
omnipotent villain: the master of dual cultivation! ft.reader system!

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/EVEjCxccjW --------- Li Bai, The Cruel and Merciless Assassin gets killed and reincarnates into the Cultivation world as a son of an influential Dragon king. However, he is currently at the lower realm because his spirit root was destroyed. # is he powerful? > Yes! # Is it harem? > Yes! # cultivation? > Are you courting death? Of course, Yes! # is it just like other villain novel? > No comments! *** Author laughs at your stupidity*** # please tell me? > just read the story.

Novel_Xeltrod · Eastern
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55 Chs

Ch36- Angry Sect Master! Cheating wife?

" W-What that bitch dares to sleep with someone else, what's more, I was planning on promoting Ling Fei to my direct disciple " The Sect Master said angrily.

The Sect Master's main wife, Was a pitiful girl whom he had taken seeing her beauty. Even though she was beautiful, She lacked cultivation Talent.

However, he later figured out that the pitiful girl was his own granddaughter, but, it was too late, She had already given birth to his child, Ji Mai.

Combined with Her, the Sect master had 4 more concubines among which 2 died and 2 left with someone else.

So, right now, his only partner is his wife, Ji Mao.


Seeing the anger in the Sect master's face, Beta Xuam Smirked as he began to add fuel to the fire. " Sect Master, let me tell you a personal thing, I have seen Ling Fei use Demonic arts before, I highly believe,  he used some kind of Demonic technique on Sect Mistress and turned her into his puppet, I also highly believe, The Reason Great Elder- Mang Lao's inner demon won against him was because of Ling Fei "

" Indeed! It may be possible, that Ji Mao and Ling Fei are both demons now, we should burn them to death " The Sect Master said in anger.

Hearing this, Garlic Elder and Beta Xyan were taken aback, but, Ji Mai was more stunned after all, it was her mother, they were talking about burning.

Ji Mai's eyes widened in disbelief and horror.

The accusations against her mother and Ling Fei seemed to spiral out of control, and what's with her father's reaction, did he just blindly believe this accusation?

Garlic Elder, maintaining a facade of concern, interjected cautiously as he found the sect master's reaction and judgement quite harsh and rashed "Sect Master, we must tread carefully. Accusations without solid evidence could lead to irreversible consequences. Perhaps it would be wise to investigate further before making such drastic decisions."

Beta Xyan, however, fueled the flames with a sly smile. "Sect Master, I recently overheard disciples discussing Ling Fei's suspicious activities. Rumour has it that he used some form of demonic arts to temporarily revive Mang Lao. I, personally heard from the Holy Envoy's mouth that the Holy Envoy could sense demonic presence from Ling Fei. "


" H-Holy Envoy? " Elder and Ji Mai said in the same voice, hearing the name of the Holy Envoy, the doubts inside the sect master grew even more.

The Sect Master, consumed by anger and suspicion, considered Beta Xyan's words as True,

"Summon Ling Fei for questioning," the Sect Master ordered, his voice resonating with authority. " Also, Summon Ji Mao for questioning "

While holding the injury in his hands, he got up from his bed.


" Right away," Beta Xyan said and left with a smirk on his face, he had done his job perfectly.

Saying that he left the sect master's residence.

As Beta Xyan left the Sect Master's residence, a sinister satisfaction played on his lips.

He had successfully manipulated the situation to his advantage, creating a web of suspicion that threatened to engulf the Ling Fei, " With this, The Holy Envoy would greatly reward me right? " Beta Xyan reviewed. 




Meanwhile, Ling Fei, unaware of the storm brewing, continued his cultivation in seclusion, thinking about dead Mang Lao, and the weakened state of the Sect.

Little did he know that his fate was about to take a drastic turn, and he didn't even have a single clue.

Observing it from high above, Li Bai seems countless steps ahead. Li Bai was already about to win while Ling Fei didn't even know which game he was playing.


Right after Beta Xyan left, inside the sect master chamber,

Garlic Elder's cautious words resonated with reason, offering a plea for prudence amid the mess. "Sect Master, we must tread carefully. Accusations without solid evidence could lead to irreversible consequences. Perhaps it would be wise to investigate further before making such drastic decisions."

Shorty Elder proposed a sensible approach. "How about this, Sect Master? According to Beta Xyan, it seems Ling Fei is planning to visit Sect Mistress's Chamber tonight. If what Beta Xyan said is true, then we should probably kill both of them. But for now, we need to preserve as many talented youths as we can. Taking a rash decision isn't beneficial."

With a slight pause while glancing at Ji Mai, Elder continued, "Let's wait and see. If Ling Fei truly enters the Sect Mistress's room, then he is guilty, punishable by death. But right now, let's focus on healing."

With those words, the Garlic Elder took out, the gifted, bottle of pills from Li Bai and presented it in front of the sect master, firstly, taking out a healing pill and showing it to the Sect Master.

"Are these... Lord Ranked Pills?" The Sect Master questioned, amazement evident in his voice.

Garlic Elder nodded, "Indeed. The Holy Envoy bestowed these upon me. They are not only of

Lord Rank but...they are also of Saint grade Quality "

Hearing this, the sect master's eyes widened with realization. The timing of such a gift, amidst the turmoil, wasn't a mere coincidence.

He also recalls what his daughter mentioned a few moments ago " The second lightning tribulation was caused by Holy Envoy".

Knowing these, Sect Master connected the dots inside his tiny brain. " is Holy Envoy telling me that, the Garlic elder is the only Grand Elder I can trust? "

Recalling the words of Beta Xyan, the Sect master created another hypothesis that Ling Fei is also not trustworthy.

As, Garlic Elder showed all the pills, Sect Master's heart began to beat faster and faster. " Healing pill, body enhancing pill, bone forging pill, qi condensing pill... Is Holy Envoy perhaps hinting that something bad is going to happen so heal up and make yourself stronger? "

" it seems, the Holy Envoy has calculated everything, " the Sect master thought then he realised " Did the Holy Envoy even figure out that I lied to him? "thinking about this, his forehead began to sweat

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