
Omniversal Gamer

Waking up in a fictional world is not as exciting as it seems. Especially when that fictional world is a mishmash of two crazy worlds. How will he survive a world of EVOs, aliens and random threats that pop up each day? ========= Warning: Crossover between Ben 10 and Generator Rex. More than a bit AU so don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Arokey · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 12

-[Providence HQ]-

"I don't get it. One second I'm so close to grabbing him and then my nanites started acting up!" Rex complained as he got out of the machine that scanned him.

"Incredible." Dr Holiday muttered as she looked over the feedback from her scans.

"Give it to me straight, doc. I can take it." Rex said overdramatically, gaining him a banana peel to the side of his head.

"Next time, take the monkey with you." Bobo, the talking chimpanzee, said, adjusting his fez.

Holiday stopped them before they could go off track. "Rex, whatever he did to you, it didn't just block your powers, it affected your nanites." She said in an excited manner that didn't fit the news she was conveying.

"And that's a good thing?" Rex asked in confusion.

"You said it happened after he punched you, right?" She asked as she pulled up two screens in front of her. "These were your nanites before he touched you and these are your nanites after that." She said, pointing to each screen.

"Still not getting it." Rex complained.

"Whatever he did to you decomposed the nanites in your builds." She explained further, causing him to widen his eyes in shock.

"I'm dying?!"

Holiday rolled her eyes as she pulled up another scan report. "No you're not dying. It only happened when he touched you. Rex, do you know what this means?"

"Yes…tell me just so I can be sure." He said sheepishly.

"The EVOs you can't cure are incurable because the nanite bond is too strong for you to break and extract." She stated, causing him to feel a bit down at the reminder but she wasn't done.

"With this, we can break the bond, shut down and decompose the nanites completely. Rex, this mystery guy could be the key."

Rex's eyes opened wide in shock as he finally realized the scale of importance.

At that moment, a voice came through the computer. "And that is exactly why he needs to be found and brought in at all cost." White Knight said as a video feed of him in his office popped up.

Holiday frowned at that. "You realize that it was your orders that caused him to run away in the first place. If you had actually talked to him-"

"Then we wouldn't know what we know now." White Knight interjected. "I want all eyes and ears searching for him and in the meantime, I have another mission for Rex."

His casual dismissal caused her frown to deepen even more as Rex looked on awkwardly.


Name: Kenneth Tennyson

Level: 22

Title: None

HP: 1000 [40 per min]

MP: 900 [18 per min]

Fatigue: 0


Strength: 20

Agility: 30

Vitality: 20

Intelligence: 18

Perception: 25

(Free Points: 60)

He was still having trouble believing it, it was the most amount of points he'd had at once. Over ten minutes had passed and he was still debating on how to distribute his points.

Finally coming to a decision, he made his choice on where to spend the points.


Name: Kenneth Tennyson

Level: 22

Title: None

HP: 1600 [64 per min]

MP: 1750 [35 per min]

Fatigue: 0


Strength: 20 -> 33

Agility: 30 -> 38

Vitality: 20 -> 32

Intelligence: 18 -> 35

Perception: 25 -> 35

(Free Points: 0)


The change hit him all at once, causing him to grit his teeth as he felt his body shift and strengthen.

The first thing that became apparent was the change in his perception. It felt like he'd needed glasses all his life.

Everything was amazingly clear and sharp. He felt the change in his muscles as well, his body becoming more defined and dense. He also felt lighter on his feet.

'Thank you future Ben.' He thought as he made his way out of the abandoned building.

What Paradox had told him was still on his mind but he was finally gaining his footing in the world. He still had much room to grow.

'First, I need to find out where the hell Paradox dropped me.' He thought as he pulled out his phone.

"New Jersey?!"


Sometimes she hated White Knight…not sometimes…most times. The man refused to see things from points of view other than his own and refused to admit his own faults.

He believed that his way was the only right way and his way was always too extreme.

He had attempted to kill Rex when they first met and he ordered for her sister to be killed after it was revealed that she was incurable. Fortunately, she was able to save them both but one could still see White Knight's prejudice against EVOs.

The man would bomb an entire city if it meant killing one EVO. He treated Rex like a soldier who was supposed to do his every bidding and now there was another teenager who he was attempting to force to cooperate with him.

Other than the moral factors that had her filled with disgust, there was also the fact that he could theoretically be able to cure her sister.

Beverly would finally be saved and not treated like a pet or a danger to society. She had to find him before White Knight could ruin her chances of ever curing her sister.


Driving at a moderate speed, he made his way through New Jersey, thinking on what to do at the moment.

His previous objective was to stop Zag RS and the forever knights which he had fulfilled. He wanted to get stronger but he also had to figure out where to go that had enemies to fight.

'There should be a place where Van Kleiss resides. Where is that place?' He tried to remember as he drove.

While in thought, his eyes widened as he slowed the car down considerably. 'What was that?' He felt something.

It was weird. He didn't know how to fully describe it.

Driving much slower, he drove in the direction of where the feeling was coming from. He quickly found himself in front of a pawn shop.

'This is just weird.' He thought as he walked in, the feeling getting stronger.

There were a few people inside who were looking at jewelry and other junk that was being displayed but none of those caught his attention.

Following the feeling, he found himself in an even stranger section of the shop. There were a lot of odd things such as a lucky rabbit's foot, a mini horse shoe and ancient necklaces.

He froze as his eyes caught a particular necklace which was the source of what he was feeling. 'It can't be!' He thought as he went to the cashier.

"How much for this?" He asked.

The man looked at the necklace in his hand, letting out a scoff. "That old thing? It's been collecting dust for a few months now. 15 bucks for it."

"Deal." Kenneth wasted no time, pulling out the required done and paying before leaving the shop.

As soon as he got into the car, he tore off the rope that made it a necklace, holding only the circle stone piece. "I can't believe it." He muttered as he read the notification that popped up when he first touched it.

-[You have gained one of the charms of Bezel.]

-[Charm of Electrokinesis]

-[Equip Item?] (Yes | No)