
Omniversal Librarian

Read if you are bored and don't want to think too much. Have you heard of the Library of Babel? The one that contains all the knowledge that ever was and ever will be. But what if I told you that it is not the only library of its kind? There is a more amazing and mysterious place, where the information of all the universes, of every corner of the multiverse and even of multiple multiverses, is kept. Welcome to the Omniversal Library. In an unknown corner of infinity, this magnificent library stands as the epicenter of universal wisdom. Here, the shelves fade into the distance, each one holding unimaginable volumes on all conceivable topics. From the deepest secrets of science and philosophy, to the stories of unknown worlds and unimaginable creatures, the Omniversal Library contains the treasures of knowledge that the human mind can barely imagine. -------------------------------------------- The beginning is slow until he gets his power, he will develop in the main world before going to other worlds or he can make a short trip to have fun. Main world will be a zombie world but a time before it happens and it is divided into 2: Japan and Korea. (in the future maybe China) Japan: Central story with HOTD and characters from normal stories like Haikyuu, netoge no yome, etc. Korea: Central story Return Survival and people from "normal" stories like PTJ verse more focused on Quest Supermacy, also manhwas h like My Sister's friends, secret your mom or silent war.

Gaelicus · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

CHAPTER 29 You're Mine Now

"Now that all the zombies are focused on me, finish off the ones on the stairs and go up! My friends are upstairs; join them!" I shouted loudly, drawing attention to myself to clear a path for them.

"And you?" said the purple-haired girl.

"These are just appetizers for me," I responded confidently and with a smile as I continued effortlessly eliminating zombies.

"Understood," the girl said with a smile on her face as she began to guide the other girls up the stairs.

She seemed to enjoy killing zombies as much as I did.

"When you get to the building where the infirmary is, find something to block the door! The zombies are gathering. I'll be right behind you, don't worry!" I shouted to give them instructions as they moved away.

When I finally saw them reunite with everyone and start running towards the building while killing a few remaining zombies, I cleared the zombie area and started to breathe heavily, changing my posture.

"Kaminari no kokyū, Ichi no kata: Hekireki Issen, Kami no supīdo," I whispered as the sound of lightning echoed around me. In the blink of an eye, I reached them just as they entered the building.

My wall jumps had quickly taken me to their location, eliminating zombies along the way.

When I arrived, everyone was startled. It's understandable since I arrived in an instant and released my wild aura.

"How fun it is to go back to the beginning!"

"Don't shout, you'll attract zombies!" the orange-haired girl said, trying to get back at me for silencing her last time.

But that wasn't going to work. I sheathed my sword and said,

"What zombies?" Instantly, all the zombies fell beheaded.

No one could articulate a word in the face of what they had witnessed. The orange-haired girl finally broke the silence:

"Are you human?"

"I've just trained a bit more than the average person. If she trains, she could do it too," I said, pointing to the purple-haired girl.

"Ohh, would you teach me?"

"Sure, in fact, I have something for you." I approached a locker, and as if it were the most normal thing, I pulled out a long katana.

The next moment, the setting changed only for the girl and me; now it's a dark space with the floor flooded with 10 cm of water.

Ten meters from her, I stand statically, holding the sword, standing on the water completely still.

Before the girl could ask anything, I began a sword dance, moving on the water without causing a single ripple.

The girl was amazed and watched the beautiful dance without blinking.

I summoned more people; now we weren't alone. Hundreds of warriors of all kinds entered the scene, and the calm waters were now turbulent.

They charged at me, and I simply dodged and beheaded them in one swift move. I used only those two movements to defeat them all, no flashy moves, no ripples in the water.

The bodies of the fallen warriors started to exude black blood, and their bodies became covered in marks and symbols.

When the last one fell, his body splashed into the water. With a horizontal slash, I restored the calm and silence.

I walked towards the girl, and now it was she who was making the water tremble. Her body trembled not out of fear, but out of excitement.

When I stood in front of her, the setting changed again, and we returned to the school with everyone else.

"Here, take it. It's called Muramase. I can tell you enjoy battle and blood. You're just what I'm looking for. Take it and join me," I said with an authoritative tone, like a king to his war general.

To my not-so-surprise, the girl bowed to me in a posture of absolute submission and said, "Allow me to be your sword and call you my lord."

"What's your name?"

"Saeko Busujima."

I approached her, gently lifting her face and sliding my thumb over her lips. "Now you're mine, Saeko Busujima," I asserted in a deep and dominant voice.

I watched as she blushed and opened her mouth, beginning to passionately lick my finger.

She did it while looking directly into my eyes; I was about to make another move.

But before the situation could advance further, the sound of a camera was heard again. I was starting to get tired of that.

I disappeared from my spot, appearing behind Nanako and giving her a smack on the rear that resonated throughout the hallway. This noise attracted the zombies from the building and the surrounding area due to Nanako's scream.

The group of women blushed completely as, unknowingly, they started rubbing their crotches.

The men, on the other hand, tried to hide their tents in their pants.

I began to feel the piercing gazes of the women, probably for a scolding. I didn't have the time or the desire to listen to a sermon, so I activated my aura to give orders and threw the katana to Saeko.

"Saeko, show me that I didn't choose wrong and finish off the incoming zombies. Nanako and Akane, go up front with me. Sensei, Ranko, and the three new girls, stay in the middle.

Don't get distracted, and if you find a bag or backpack on the way, take it. When we get to the infirmary, gather everything useful you can. The annoying trio stays back and protects the rear."

"There's no time for more jokes. The zombies are coming. I know where the president and more people are. Let's go. Understood?"


With this formation, we reached the infirmary in less than 5 minutes. We used that time to introduce ourselves and establish good communication.

I opened the door, but I only saw 2 zombies at first glance. I killed the zombies and walked over to a bed in the infirmary covered by curtains. I whispered so as not to startle the people behind.

"Kyoh, it's okay, you can come out. It's safe; I've arrived."

Then the president opened the curtain and launched herself towards me. Even though she's strong, seeing people die and then turn into zombies affects anyone.

I let go of the hug to hold her beautiful face gently and wipe her tears delicately.

"You're safe now; we'll leave this place, and you can rest peacefully." I pressed our foreheads together to convey my feelings and let her calm down completely.

"Why is this bastard so nice to pretty girls but a jerk with me?" Rei, the orange haired girl asked sarcastically.

The others seemed to have gotten used to my actions as we dealt with the zombie apocalypse. After all, when you get used to such an extreme situation, people's behavior becomes more trivial.

"I want a hug too. I was scared too." Then a busty blonde nurse jumped in and hugged both of us between her ample breasts.

As I expected, the sound of the camera was heard. This time when I turned to look at Nanako, she met my gaze directly, blushed, and seemed to stick out her rear a bit.

'Interesting,' I thought.

Akane saw my actions and Nanako's, and angrily slapped Nanako's rear.


I created a Discord to add images of the characters I'm adding and to keep everyone up to date.

I don't know much about discord, I only upload images of the characters that will appear or appear. then I will make a blog in "Notion" where they will be more organized and not get lost. The truth happened to me a bit with the number of girls, but you have to take advantage of the apocalypse, I promise that in a new world things will be calmer... I hope.
