
Omnipotent Village Chief

In the Slonia Empire Mages reigned supreme. They are nobles who monopolized and controlled their knowledge and wisdom in the world where Arcane Energy riddled every nook and cranny from easily going out or leaked to the commoners and peasants. Darius, an orphan from the most remote village in the Northean Kingdom, had the highest Magic Aptitude. But of course, he was oblivious to this fact since surviving the all-year-long winter was harsh enough for him, let alone learning the magic that would bring nothing to the dining table for his little brothers and sisters in the orphanage. Until one day he met with an old man who gave him the… Arcanium System which would change his fate and the entire world altogether. ==== [Checking connection with the host.] [Synchronizing Host’s information, please wait…] [Updating Host’s information] [Update completed] [Downloading the universe’s data] [Download completed] [The Arcanium System has been installed successfully!] [System: All green] [Arcanium System: Linked] [Good morning, Master Darius] ==== “Nobles? Do you mean those fat-bellied pigs?! I can beat them with the tip of my nail.” “Hah! Such arrogance. You must have eons worth of knowledge in your Magic Circuit. How old are you again?” “18!” “What the…” *Will the Slonia Empire be all right with the existence of this young man?* ==== Support this book for faster release!

YannNovel88 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

04: Fury

OVC Ch 4-Fury.

The brawny mage and his henchmen were shocked upon witnessing the huge amount of chaotic Arcane Energy that follows the scrawny young man. He came with a flurry of destruction, even the meters-thick layer of ice on the lake's surface was being plowed backward by each thump of his feet.

Ice Lance rained upon Darius once more. The caster was determined to bring down the charging-crazed young man. Whistling sounds reverberated, slicing the thin air and followed by crisp and crunchy noises when those sharp lances landed on the target.

However, as if Darius' body was being protected by an invisible aura shield, the ice lances disintegrated upon contact while most of them were being parried and deflected by his anti-mage sword.

"How is this possible!"

The brawny mage kept swinging his metal staff in the young man's direction, firing dozens of spells that he could think of and yet no avail.

By the time Darius was close enough, the brawny mage's mana was almost depleted. It was palpable that the ice lance that he could produce was significantly decreased both in numbers and density.

His henchmen, on the other hand, were cowered in fear, they were hesitant whether to fight or flee.

Their boss was no different, his cowardly nature soon emerged.

"Hey, you! Protect me! Don't let him get closer!"

"Y-yes captain!" Replied his henchmen in reluctance.

Darius' two-handed sword, though it looked plain and simple, had a razor-sharp edge that could split even a rock like a hot knife slicing through a block of butter

Although he doesn't have a high level of swordsmanship, the young man has a knack for using the sword and delivers a devastating blow to each pirate who stands in his way.

Five men, five slashes, each swing of his sword severed either their limbs or got their skull split into twain. Darius didn't even bat an eye or show any remorse for these rascals as the spilled blood instantly froze upon contact with the lake's frozen surface.

Darius, however, didn't consider his act as murder, but as taking care of the pest that had plagued his village.

The brawny mage, on the other hand, was frantic since his mana had been depleted. He stumbled backward as Darius approached him, his step was steady yet also heavy, carrying his resentment and his thirst for revenge.

The brawny mage couldn't discern where the young man's power came from. According to his appraisal, the young man was only Second Tier Acolyte Mage.

He couldn't comprehend how the unassuming weak pleb from a while ago had such extraordinary strength. Although the captain could fathom the young man's Mage Rank, he was utterly dumbfounded by the young man's mana which exhibited an otherworldly aura, the strongest one that he had ever seen.

The young man may have been alone, but he radiated the aura of a hundred-strong Infantry Warriors. His otherworldly golden eyes shone vibrantly amidst the face that was smothered with blood.

The brawny mage knew the Grim Reaper was ready to claim his soul as the young man tightened his grip on the sword's handle.



No further words escaped from the captain's mouth, the last thing in his sight was the world that turned upside down and then absolute darkness creeping in from the corner of his sight.

Afterward, the ice poles that imprisoned Maria were disintegrated into a faint mist when the owner had died.

Notwithstanding her wounded body, Maria opted to run toward Darius.

"Darius!" She hugged him tightly. "Are you okay?"

At the same time, Darius' mind was flooded by tons of notifications. He didn't hear Maria's voice.

[Caution: Magic Circuit overheated]

[Caution: Shutting down in five, four...]

"Darius! Look at me!"

Her voice was like a spell that could cease his anger. The vibrant crystal sphere embedded in his chest grew dimmer and was in a tranquil state.

[Magic Circuit is cooling down]

Maria wanted to ask what happened to him, especially the spherical crystal that was embedded in his chest. However, she knew the mood wasn't quite fit for that.

"Darius!" Maria slapped his face until Darius returned to himself.

"The kids… Albert and the others were—"

Maria bit her lower lips, it should have been her responsibility to keep them safe. Although she could make a spark of magic, her ability was still unpolished as well as suppressed by the environment, which was dominated by Ice Elementals.

Her physique as a woman was not strong enough to retaliate. She was powerless at that time.

"I am so sorry, I could not—"

Darius wanted to vent his anger toward her, but he held everything to himself as soon as he noticed there were strands of blood on her inner thighs. Her dress was torn here and there, especially her chest area where he could see a portion of her sizable bosoms.

He was aware of what they did to her. They probably did it to her in front of them.

"Shh, it's not your fault. Let's go back to the village, we need to treat your wounds." Darius said, glancing at her thighs.

He then scooped her body, carrying her like a princess.


*I know, just hold onto me."

"I am so sorry." Maria finally burst into tears in his embrace, crying in silence.

She was embarrassed of herself, she couldn't bear the guilty feeling of surviving while the others were brutally murdered.


A day later, Spring finally arrived, bringing warmth from across the sea. It had always been a season that brought euphoria to the many races, transcending mere seeds and seemingly dead trees back to life after a year-long winter in the Northean Kingdom.

Usually, the villagers would throw a celebration party that would last for three days and three nights on the beach to welcome the spring season.

On this day, however, they were mourning. Heads lowered, and everybody sobbed. A mountain of food was replaced by a spire of woods with dozens of the deceased placed on each level. On its base was a pool of Black Whale Oil, ready to be incinerated.

Darius, on the other hand, was wearing a black hooded cloak. He walked forward, holding a torch in his right hand.

By the time he threw the torch into the pool of oil, the wood spire was set ablaze in a matter of seconds. Flame soared high, ushering the souls to the afterlife. A melodic hum resounded from the villagers, a hymn to accompany their journey.

For hours, Darius and the villagers stayed on the beach until the very last bit of ashes was claimed by the waves.

Afterward, Aunt Esther approached Darius, bringing the former chief's staff, and gave it to him. It was the Chieftain Staff, crafted from the Sea Wood that grow beneath the ocean's wave. A pearl, as big as and adult's fist perched on top.

The staff was rather simple, but it carried generations of wisdom from the long-lost era.


He turned his gaze toward her, even without further words, he knew what it meant. He was going to be the next village chief.

Darius nodded, and he solemnly accepted the tribute.

"From today's onward, we shall follow and abide your words, Darius."

"Mourning is over, plow the land, rebuild the Village Hall, and get ready for the storm in summer."