
Omnitrix: DC's New Dawn

Hello, I am Zereeo_Ak. >>>> For the staffs from Royal Road, It is me who is trying to upload in your site. I also hope that I would be allowed to upload my other stories without trouble at your site. Thank you. >>>> I am the author of this fanfic. This idea was inspired by a fellow author who is literally writing the story with a slightly different settings. I give him(Baphomet_19) credit for inspiring me. So, I won't listen to anyone saying I copied the story. (⌐■_■) Even though the idea was inspired, I am taking the story in a new direction. >>> Copyright. And all the DC characters and elements belong to the DCcomics and all the Ben 10 elements belong to Man of Action. I do not own anything except my own original characters. Check it out and see if I am doing a good work,(~ ̄▽ ̄)~ >>> Now to the story. This story will focus on two lead, 1) Kara Zor-El (Supergirl), a time remnant(From The Flash movie), ending up in another earth after being saved by a mysterious being with the quest to fight to protect her new home. 2) Zion, a boy from the countryside who want to go on an adventure. His dream is full filled after he get an alien device that could change him into many forms, ( Yes, it's Omnitrix( omniverse version)) but at the same time he also learn that his world was not so big anymore. >>> This story will also contain some of my original characters with their unique power, one for now. And If you have some questions or confusion, comment me. I am not well versed in DC universe setting. So, I would really appreciate if you give me advice. Okay o( ̄▽ ̄)√. . . . .

Zereeo_Ak · Anime & Comics
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I will confess, I had to use chatgpt to write this chapter, but it was next to useless. But we got plot


[ Sayonara, people of earth! ] {He knows}

A singular voice etched in the citizens of Earth spoke across the sol system, spoken in different languages yet it conveyed the same. The displays across the worlds played his live feed, his voice crisp as he appeared floating with an old gen mic.

His live cut many feeds, leaving the citizens frustrated. Gamer's who were about to defeat their final bosses who had handed them their butts many time and those who were watching News, Drama and sitcom, were all inconvenienced.

[ Don't worry, your broadcast will be resumed shortly. ]

He turned the camera to the side, his voice whispering.

[ But we got a much bigger things to deal with ]

Hundreds of thousand androids, clad in red with menacing faces covering the sky, and a gigantic metal planet floating a the backdrop added to the surreal scene. The high resolution image only made the scenario surreal, inciting a panic into the hearts of the viewers. They just recently had an invasion, which still felt surreal, but now, they had another.

Moreover, the guy who is supposedly their king was just announcing it.

They could not feel more resigned.

[ We are now under the threat of Annihilation ]

[ Hooray! We can all die in piece ]

[ But it seems like Earth's superheroes as not going to allow that ]

The camera angle shifted, turning to the wide backs of the supers who stood against the tides of Manhunter, their cape fluttering climatically in zero gravity. The sense of impending doom and atmosphere of the final battle weaved together, creating a cinematic shot that would go down in history.

Nion floating in the background, letting it all sink in while putting the picture of auction. Doing good in the face of evil the virtue of a hero.

As if the mic dropped, the metallic planet showed signs of activity. Its middle section opened up, pillar rising as energy began to concentrate at the center. The planet was now at the edge Jupiter, early to enter the asteroid belt. The manhunter stopping at Mars' orbit, not caring about the techno-organic cannon that was pointing at them.

Nion floated without worry, confident in the heroes to protect their planet. The element X impeded in their armour would grant strength in a peril.

[ I do love a good show ]

With the mic drop, the concentrated beam lefts its confines, signaling the beginning of battle.

The beam of destruction crossed the spatial distance in an instant, approaching Earth with Manhunters as its vanguards.


The beamed of light met the twin hot laser from Superman's eyes, halting in its advance. The two powerful forces collided, one trying to dominate the other. But Superman was loosing grounds, the beam pushing back with more power. His natural power was outmatched by cold sentience. The light pushed back,

Chsssssssss, Beeeeeeeeeeeeeem. {I don't know how to make sound effects.}

Two other added, supporting Humanity's hope. Red of the Martian and the Green of the Green lantern. The three powers of different origin interweaved, pushing back the opposing force. The beam was gradually pushed back,

The power beam died down, the coupled forces canceling each other.

During the power struggle, the manhunter crossed the distance. Now forming a fall wall the surrounded the heroes.

Wonder Woman drew her sword, Batman his batarangs while Flash went into serious mode, lightning sparking around him.

"It about time," Diana muttered.

The hundreds of androids lashed to them like a swarm of bees, ready to sting their prey. The flooding metal snuffed the lights. With only the red intense eyes visible in the darkness. Zion watched as the heroes were surrounded by a ball made of androids. Each pressing forwards with killer intend.

*Bam bam* *Boom*

Sounds of realization, powerful fists colliding with metal followed by melting red. A blade sung, slicing through the confines. Lightning sparked, dismantling. Light weaved, clawing. The League broke free, ripping from inside out, tearing their jail.


The League broke free, ripping from the inside out, tearing their jail apart.

Superman led the charge, grabbing the metal shell of Manhunter's that imprisoned, throwing them towards the approaching tide. The tones of metal a projectile at his hands, the tide ripped apart.

His fists a blur of motion as he smashed through the Manhunters. Each punch sent shockwaves ripping through the metal bodies, reducing them to scrap. His eyes glowed red, unleashing beams of heat vision that sliced through the androids with surgical precision.

A breath of cold froze the androids at their steps? His following punch shattering them to space rubbish. The manhunters jumped him, multiple trying to restrain him. But with a flex of his muscle, the manhunters shatter.

Superman felt like he was breaking glass with each moment, his super-strength unparalleled under the direct sunlight.


Superman turned, his armour rippling as it absorbed the impact. Behind his back, tens of manhunters stood with their arm cannons charged. Superman body blurred, followed by the destruction of the manhunter.

Superman only had qualms about killing, not shattering metal block.


Wonder Woman moved with a warrior's grace, her sword a blur of silver as she cut through the Manhunters. Her shield deflected their attacks, and her lasso ensnared and disabled those who dared to get too close.

Her movements were a deadly dance, every strike a testament to her skill and strength. Each swing dividing the androids, her moment cold and calculated with no hesitation. No man stopped the amazon as she danced through the barrage of attack.

The Manhunter tired to overpower her with number, resulting in them getting slices in half. Diana could help but admire the new sword in her hands. It felt no resistance even as it cleaved through the chunk of metal.

Deflecting another projectile, she sliced the manhunter in half, kicking the corpse towards the approaching machines.

The sword hummed in ecstasy, thirsting for more. She could feel that the swords demanded more. For purpose. She couldn't understand why, but she complied. Her hands moved in instinct, a white glow surrounding the blade.

A energon projectile leapt from her blade cleaving a path through the tides of manhunters. Following the path it constructed before her, she moved without burden, carving the manhunters. An ecstasy rose from deep within her heart as she felt the presence behind her.

A streak of lightning that dismantled the manhunters.


Flash was a streak of lightning, his speed overwhelming the Manhunters.

His superspeed unmatched even by the greatest of metal block. He vibrated through their metal bodies, causing them to explode from within. His new suit allowing him to run in omni-direction, gave him an unlimited amount of options.

Zigzagging through the multitude of machines in seconds. His rapid strikes left trails of electric energy, causing short circuit. He followed behinds WonderWoman as she carved though the tides of Manhunter, taking out the rest that were aiming for her back.

Changing directions, he darted around his teammates, providing support where needed and taking down threats before they could react. The ai in his suit optimized his path, making so he could attack and defend, always a step ahead of a barrage. If any could hit him.

The glow of lightning spread through out the battlefield.

No manhunter could Hunt the fastest man alive.


Green Lantern's constructs added another layer of defense and offense.

Giant green fists smashed through ranks of androids, flinging them into the outer space. His power rings pulsing with more will than he had ever had. His constructs more durable and his will more clear.

He willed many weapons, from missiles to swords, chucking them towards the tides of manhunters. His constructs rippled as they collided with manhunter's lazers, for the first time not crumbling before the united assault.

His shield protected from the projectiles while launched an assault of them. Conjuring a giant bat, he took a swing clearing the tide. Plunging in as he smashed through, clearing an area. Only for it to be flooded with another tide of Manhunters, blocking his path.


The Martian Manhunter phased through the Manhunters, his intangible form allowing him to bypass their defenses. He solidified only to deliver devastating blows, his shape-shifting abilities giving him an edge.

Taking a ghost-like form, swimming through attacks, dodging blows in impossible angles as he dived through the midst of Manhunter. His telekinesis ripped the manhunters from the inside out, his enhances strength allowing him to rip the opponents to shreds. His martian vision cut through the metal at surgical precision.

He fought with ruthless efficiency, using his shapeshiting to kill many in one go. His forms lose and incomprehensible like eldritch horror. Flames rising from his telekinetic attack, melting the iron blocks.

The flames no longer cause chaos in the Martian's mind, giving only warmth and peace. Allowing him to access his full potential.


Batman, ever the strategist, used his gadgets to great effect. Explosive batarangs detonated in the midst of the androids, EMP pulses short-circuited their systems, and his combat prowess allowed him to dismantle them with brutal efficiency. He moved through the chaos with precision, always a step ahead of his foes.

His new suit allowed him to keep up with the never tiring machines. Out-powering them with ease as his preinstalled weapons making him more deadly.

But batman was not concentrated on the fights, he was observing the Manhunter as he systemically disarmed them. Watching as they slowly mended back together even using other manhunter parts to gain back form.

These machines had not qualm about morality as they stitched themselves from their brotherin and rose to fight again. If the battle progressed in a similar fashion, they would be too tired to put a stop to this invasion.

He turned to Zion, his eyes scanning the guy who was floating carelessly like a trash in space. He could tell that he had no though of intervening. He quickly moved using his data extractor to analyze data from the hive.

The installed AI easily scurried through the firewalls of the android, extracting the layout of Boit.


As the battle raged on, the League seemlessly began to work together, turning the tides. The Manhunter relentless attack was met with an equal force. The Manhunters, relentless and numerous, started to falter under the onslaught, even as they regenerated. The heroes fought with everything they had, their determination unwavering.

Nion watched as he drifted carelessly, no manhunter ever even coming near him. Their sensor only registering him as unwanted objective. He believed that heroes would triumph in this battle, even with Manhunter's regenerative properties.

But the fight was far from over. The gigantic metal planet in the backdrop began to move, its ominous presence casting a shadow over the battlefield. It unleashed another wave of Manhunters, even more formidable than the last.

Superman looked up, his expression resolute. "We need to take out that planet."

Batman nodded. "Agreed. It's the source of their power."

Green Lantern's ring glowed brighter. "I'll get us there."

The League regrouped, their focus shifting to the new threat. Green Lantern created a massive construct, a spaceship large enough to carry them all. The heroes boarded, ready for the next phase of the battle.

As they launched towards the metal planet, the Manhunters swarmed around them, trying to prevent their advance. Concentrating their beams on the ship. But the constructs held on, escaping the siege of manhunter, cutting a path through them with its advance weaponry.

The spaceship shook under the attack, going up in flames as it entered the planet's atmosphere. The ship never halted, colliding with the surface at high speeds, ripping through multiple layers. GL withdrew his constructs delivering the heroes into the heart of the enemies.

"This way," Batman pointed the way,

He knew where the control tower and its master existed from the data he borrowed from the manhunter by kindly asking with his fists.

The interior was a labyrinth of machinery and hostile androids, but they pressed on, determined to reach the core and end the threat once and for all.

The final showdown was at hand. The League steeled themselves for the challenge, knowing that the fate of Earth rested on their shoulders. With unwavering resolve, they advanced into the heart of the enemy stronghold, ready to face the ultimate test of their strength and heroism.


What do you guys think of Batman in Elden Ring? {I am not planning to write another fic. Maybe a fun chapter in this novel. Not just following Zion all the time. While I totally forgot Kara existed. Need to write one.}

Thanks for waiting!