
Omniscient Reader Viewpoint: The Unusual Dungeon

That time I reincarnated into Omniscient Reader Viewpoint with a strange Stigma... Edward Barduk, A reincarnated Paranoid Billionaire finds out he is leaving in a novel he read in his previous life. So...what will change in this new reality with his participation? And how his presence well affect Kim-Dokja's desired 'End' [Disclaimer: I don't own anything besides my oc's. So...nobody suing me]

Zero_Five_7869 · Book&Literature
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6 Chs

*Unkown*/ The Promised Neverland-3.

Unknown Location.

A strange city could be seen floating in nowhere. There wasn't anything but Darkness surrounding the city, yet it appeared painted in silver Dawn glow.

It appeared mildly quiet, with strange-looking houses on its surface, Four large black Colomons Stood out the most, each of them standing on the edges of the city, they were surrounding a small Silver Lighthouse in the middle. A 'lighthouse' in the middle of a city...

On the highest floor of the Lighthouse, a man was seated on a normal couch drinking a never-ending cup of Juice while watching four different TVs...

Our poor Edward Barduk was dragging dead Isabella away from the house in one of the screens while on the TV next to him, a child no older than 3 was jumping around cheerfully shouting "I am a Hoping Bunny!"

On the third screen, we could see an infant analyzing two Strange cards with an expression that children shouldn't have...

And finally, the fourth Screen showed a blue humanoid creature driving a giant Mecha fighting Asgardians...

'Looks like all of them are doing all right, as expected, except **** **** all other three are expressing the same actions I would take in their places...' Thought the man, still drinking his juice 'And **** ****...I didn't expect him to be this childish, No, that guy can probably switch Genders if it leads him to his goals'

'From what I can see, aside from **** ****, Eden is the first to adapt completely to the new environment but that was expected as he is the only one to know about his 'purpose', Edward is also showing remarkable results despite this being his first contact to supernatural and his general Paranoia...Leo is the only one struggling with his new reality, but as someone born in the 1800s, it wasn't that unexpected'

"Send Eden some theoretical knowledge about magnetic weapons and sponsor Edward 5000 coins after he finishes the dungeon" He commanded after some consideration.

[Affirmative] A robotic voice answered.

"Also, make Edward's second dungeon about...As for the third one, put him in...with **** ****"


'Hehe, this is gonna be interesting...' he had this thought before getting up "Record what they are doing in real-time so I can Bing-watch it after I come back, also call Aizen and tell him to take care of everything until I am back"


[Message send]

"I will be going them" The moment he said that his entire clothing morphed into a black Toxido, he waved his hand, and all his hair got trimmed, another wave opened a portal in front of him but before he could get in the robotic voice said:

"Secretary Aizen is calling you my lord, would you like to receive it?"



"Hey what do you mean leaving everything to me, I got shit to do, where are you going anyway" A screen opened on his left, and surprisingly the man who was on it was easily recognizable...Black Aizen Sosuke...

'That's right, I looked at all the timelines of bleach to find a black Aizen to use him as a secretary, hehe...' The man from earlier suddenly had this thought before answering the question "I am going to Dc Universe"

"Dc? Why would you go there, I thought we be doing Marvel first" Black Aizen questioned again.

"I am, in the most literal sense going on a journey of courting death" And an unexpected answer was heard "So see yeah later, my friend"

Then he just entered the portal ignoring Aizen.

"This n*ggah wanna kill me with paperwork" Murmured black Aizen.


Back to Eddy, he had just returned to the house after hiding the corpse of Isabella.

'What the fuck...' was his first thought witnessing the chaos in front of him.

The kids were screaming, arguing, and cursing out loud, most didn't want to believe that their loving mama was shipping them to death, while Emma was desperately explaining what she saw at the gate, poor Norman was trying to mediate the whole thing but it wasn't working, even thou the damn head of Demon 1 was laying on the floor, they were in disbelieve...

'I can't have them like this if I wanted to pass the scenario...' Edward sighted before shouting in a commanding tone.

"Zip-it" He shouted.

"Look, you little rascals, I have come all the way from another ****** to save you so I expect you to cooperate with me here" Eddy said while at the same time, he noticed how the word another 'World' got censored.

"I know this may sound a bit difficult but you have to accept the facts, your only hope of survival at the moment is me so listen carefully, I will help you reach a shelter far away, the journey will take some time, after that you on your own" Edward had long decided to be direct in this scenario, he wanted to end it as quickly as possible and go back to Korea scenarios.

Edward knew the children will not believe him easily and that's why he didn't interfere when the demons took Conny at the gate, and only went to save her after Emma and Norman saw her taken, Eddy wanted Emma and Norman to be the voice that will convince the others.

"I think we should follow him" Ray's voice came from the side supporting his case.

"I have seen the Demons, we can't fight them but he even killed one of them" Followed Norman while casting his gaze at the head of Demon 1.

"Yes, we should take everyone and leave! This is our chance before other demons come" Emma also supported him as she understood that their chance of escaping successfully now is way higher than earlier.

"Well wonderful, now go to your beds and sleep, after all, this will most likely be the last day you sleep in beds for a long time" Eddy kept his commanding tone.

"But shouldn't we leave now, so they can't find us?" Inquired Ray.

'Good job Ray, that's what I want to know...' Normal couldn't help but praise him in his mind.

"Normally yes, however, this has been a hell of a day for both you guys and me, especially me, so rest well, we will be going at dawn" He got up the stairs while still talking " I will sleep in Isabella's room for tonight, see yeah tomorrow, oh and by the way Isabella is your 'Mama"

He left, leaving a bunch of confused kids looking at his back.


After Eddy left the room, a heavy silence settled among the children. They exchanged uncertain glances, their minds swirling with questions and doubts. Norman, always the analytical thinker, broke the silence.

"Do you think we can trust him?" he asked, voicing the concerns that echoed in each child's mind.

Emma, her voice laced with a mix of hope and apprehension, replied, "I don't know, but he did save Conny and killed one of those demons. It seems like he has a plan."

Ray, the skeptic of the group, chimed in, "But why did he wait until now? Why didn't he intervene earlier when the demons took Conny?"

Norman, contemplating Ray's question, offered a possible explanation. "Maybe he wanted us to see Conny being taken, so we would believe what he said about the demons. Perhaps he needed Emma's and my support to convince the others."

I mean that dude Norman seriously figured out demons wanted their brains to gain intellect from 1 sentence the Demon said in the original, this doesn't seem that much.

Gilda, who had returned from taking care of the infant, finally spoke up. "I'm scared, but staying here is not an option. We've seen what the demons are capable of. If there's even a chance that Eddy can lead us to safety, we should take it."

Don, his eyes wide with trepidation, added, "But what if he's leading us into another dangerous situation? What if he has ulterior motives?"

Emma, usually the voice of optimism, interjected, "We can't let fear paralyze us. If we stick together and stay cautious, we can overcome any challenges that come our way"

The children, recognizing the importance of unity, began discussing ways to ensure their safety throughout the journey. They formed a pact, promising to watch out for one another and communicate any concerns they had along the way.

Emma spoke again, her voice filled with determination, "Let's assign someone to keep an eye on him at all times. That way, we can make sure he's being honest with us."

Don, eager to contribute, proposed, "We should gather any supplies we can find and create a backup plan in case things don't go as expected"

As the conversation continued, the children's fear slowly transformed into a glimmer of hope. They realized that despite their uncertainty, they had each other's support and the determination to survive.

Rossi, her voice steady and resolute, said, "We can't change what has happened, but we can shape our future. Let's face this challenge head-on and prove that we are stronger than any obstacles that come our way."

With renewed resolve, the children agreed to trust Eddy for now, keeping a watchful eye while remaining cautious. They acknowledged that their journey ahead would be difficult and filled with unknown dangers, but they were determined to face them together.

As the night wore on, the children settled into their beds, their minds still filled with questions and doubts. Yet, a newfound sense of hope and unity had blossomed among them. They recognized that their survival depended on their resilience, trust in one another, and willingness to embrace the unknown.


Edward couldn't sleep.

Heightened senses were fucking him badly, especially now, Heightened senses were still active, and they will be active for about 30 more fucking minutes.

It was as if every sound was amplified, every whisper the kids made echoing in his ears. The ticking of the clock felt like a pounding drum, and the rustling of leaves outside seemed like a roaring storm

He felt like shit!

Unable to sleep he got up to the window and started to think.

The events of the day replayed in his thoughts, each detail vividly etched in his memory. Discovering that his world is not normal, discovering that he was trapped in a bunch of scenarios for God knows how too long, the massacre in the gym, his mysterious Sponsor, a manga coming to life...

The chaos in the house, the children's disbelief, their arguments, and confusion—it all played on an endless loop in his mind. He questioned his choices, second-guessed his decisions, and wondered if he had done everything the right way...

"It wasn't the best way" He concluded after some thought "If I have left the plot unfold like in the original and only intervened when the kids were ready to escape, it would have been a lot better since the kids will be trained to escape by themselves"

"No need for regret now, what's done is done"

Yes, he could have done it better, but he didn't, thus he could only improvise now, luckily he was relatively good at that.

Eddy then spent the next third minutes thinking of a plan to get the kids safely out "My biggest problem is the infant and children below five, ensuring their survival will be tremendously harder than the others, the second problem is the path, from what I can remember, there is only one way out of Grace field and it's populated with demons..."

"In the manga, Emma told all the others the truth and while she was playing depressed, everyone else practiced and made ropes to slide out"

"I cannot do what they did, so we are gonna have to face the demons..."

"No I am gonna have to face the demons, the kids can't do anything, or perhaps..." Standing in a detective pose, an idea found itself in his mind "Yes, I can do that, although it would be risky, they made it in the manga so they should be able to do it here..."

"This will also allow me to get familiar with my skills and attributes so it's a win-win, and if one of them did die...the scenario penalty isn't that high, it should be okay"


Seriously everyone comments more, this shit gets boring quickly, I need some interaction to know I am not writing this for myself, the numbers are going up but I get only a few responses, like Where are you, people.

If you want more chapters, comment more.