
Omnipotent system of the Otherworld's Judge

Due to some unfortunate circumstances, Aster found himself in the midst of a cosmic energy storm. He was supposed to be migrating from Earth to another place called Gaia along with millions of people. He was supposed to have a world of possibilities for his future, literally. But instead, he was going to die. 'No, I won't accept an ending like this!' With the massive amount of energy mixture overcharging his soul and destroying his body, he desperately searched for a way to live. And he found it. What is the most powerful thing in the entire world? A lot of people would say dragons, demon kings, humanity's heroes, shadow sovereign, gods, etc. Aster would say the system. What is the thing that can make an average weeb a world conqueror? What is the thing that can make the smallest of ants into the king of heaven? What is the thing that can turn ugly people beautiful, weak into strong and mortal a divine existence? It's the system He found his way to survive. He channeled all of his excess mana into his system, mutating it... evolving it to something unprecedented, something unforeseen, something that has endless potential. Armed with a new responsibility and a goal, he sets out to enjoy his new life in this new world. *** The cover is ai generated. Edited by me on Canva Some stuff -No romance -No harem -69 chaps in and no young masters so far -The mc might be a bit of a pushover in the first volume but bear with me, the overpowered and the weak to strong tags aren't there for nothing. 20 powerstones- extra chap for the week. 40 powerstones- extra chap for the week. Try out "Apocalyptic Ravager!" It is my other novel.

Billurigan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
102 Chs


The assassin brandished his dagger and approached Aster carefully. His intention was clear, he wanted to inspect Aster to avoid any surprises.

However, Aster was in a rush. Like a violent thunder, he bolted from his position and reached him in no time.

Despite his remarkable speed performance, the assassin managed to parry his right fist flawlessly with the flat side of his dagger and tried to strike Aster's throat with his own left fist.

The punch had been thrown with Aster's momentum in mind hence the direction was a little off. The strike wasn't meant to approach Aster, Aster was meant to run into the fist himself.

It is hard to stop with high momentum instantly. It gets even harder with more momentum an object has and the sudden acceleration of Aster just made it hard for him to halt at once hence the assassin expected his fist to connect with the target.

The fist flew past the intended throat as Aster had ignored the laws of physics and ceased moving.

The assassin's eyes dived down to Aster's feet and saw his aura which had sprouted dozens of tendrils and burrowed deep into the ground.

He felt he was a fool for letting down his guard. His eyes landed back on Aster just in time to see him pulling his right arm as much as he could before punching with monstrous strength.

His arm length wasn't enough to reach the assassin but his aura compensated for it and smacked the assassin in the elbow.

The power generated by the system pulsated through the entirety of his soul and his spiritual and astral body was affected by it as well.

The burst of energy set his thoughts into disarray and emotions into a mess, giving him a euphoric feeling practically impossible to recreate again.

This state of his could be called a sort of 'enlightenment' as his control over his aura skyrocketed albeit temporarily.

As if he were an expert warrior aura master, he swung his aura in the shape of a rope and tightened it around the mysterious killer before pulling him towards himself.

He didn't even bother punching him directly, he fashioned an aura hammer and slammed the assassin with it.

It was not needed to be said but the attack ought to have been devastating considering his amplified attributes and [Soul striker] trait that ignored defense yet the assassin didn't make a sound at all let alone a grunt. Not even his breathing could be heard.

Every movement of his was silent even as he slammed into a wall.

The assassin had made a hole in the wall with the force he had been hit with yet he got up and dusted his clothes as if nothing had happened.

He looked at his dagger which had been snapped in half. He put his left hand up and opened his palm wide.

Small water droplets manifested and gathered together, forming a water ball the size of a small child above his head.

Then he stabbed the shaft of the dagger into the water ball.

The water ball shrunk and formed into an ice blade. Not as sharp as it was before but sharp enough to do insignificant damage.

A malicious red aura oozed from his soul and formed around the ice blade, giving the crystal clear blade a blood red shade.

The assassin did not separate his eyes from the manic Aster who was bolting straight at him. 

Once Aster had deemed he was in his range once again, he formed an even bigger and sturdier aura tentacle to smash the assassin into meat paste.

He raised the tentacle of doom into the air and delivered a disastrous vertical slam which the killer avoided by jumping up.

As he descended, he slashed the open air, an extremely thin layer of water infused with a red aura left the blade and flew towards Aster in the shape of a crescent moon.

Aster cackled and forced his aura to block the upcoming slash.

His smile grew slightly wider upon seeing his reinforced layer of aura being cut through like a hot knife through butter.

'You hit me, I hit you back!'

He discarded any thoughts of evading. He focused on his aura to attack from below as the slash tore through his right arm, leaving it barely attached to tendons.

The aura on his skin left and was shaped into dozens of spikes on the ground ready to impale the falling assassin at any given moment.

Without further ado, the spikes left the ground and met his opponent halfway in the air.

Aster wanted to see a notification signifying his win but was met with blind vision instead.

His trusted shadow that had followed him throughout his entire life had betrayed him under the influence of the assassin, shown through the shadow spikes protruding from the ground and pierced straight through Aster's skull.


His mushed brain lost focus and the aura spikes disappeared. The regeneration skill that was his lifeline was barely enough to keep him alive but that changed when the assassin decided to get physical.

He demonstrated his excellent dagger mastery by gutting Aster in one smooth slash and proceeded to amputate his right arm.

He kept stabbing Aster at every spot in hopes of snuffing out his life in order to guarantee the kill for real.

It was not easy for him, the regeneration skill was truly monstrous.

The impact from his attacks was enough for Aster to get knocked around like a doll and the spears embedded in his head were forcefully torn off.

Having wasted enough time, the assassin stopped his lethal barrage of attacks, leaped back from Aster's bloody body, and wielded his frozen dagger like a sword.

More water gathered around it and froze, increasing the length of the blade.

The aura infused with the blade ran rampant and resembled a vortex now. Combined with the blade, the next attack could mince Aster with no hopes of recovering.

But the split second needed to charge the said attack was enough for him to counterattack.

Maybe because the system was slowly running out of energy to supply Aster with, the euphoric feeling dimmed down. Aster could think straight again.

Now that he could think straight, he could properly utilize magic.

An explosion met the sword mid-way and propelled the assassin back.

"You… you are a human, aren't you."

'His aura… it's the normal kind. Angels use holy aura and demons use miasma, none use normal aura.

Sure, his aura was tainted to become red but I met someone else like that. What matters is that he is a human.'

"Which means that I should be able to use this."

[[True sight] has been activated]