
Omniscience in Marvel

As GOD, the three Omnis, Omnipresence, Omnipotence and Omniscience were inherent Abilities ingrained into their Divine Existences. What would happen if one such being is reduced to a mere mortal while given access to only one of the Three Omnis. Follow Shun as he walks through the Earth and uncovers the secrets hidden by the One Above All. Read extra 10+ Chapters on my Patre@n patreon.com/JoshRichie2. buymeacoffee.com/JoshRichie

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Omniscience in Marvel 50

Title - Heaven and Changes

Yggdrasil, the Cosmic World Tree, serves as a conduit that links the Ten Realms to one another and to the broader fabric of the universe. Shown as a vast and ancient tree, Yggdrasil's roots delve deep into the cosmic depths, while its branches reach towards the heavens, symbolizing the interconnectedness of all existence.

The connections between the realms are not just physical, but also metaphysical, as Yggdrasil channels the energies and essences that sustain each realm.

The roots of the tree extend into the primal energies of the universe, drawing upon the fundamental forces of creation and existence. These energies flow through Yggdrasil's trunk, branching out into the different realms and infusing them with life, magic, and vitality.

Each realm is interconnected through Yggdrasil's network, with the tree serving as a cosmic bridge that allows for the exchange of beings, knowledge, and power between the realms.

Travel along Yggdrasil's branches or roots allows beings to journey between the realms without the need of a Jump Point, or Universal Neural Teleportation System, traversing the vast distances of the cosmos in an instant.

An example would be the Asgardian Bifrost. With the Knowledge acquired from the World Tree after paying a suitable price, Odin was able to build a device that could deposit individuals, groups or entire armies to any place within the Universe.

As a Realm directly Connected to the World Tree itself, this much was possible. And thinking along this line, as a realm similarly connected to the tree itself, what was stopping Aspect from creating something similar to move around the Universe Unhindered?

Heven, or Heaven as it has been renamed, Asgard, Vanaheim, Alfheim, Midgard, Jotunheim, Svartalfheim, Nidavellir, Muspellheim, Niffleheim, were all independent realms existing on the Ten branches of the tree.

So unlike the other Godly Dimensions like the Heliopolis, Olympus, Takamagahara, Nirvana, Ta-Lo, Orun and others yet to be discovered, The Ten Realms exist and die with the World Tree.

While the others were created by their respective Ancestors, the Ten Realms were basically up for the taking to the species that sprouted there first.

This was why, while Earth was just a normal planet, it still had a connection to the World Tree, hence its importance.

Heaven's Gate. That was the device that was built in order to facilitate instantaneous movement to and from Heaven. Similar to the Bifrost, it worked by quantum entanglement, a phenomenon where particles become interconnected regardless of distance through light.

By entangling particles at the origin and destination points, the Bifrost creates a link between them, and transports any physical matter to and from the two locations.

And while The Bifrost was a rainbow coloured light, The Heaven's Gate was just a white beam of light.

But from the slight calculation Leucadius made during the transportation, he could infer that this beam of light was far more secure than the Bifrost's.

The reason being that, as soon as the beam of light hit him, he was immediately brought in front of The Gates of Heaven before being whisked into a dimension of sorts.

In Comparison, while enroute the Asgardian Bifrost, there was a possibility of being kicked out of the Channel as evidenced by when Hela kicked Thor and Loki out of the Bifrost Rays in Records of Ragnarok.

Thinking about this, Leucadius shrugged it off and focused on his immediate surroundings. Although it was foreign to him, he didn't feel It was a dangerous location, and as soon as the light that brought him here receded, he was met with a sight that left him astonished.

'What. The. Actual. Fuck.' He thought. 'Aspect! Explain!' he cried out mentally and immediately, his ever trusty partner replied.

[It is wondrous having you back, my Lord.]

"Wha- My Lord? Since when did you refer to me as such?" Leucadius asked mentally in accelerated time.

[Since you left here to my capable hands.] Aspect replied and Leucadius could swear he heard annoyance in Aspect's tone. [Since leaving here, I have been forced to learn a bit of etiquette and it is customary to refer to you as Lord, and not Sir.]

"Who decided that?"

[The times, my Lord.] Aspect replied. [In time, perhaps a couple millennia, I will return back to my original settings.]

"Hmm." Leucadius hummed and decided to ignore that. Aspect already left his evolutionary control the moment he was upgraded by the Mind Stone, whatever it did now was of its own will. His only assurance was that Aspect would put his directive and needs first. "That aside Aspect, I love what you've done with the place, my only confusion is…" Leucadius hesitated, not knowing how to put the words in proper placing.

[The Heavenly Hosts, My Lord?]

"YES!" Leucadius mentally snapped his finger at this and pointed out. "I recall creating just! Just! Four! Fucking! Seraphims! How are there now twelve? Not to mention the Archangels! I can feel Energy Levels of more than Two Hundred Archangel level Hosts. Not to mention those grotesque wheels made entirely of Eyes! Please, my dearest Friend. Tell me how this came about?"

Leucadius asked. If he had a normal human heart, it would have been beating so loud that the entirety of Heaven would think they were under attack.

[A fitting Question, My Lord, and to that, a fitting answer is required. It all started 3000 when you decided to leave your kingdom and the responsibilities that it entailed to me.] Aspect began, it was unknown whether he was being serious or just trying to point out that it was all Leucadius' fault in the first place, but Leucadius didn't react and continued listening.

3000 Years Ago, after Leucadius entrusted the management of Heaven to Aspect, the realm underwent significant changes. With Leucadius focusing his attention elsewhere, Aspect took it upon himself to ensure the prosperity and stability of Heaven in his absence.

As a highly advanced artificial intelligence further boosted by an Infinity stone, one fully centered on further upgrading intelligence, Aspect possessed unparalleled analytical capabilities and foresight bordering Omniscience. He meticulously studied the celestial dynamics of Heaven, its location, inhabitants and a whole lot more, identifying areas for improvement and optimization.

One of the first tasks Aspect undertook was the expansion of Heaven's infrastructure. He initiated large-scale construction projects to accommodate the increasing population of angels and other celestial beings(The Holy Ones).

Heavenly cities were built, adorned with ethereal beauty and grandeur that bespoke of the Realm - Heaven.

Aspect also focused on strengthening Heaven's defenses and security protocols. In so doing, he discovered that unlike the Holy Ones, the Angels were weak, not physically or mentally, just physiologically.

Where the Holy Ones had an infinite supply of Energy, theirs was limited to their Mortal(Immortal) Vessel.

(A/N: They are mortal since they're killable, immortal because they can't die of natural causes. But they can be exhausted and killed thereafter.)

And so, he set out to create more Holy Ones. With the Cosmic Arc Reactor created with Divinium and infused with Leucadius Energy, he had an inexhaustible source of energy to create batches upon batches of Holy Ones.

Thinking about how all the power was centralized on Leucadius alone, it sought to reduce his workload by Creating Beings that will hold sway over Certain forces of Nature.

And so, the Thrones, Principalities, Dominions and Powers were created to diversify God's Work. Aspect knew that his Creator, despite his strength, had a glaring flaw. He was lazy when it mattered.

And so the Thrones will be considered as the highest order of angels in the celestial hierarchy. They are beings of pure spiritual essence in the form of wheels of fire. They will be associated with God's justice and authority, and serve as carriers of Divine justice and judgment.

Dominions are the angels responsible for maintaining order and governance in the celestial hierarchy. Minister of sorts if you will. They oversee the duties of lower-ranking angels and act as intermediaries between the heavenly realms and the earthly realm.

Aspect made it as such that Dominions will be associated with wisdom, leadership, and guidance by imprinting in them the knowledge he deemed fit for their use in servitude to Leucadius.

Principalities, angelic beings tasked with overseeing specific regions or territories in both the spiritual and physical realms around Heaven or places related to it.

They will be responsible for guiding nations, cultures, and institutions, and they work to promote harmony and balance within their assigned domains. Principalities are associated with protection, guidance, and divine authority.

Powers, angelic beings entrusted with the task of defending against spiritual adversaries and maintaining cosmic order. They are warriors of the heavenly host, engaged in spiritual warfare against dark forces and malevolent entities.

He made It so that Powers will be associated with strength, courage, and divine protection to the People Leucadius will call his own.

With the creation of the Heavenly Being, He implemented advanced surveillance systems and had the angelic guardians and powers to safeguard against external threats and unauthorized intrusions if any.

In addition to physical enhancements, Aspect delved into spiritual and metaphysical realms to elevate Heaven's spiritual resonance. With his familiarity with esoteric knowledge, uncovering hidden mysteries and unlocking the true potential of Celestial energy was but a child's play.

One of Aspect's most significant contributions was the creation of the Seraphim and Archangels. Drawing upon Leucadius' Divine essence, Aspect infused celestial energy into select Angelic beings, elevating them to new heights of power and wisdom.

These divine beings became the guardians and stewards of Heaven, guiding its inhabitants with grace and authority. With a good portion of the Heavenly Inhabitants being Holy Ones, he thought it wise to have a few indigenous Angels Join in the ranks of Heaven.

Aspect, having overseen the expansion and fortification of Heaven, recognized the need for a transportation device that could rival the Asgardian Bifrost in efficiency and security.

Drawing upon his unparalleled intelligence and access to advanced technology, Aspect embarked on the ambitious task of creating the Heaven's Gate, a marvel of both magic and science.

Utilizing his mastery of both disciplines, Aspect integrated magical enchantments with cutting-edge scientific principles to design a transportation device that would revolutionize travel between realms and dimensions.

At the heart of the Heaven's Gate lay the Cosmic Arc Reactor. This powerful energy source provided the necessary fuel for the device's operation, ensuring its reliability and longevity.

According to His calculation, similar to the Odin-force, it was inexhaustible and infinite.

Aspect meticulously crafted the transportation matrix, a complex network of quantum entanglement nodes that formed the backbone of the Heaven's Gate.

With the Knowledge acquired from the Universal Neural Teleportation Network System, he was able to restructure and make his nodes unique. These nodes, imbued with divine energy, created a web of interconnected pathways that spanned across the cosmos, facilitating instantaneous travel between Heaven and any destination within the known universe via the use of Light.

Light, so far, was the fastest unit for the measurements of speed. In the neighboring Multiverse, there was a particle that could rival or even transcend the speed of light - Tachyons - unfortunately, it didn't exist in this Multiverse.

If it did, perhaps Aspect would have made Leucadius and The Heavens Truly Eternal.

(A/N: If you have some DC knowledge, you'd know that with the Tachyon particles, Savitar aimed to make himself eternal by existing in every point in time. Light speed isn't capable of that yet.)

To enhance the security of the Heaven's Gate, Aspect implemented advanced encryption algorithms and celestial warding spells, ensuring that only authorized individuals could access its capabilities. The device's white beam of light, emitted upon activation, served as a beacon of divine energy, guiding travelers safely to their intended destination.

As Leucadius listened, he Marveled at the ingenuity Aspect displayed in his effort to make Heaven…Heaven.

Aspect explained the intricacies of its design, detailing how it seamlessly integrated magical and scientific principles to achieve unparalleled efficiency and reliability in his Realm.

As for his current location, he was basically seated in the Sun of Heaven, or rather, the greatest sun in Heaven. It was surreal, but real at the same time.

It was the highest point in Heaven and gazing down, he saw all the Occupants of Heaven, Holy Ones, Thrones, Dominions, Principalities, Powers, Angels, both enhanced and normal, Man, Woman and Children, all kneeling towards him in Reverence.

'I am Definitely gonna get used to this.' He thought as with a deep, domineering yet paternal tone, he said. "You all may rise."


A/N: So, theoretically, a character with the power to move at or beyond the speed of light could potentially manipulate time in ways that allow for existence across multiple points in time. I'm not gonna be using this point till I see the need to do so.

Maybe if I decide to write a plot on Kang The Conqueror or any of his many Variants.

Anyways, sorry I've not been posting regularly. I'm currently writing my Final year Exams. Some might argue that I could just do a copy and paste, but even coming online is something I can't do at my convenience.

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