
Omniscient System

Warning: This story isn't about a hero that would save the world. This story is about an overpowered mc that will kill and dominate until he reach his goal. A universe where God existed and was betrayed by his very own children for being inattentive to those who'd prayed and worshipped him. A revolt from the five demi-gods began and killed their very own creator. Meanwhile, Black, the sixth demi-god, did not participate in their foolish actions and was bestowed the power of the Omniscient Eyes, which was particularly a system that aided the god himself. Thus, before God's death, he weaved and combined all of the worlds he had created into a single one. A vast world that was comprised of different types of races that had lived in different worlds before. And after God's death, the demi-god of darkness sealed himself within his own ability called the Abyss. And successfully escaped from his treacherous brothers. To which he promised himself that he would avenge his creator at all costs, even if it meant destroying what the demi-gods had fought for. And after thousands of years passed, he was forcefully released from the abyss and sent into an unknown, vast world. With the guidance of his new companion, the Omniscient System. He starts his journey by exploring the world, looking for clues as to where he could locate his traitorous brothers' whereabouts. Genre Tags: Action, Adventure, Comedy, System, Overpowered. Please Support my Work, By Sending Power stones! Daily Updates: 1~2 Chapters per day at 10:00PM from Monday to Saturday (GMT+8) DISCLAIMER: PHOTO NOT MINE Words per Chapter: 1200~1700 AgentGhost14

AgentGhost14 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Jhoemar Alfonse

Klaus headed in the northern direction along with several men. All of them wore worried expressions as they passed through the village houses.

"What are we going to do, chief? It seems they're going to pick someone again." A random guy said, worried about the women in their village.

"No. We won't let them do as they please, even if they use the same excuses as before." Klaus responded in a serious manner.

The Villatensia Pitbulls are a knight order in the Villatensia kingdom. They were rumored to be the strongest of all the knight orders in Villatensia. They possess outstanding abilities that no one in their kingdom could match.

Jhoemar Alfonse, the captain of the Pitbull Knight Order, possesses a precognition ability that no one else in the kingdom of Villatensia can attain. He was considered one of the rarest people to ever acquire clairvoyant abilities.

He had a bulky body suited for knights and had golden, medium-length blonde hair with average facial features.

He was always praised and loved by the people of Villatensia, since he was also a candidate for the Ocean Apostles.

Jhoemar's figure was like a beacon of admiration to the people of the kingdom. After he defeated the [A] Rank minotaur, who almost destroyed half of the kingdom's settlements.

He was undefeated in terms of strength, ability, and experience. Many knights who tried to challenge him ended up being defeated.

Jhoemar Alfonse was a hero for the Villatensia people.

But, It soon made him arrogant and greedy. Showered with praise and admiration, Jhoemar became ignorant and succumbed to pleasure.

He began changing and ended up being hungry for women. Thus, after losing a lot of money from the brothels inside the kingdom, he began searching for beautiful women that were exiled from Villatensia and pleasured them as he pleased.

With the excuse of him looking for significant maids to serve him at his household.

But of course, that was just an excuse.

"There they are." A knight wearing full plate armor said.

Klaus and the others walked towards the three knights, who wore full plate armor. And the one standing in the middle was Jhoemar himself.

Jhoemar took off his helmet and shook his head elegantly, acting like a prince.

"Village chief! It's nice to see you again!" Jhoemar spoke in a loud tone while smiling brightly.

"What brings you here, Captain Jhoemar?" Klaus asked.

"I just wanted you to know that the previous women I've hired got ill and somehow died. It was truly saddening for me to see my beloved maids die in their bedrooms. It was all due to the water they drank from the atmosphel district. It seems that there are some waterborne diseases occurring there." Jhoemar said with teary eyes that his accurate acting was somehow believable.

But the villagers, who already knew, had no ounce of belief in the man who spouted bullshit in front of them.

Atmosphel district was an area for poor people that were about to get evicted from the kingdom of Villatensia.

Jhoemar Alfonse was known as a hero, a knight, and a candidate for the Ocean Apostles.

But behind his blemishing display lies an abusive, ignorant, rapist, greedy, cruel, and vicious side of him.

He was known as "the reaper of the teens" for his unfathomable cruel feats. He was well known in various villages that were outside of the kingdom's jurisdiction.

A man who abuses women as he pleases and disposes of them after he's finished with them.

A man from behind the crowd sniffed loudly, mourning the deaths of the maids that Jhoemar had told them about.

His name was Arthur. He had black, wavy hair, sword-like brows, and slanted eyes. He had a slender, fragile-looking body; his skin was white and rough, and he had several scar wounds intact.

Arthur was the lover of one of the maids who got dragged by Jhoemar. After knowing that his lover had died, he mourned loudly and felt as if his world had been destroyed.

"Why...? Why did she have to die?" Arthur mumbled while crying profusely. His voice trembled along with his body.

The men looked at him with sad expressions, while some other guys also cried after knowing that their daughters had died.

All they could do was cry, since they knew that even if a battalion of them attacked Jhoemar, they would still not win.

Jhoemar walked towards Arthur as he gently patted his shoulders. "I'm sorry for your loss." Jhoemar whispered.

But Arthur could see the grin behind Jhoemar's mask; he knew that even though Jhoemar acted sympathetic, he was utterly enjoying himself inside.

A man who tasted and enjoyed cruel things could never feel sympathy again.

"So, as I was about to ask, I think I'll be needing some women again, chief." Jhoemar bluntly said, glancing at the crying men behind Klaus.

They all flinched after hearing Jhoemar's eerie voice; his tone sounded as if he was demanding.

"I'm sorry, captain. But I don't think we can hand you the women in our village anymore." Klaus said in a serious demeanor.

The knights behind Jhoemar suddenly grabbed their swords while Jhoemar raised his hand and signaled them to stop.

Jhoemar then glanced at Klaus and said, "Come on, chief. We've known each other for ages now. You know how badly I need maids for my household. There are a lot of things that need to be attended to in my manor, and you know that people in the kingdom don't really do maid jobs since they are pretty well off. That's why all I can do is find people who are exiled from the kingdom."

Jhoemar leant towards Klaus's ears and whispered, "You know I can take them by force, right?" And grinned mischievously.

Klaus flinched, knowing that even if he tries to reject Jhoemar, he can easily kill them and take the women by force if necessary.

"I will not let you take away any woman from our village anymore!" Arthur abruptly yelled, wearing an angry expression.

"Oho?" Jhoemar mumbled, staring intently at Arthur.

"How many women have you already taken from our village!? This is your third time coming here! And every woman that you took all died from some made-up illness you mention! We already know that you abuse them and kill them if they disobey your orders!" Arthur yelled, exploiting his true color.

The men all agreed and voiced their thoughts.

"We will not hand you another woman, you cruel bastard!"

"Just because you're rich and a well-known hero doesn't mean you can take women away as you please!"

"Yeah! Go back to your house and fuck yourself!"

"That's right! Just go home and masturbate, you lustful bastard!"

Their voices echoed throughout the area, grumbling over and over again as they glared at Jhoemar and his knights.

"Everyone, stop!" Klaus yelled, trying to silence the angry men.

If Jhoemar gets angry, he'll kill us in an instant. We must talk with him peacefully and persuade him not to bother our village anymore somehow." Klaus pondered, worried about what might happen next if the grumbling continued.

Arthur stood his ground and continued on badmouthing Jhoemar, while Jhoemar raised his head and stared at the sky.

The people slowly stopped after seeing Jhoemar's quiet behavior.

He exuded an ominous, pressurizing aura that strangled their throats.

Jhoemar began laughing with his hand covering his face. The people began choking, unable to handle the mana energy that Jhoemar released.

"I see... So that's how you see me, huh? I guess there's no need to act anymore." Jhoemar said, Smiling mischievously like a psychopath.

Jhoemar stared intently at Arthur, who caught his attention. While Arthur was on his knees and coughed heavily, pressured by Jhoemar's aura.

"You dare insult me while you guys can't even handle my aura? Keke!" Jhoemar uttered, enjoying the scenery in front of him.

The scene of the villagers choking from his ominous aura made him excited.

The knights behind him also laughed, enjoying themselves. And just as Jhoemar was about to pull out his sword, Gabimaru appeared beside him.

"Hey? What are you doing?" Gabimaru asked with an emotionless expression, leaning close towards Jhoemar's average face.

Jhoemar got startled and jumped back along with his knights, making the villagers finally able to breathe.

"Wh-who are you!? How did you appear all of a sudden!?" Jhoemar blurted out, surprised to see Gabimaru's sudden appearance.

Gabimaru glanced at the villagers, who gasped heavily while on their knees, and ignored Jhoemar's question.

"You dare ignore me!" Jhoemar uttered angrily, pulling out the sword from his waist and pointing it at Gabimaru.

The knights also pulled out their swords and raised them, while Gabimaru turned around and stared at them with an emotionless expression.

He-he-he's so handsome! Damn it!!!" Jhoemar grumbled in his mind, envious of Gabimaru's handsome face.

I'll kill him. How dare he try to ignore me?" Jhoemar thought, grinning mischievously. While Gabimaru just stood in front of him without showing any ounce of emotion.

And just as Gabimaru was about to take a step, Arthur held his cloak from behind. Trembling and could barely stand up after suffocating from Jhoemar's aura.

His mouth slowly opened and he mumbled, "Please... stop that man from going into the village." And stumbled to the ground, waiting for Gabimaru's reply.

Gabimaru let out a long sigh and responded, "Why should I?" And smiled as if it wasn't his problem.

Everybody, even Jhoemar himself, blurted their eyes and was completely shocked after hearing Gabimaru's response.

"Just kidding~" Gabimaru winked and confronted Jhoemar and his knights.

While Jhoemar got enraged by Gabimaru's carefree attitude. "Prepare yourself, Plebian!" Jhoemar uttered loudly, and Gabimaru flung his wrist, saying, "Yeah yeah." Without a care in the world.

Chapter End.

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