

A man is transmigrated in DC, with his only cheat being the OMNITRIX. Watch (or read) as how he lives his new life ===== patreon link for advanced chapters: patreon.com/BaphometFiction ===== I don't own anything. All rights goes to their owners.

Baph0met · Anime & Comics
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113 Chs


Overall, most of the metahumans in Iron Heights Prison tend to be non-metas.

For example, the ability of Doctor Alchemy to alter matter comes from the Philosopher's Stone and his extensive study of alchemy.

The Pied Piper can hypnotize others with melodies and use his sonic gun to generate various frequencies of ultrasonic and infrasonic waves.

Abra Kadabra is a futuristic stage magician from the 64th century who has mastered many advanced technologies.

Similarly, the Fold Man's ability to traverse through space is solely reliant on the suit he meticulously crafted...

It can be seen that most of these individuals acquire their superhuman abilities through futuristic technology that surpasses their time. Their DNA provides no assistance to Yuri.

There are also individuals with unique mental abilities, such as Mindbender, who can project their consciousness onto another person and achieve possession.

From a DNA perspective, this body is fundamentally not the original body of Mindbender, and therefore, his DNA is not Mindbender's DNA.

Although Yuri's gadget, the omnitrix, can absorb energy and even steal a bit of Speed Force energy, it is questionable whether it can capture a mental ability user as a sample.

Without conducting an experiment, Yuri cannot make a definitive judgment.

Excluding these individuals, as well as a large group of mediocre ability mutants, such as those with fingers twice as long as normal, a single eye in the middle, oversized ears, split tongues... They are more like genetically mutated aberrant humans than metahumans.

Even with the optimization function of the omnitrix, it can only allow them to further tread on the path of aberration.

There are not many DNA mutants that the omnitrix can capture, and Yuri has carefully selected a total of three.

Girder, Murmur, and Tar Pit.

There is a high probability of obtaining samples from Turbine and Magenta, who can be acquired through capturing energy.

If Yuri is lucky, he can obtain five new samples in this wave, which would be a pleasant surprise.

Yuri already has the DNA of Girder, the Murmur, and Tar Pit in his possession. He will enter the data into the database after returning. It wouldn't be appropriate to do such a thing in front of Wally.

Only Turbine and Magenta are left.

"Kid Flash, did you say that the Murmur disappeared from his cell just now?"Yuri asked Wally

"I searched the entire Iron Heights, but I couldn't find any trace of him. Someone must have rescued him." Wally replied.

"Who do you think could have saved him?"

"The Mirror Master!" Wally said with great certainty.

"He can freely enter and exit every mirror. Wolfe, in order to prevent the Mirror Master, didn't install any mirrors or glass in the cells, not even a faucet. He tried to avoid any 'mirrors' in the cells."

"But Wolf's method still has loopholes. Even a surface formed by saliva or urine falls within the Mirror Master's abilities."

"The size of these mirrors may not be enough for a person to pass through, but it's easy to pass through some objects. I guess that's how the Mad virus was delivered to the cell. The Mirror Master also provided Murmur with the necessary items for the escape. Once Murmur opens the cell door and finds a suitable mirror, it's much easier to escape from Iron Heights."

Yuri nodded and agreed, "I share the same view as you. The Mirror Master rescuing Murmur definitely has some conspiracy. Perhaps they will help more criminals escape. I believe it is necessary for us to carefully investigate."

"Before that, may I ask what your real name is?" Wally suddenly asked, "You were initially a red giant with four hands and four eyes, calling yourself the Four-Arms. Now you have transformed into a short scientist who looks like a frog. Which one is the real you? How should I address you?"

"I'm called Gray Matter in this form. The Four-Arms is the real me, and this one is also the real me. They are both me," Yuri mysteriously replied.

"And I will be..." Yuri placed his hand on the omnitrix once again and turned it lightly.


The blue-black XLR8 appeared before Wally. The body of Gray Matter was clearly not suitable for the task of "investigating Iron Heights."

As for why Yuri didn't transform into the Speed Star, it was simply unnecessary. The speed of XLR8 was sufficient.

Wally stared blankly at Yuri's ever-changing appearance, too astonished to speak.

"If you really want to find a name to call all my forms, perhaps you can call me the One For All."


Wally hadn't even figured out the meaning of that term when Yuri's figure suddenly vanished in a flash.

For Wally, being the speedster himself, seeing someone who could match his speed instantly piqued his interest.

In a blink of an eye, Wally caught up with Yuri, running parallel to him.

"Wow, so you can be fast too, but I'm faster" Wally proudly said to Yuri. Since he first saw Yuri in Iron Heights, Wally hadn't stopped being amazed.

As a young person, this challenged Wally's competitive spirit.

Finally, it was his turn to astonish the other person.

Unfortunately, Yuri didn't feel surprised at all.

At present, Yuri couldn't even reach the speed of sound. Otherwise, Wally wouldn't have bothered speaking to him because someone moving at supersonic speed wouldn't be able to hear what others around them were saying.

On the other hand, as the Kid Flash, Wally was the epitome of a speedster, able to reach speeds beyond the horizon. Yuri's XLR8 was merely a product of Wally's generosity.

When it came to speed, Yuri could only bow down in defeat.

The current speed of the XLR8 was around 500 miles per hour, roughly five-thirds the speed of sound.

In order to cooperate with Yuri, Wally kept his speed slightly faster than Yuri's.

This speed was more than sufficient to inspect the various cells in Iron Heights.

However, as long as they didn't inspect, there were no issues. But as soon as they started the inspection, problems arose.

Not long ago, Wally discovered that only the Murmur had gone missing. Now, two empty cells was discovered. One belonged to Magenta, and the other to Girder.

Both of them were gone!

Fortunately, Turbine hadn't been rescued; otherwise, Yuri would have suffered a loss of two samples.

Girder didn't matter; his DNA was already in Yuri's hands, so if he escaped, he escaped.

While Wally focused his attention on Magenta's cell, Yuri seized the opportunity to use the omnitrix to successfully absorb Turbine's energy. Moreover, the guy had already been knocked unconscious, making the process smooth.

"The Mirror Master's actions are so fast. They must have planned in advance which people to rescue. This should be the final wave," Yuri said to Wally, who could only nod in agreement.

McCulloch was a smart person; he wouldn't repeatedly play the same trick in front of the Flash.

"That's it then. The matter of Iron Heights is over, and it's time for me to leave," Yuri said, turning around and leaving.

"Wait, you're just going to leave like that?" Wally hurriedly called him back. "You created the antidote to eradicate the virus, saving thousands of lives and preventing the virus from spreading in the city!"

"If you leave like this, no one will know that it was you who did all of this."

"You may have misunderstood something, Flash." Upon hearing this, Yuri stopped and turned his head, speaking calmly.

"I did all these things because I wanted to. Not to be recognized, enjoy media praise, or the adoration of the masses."

"I never said I wanted to be a superhero, you know..."

With that, Yuri instantly accelerated and left Iron Heights Penitentiary, leaving Wally standing there, lost in thought.





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