

A man with a chance to change it all. Alexios the successor of the one true God adventures as he travels through the OmniVerse. [Everything belongs to their respected owners]

WanderingWomanizer · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Setting Out

Out in the world a house could be seen out on a hill. In the back of the house 3 people could be seen talking together. These people are God and his wife with our Mc. Throughout the years of living with God and his wife our Mc accept them as parents as they accept him as a son.

It has been 15 years since our Mc who took the name Alexios has arrived here with God whose name was Jon with his wife Elisa. Through his time with his new parents Alexios has learned many things of different worlds of that which holds things he could never have thought of. So many things he can't wait to discovery but even then he has grown to cherished his time with Jon his father and Elisa his mother who's care for him he couldn't ask for a better thing.

As Alexios continued to talk with his parents he knew he time to separate with was coming as they it as well.

"My son, the time has come. Have you decided what you will take on your trip to learn, experience, and grow."-Ask Jon, Alexios father as he knew the time for his son to fly out of their nest has come.

"Yes dad, i have thought of what I need to take on my journey but I want you and mother to know I will miss you guys very dearly."-Said Alexios yo his parents whom he will miss very dearly for all the love and compassion they have given him.

"Know my son we are very proud of you and know this my boy if you grow tired you can always come to us. Anyway away with the depressing mood, I want you to bring me daughter so I can hold my grandkids."- Elisa respond sad to see her child leave but happy to see him grow and ready to challenge life's problems.

"Mom stop."- said Alexios blushing at the idea of having a life partner.

"Son, so have you decide where you wish to go and what to take with you."- Asked Jon wondering what their boy will to ask for his journey.

"Yes dad, I have decided to take with me a system like those in the worlds of those reincarnated but I want one that can do anything to help me."- Asked Alexios happy and excited to have a system that he has heard of.

"That is okay my boy what kind of parents our we that don't spoil their kids a little."- Respond Jon with a happy tone to see his son has already decided what he needs on his trip in the OmniVerse.

"But father can this work because I have read stories of some systems that are restricted in their functions by the universe."- Asked Alexios in a sad and confused tone that his wish may not come true.

"Son what do you take us for. We are the strongest and your mother has put the OmniVerse in self run so we can relaxed and Son don't forget your are the Son of the Strongest so don't hold back on your wishes."- Said Jon with a annoying tone that his son will question his capabilities.

"Stop messing with our son he was just paying you back for always prank him."- Said Elisa happy to see her husband and child playing with each other as she turned to see her boy smiling at his father reaction to his words.

"Well son anything else you will want to take with you on your trip. Don't worry about the system I have made it so you don't have to do those pesky quest and worry about those annoying punishments of those inferior systems. So don't worry my son what else would you like my son."-Asked Jon smiling to his son who he will miss.

"No father if the system could do anything then there is nothing else I would need."- Responded Alexios with a smile of his own.

"And remember my son you our only going on the journey to enjoy your self and experience the OmniVerse. And don't forget to bring me a daughter home."-Says Elisa happy to see her son ready to see the worlds that exist out in the OmniVerse.

"Yes i know mother if anything should arise I would return."- Alexios said to his caring mother.

"Well son go on and take a rest for your adventure starts tomorrow."- Jon told his son with a caring smile who respond with a nod and wish them a happy night and took off to his room.

"Will he be okay."- Elisa asked worried to her husband.

"Yes he will be besides he has us looking over him. So my lady shall we rest to our room ourselves."- Jon respond with a cheeky grin looking at his wife.

"Oh please you can't wait can you."- Responded Elisa to her husband who took her hand and lead her to their room.