
omnipotent villain: the master of dual cultivation! ft.reader system!

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/EVEjCxccjW --------- Li Bai, The Cruel and Merciless Assassin gets killed and reincarnates into the Cultivation world as a son of an influential Dragon king. However, he is currently at the lower realm because his spirit root was destroyed. # is he powerful? > Yes! # Is it harem? > Yes! # cultivation? > Are you courting death? Of course, Yes! # is it just like other villain novel? > No comments! *** Author laughs at your stupidity*** # please tell me? > just read the story.

Novel_Xeltrod · Eastern
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55 Chs

Ch-26; Demonic Elder!

[ Ding! Congratulations, Protagonist "Tan Man" mentally has been crushed, +5000 Points ]

[ Ding! Congratulations! The host has played a major role in Tan Man's Death, Host has been rewarded with 5000 points ]

[ Ding! The Grand Elder " Mang Lao " Has been overtaken by his inner demon for slaying the Chosen Son of heaven ]


Holy Calf; the child of the Holy Cow, how did the chosen Son of heaven die? And I have no clue about it?


*** Flashback ***

Among all Spiritual Chicken, one of the Spiritual Chicked looked extremely Smart.

That chicken looked here and there while a mechanical voice sounded in his head.

[ Ding! Host, please complete the Daily task for points ]

# Tasks

1. As soon as the sun rises, please wake up everyone. ( + 100 points )

2. Be a good chicken and eat what has been offered ( +100 points )

3. Discipline other spiritual Chickens ( +100 points )

" Sighhhh!, I have been doing these tasks for so long when will it end " Tan man, the chicken thought.

" System, show me the evolution panel," He said lightly in his mind.

[ Ding! Here is it ]

Name: Tan Man

Race: spiritual Chicken ( Rare )

Evolution points: 3, 99,800

Next Evolution: The Ultimate Dragon ( Required 200 more points )

" kukkkk! Kukkkk! " Tan Man, the chicken laughed as he needed only 200 extra points to evolve into the Ultimate dragon.

A few decades ago, Tan Man was reincarnated into this world as a worm, he thought it was all over but, when all hope was dead a new hope arrived.

Tan Man, obtained a legendary Evolution System, after Worm, he evolved into a Butterfly, and after that, he evolved into a Spiritual Chicken.

And, Now he only needs 200 extra points to Evolve into GodHood. He was very excited because, after so many years, he was finally going to rule the world as a Dragon.

He had already formed many plans such as marrying the daughter of the Sect master and fighting with that Holy Envoy who is rumoured to have come from the upper realm.

" First thing first, let's earn from points, " Tan Man thought and...



He shouted loudly almost destroying his lungs.

[ Ding! The host has made sure everyone is awake, You have obtained 100 points ]

Gearing this Tan Man was happy,  just 100 more points and he could finally live as he wished, 100 more points and all the things he had suffered would end.

His good days are finally coming after suffering for decades which seems like eternity.



He shouted in his chicken form making chicken noises as he walked here and there raising his chest.

It was his day, the day, where he would finally evolve into Ultimate Dragon, once he Evolved into Ultimate Dragon, is there anything that can stop him?

Absolutely not!

Now, it was his time, he waited patiently for Disciples to offer him food, he would be a good chicken and eat that food obtaining an additional 100 points.




He waited and waited,


Finally, the door to the room was opened, and Tan Man's excitement grew as his dream would finally be fulfilled.

The Evolution to Ultimate Dragon was right in front of him.

" Hahahah! Slaughter these annoying Chickens " The disciple rushed inside while shouting.

" Indeed, these Spiritual Chickens have distracted me from cultivating many times, finally Retribution has arrived " Another disciple said.

"All thanks to Holy Envoy! I can peacefully cultivate from tomorrow " Another Disciple said.

" Huh? What the fuck " Tan Man said as he was a little scared, " What the Fuck, I just need 100 points to reach dragonhood " Tan Man became a little impatient as he hurriedly came forward to eat some food offered by the disciples.

" Hahaha! Look at This chicken, he came forward, I guess he wants to die first," the first disciple said looking at Tan Man who came forward.

" I guess he came forward hoping we have brought him some food, Hahah! But today the role has reversed, these Chickens are our food today " another disciple said.


Tan Man's heart sank as he realized the truth.

The disciples hadn't come to offer him food rather they had come to make a meal out of him and his fellow chickens.

His dreams of evolving into the Ultimate Dragon were on the verge of being crushed, and his life was in grave danger.



Tan Man shouted as he hurriedly ran.

" Catch Him!, let's kill him at first," one of the disciples said...

" Indeed, that's the chicken who Annoys me the most " Another one said.


After a few minutes of Chase, those disciples successfully manage to catch Tan Man.



Tan Man shouted his lungs out, "System help me...fucking System, help me " Tan Man said in his heart.

[ Ding! The system can't do anything ]

"let's take him to Grand Elder Mang Lao, this chicken is most active and healthy, Holy Envoy would probably love this " the third disciple added.

" Let's do that, "

Hearing this, Tan Man's Eyes widen...


" Grand Elder Mang Lao, he has fallen, now that's gonna be an interesting scene! " Li Bai said lightly.

He guessed probably, that the Sect Master would personally make a move to stop Mang Lao, but Mang Lao isn't that weaker than Sect Master.

Under the control of his inner demon, Mang Lao might probably be even stronger than the sect master.



A loud explosion occurred inside the Sect, Li Bai got up as he knew something interesting was going to happen soon.


" Hel- "

" Arghhh "

" Call the sect master! Grand Elder Mang Lao has fallen into a demonic state "

" Arghhhh! Run! Grand elder, Mang Lao has fallen into a demonic path "

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