessed there it was, an umbilical cord .

"Sigh, I can't believe that nurse injected me with the wrong serum and ended up killing me before my time, at least I wish my death was painless, but on the other hand it seems that I hit the jackpot and soon I will have a new life, alone I hope there are no complications and that this time he has a healthy body." Thought the young man, now converted into a baby inside his mother's womb.

"I wonder if I was reborn on earth or in another world?" He continued rambling when he suddenly felt his body being expelled outwards.

After a few uncomfortable minutes he felt his eyelids burning and a soft breeze touched his skin. Suddenly someone slapped his butt and as a reflex he opened his mouth and started crying.

When he opened his eyes he saw a bearded man staring at him, after a few moments the man handed the baby to his mother, who gave him just one look before putting him next to her and ignoring him when he began to argue with the man in a language that he did not understand, upon seeing the dilapidated state of the room he was in he suddenly thought that perhaps his new life was not going to be as good as he first imagined, but he soon threw all those thoughts to the back of his mind when He fell asleep, when he woke up he found himself again in the arms of the man who he assumed was his father. When he looked around he saw that they were in the middle of a busy street with people wearing medieval-style clothing. "I guess I was reincarnated." in a medieval world, I wonder if it's a magical world like those isekais I read." He thought to himself when he noticed his father turning to walk into a dark alley. His heart skipped a beat when he felt something was wrong, and Indeed, he saw how his father bent down to open the lid of a manhole and get into it, then he left the baby on the ground and walked away, closing the lid behind him.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! That crazy guy just abandoned me in a fucking sewer, since you don't want to take responsibility for at least leaving me in an orphanage or a church at least, what happens if I get eaten by rats? After panicking over a After a while, he quickly calmed down and thought about doing the only thing he could do to get out of this situation, cry. And so he began to cry in the hope of getting the attention of someone who could get him out of his situation, but it seemed that his hopes would soon be dashed. They would fade with what was left of his energy. When he was about to fall asleep again, he noticed how a figure opened the manhole cover and lifted him off the ground. When he noticed that someone was holding him, he finally relaxed and immediately fell asleep. The figure, Seeing this, she smiled, when she came out, her figure was revealed, she was a young woman who seemed to be about 20 years old, with blonde hair adorned with floral decorations, while on her back she carried a strange looking wooden cane. The young woman He looked back at the baby with a soft smile before walking towards the outskirts of the city.