
Omnipotence X Omniscience X Omnipresence

An Omnipotent Author and an Omniscient Reader were summoned to another world by the Omnipresent Heavenly Will. 英語に Katake Kage Zenchi (Omnipotent Author): Why am I summoned into my novel? Ara Brei (Omniscient Reader): Yeah, and why am I also summoned into this novel? Omnipresent Heavenly Will: The novel worlds that the Omnipotent Author had created were now being attacked by other Omnipotent Authors as we speak! Only an Omnipotent Author and an Omniscient Reader would be able to save these worlds that were on the brink of destruction! Katake Kage Zenchi (Omnipotent Author): It's such a hassle but I guess I have nothing to do. Ara Brei, shall we visit the worlds that we wanted to visit a long time ago? Ara Brei (Omniscient Reader): Sure! Finally! I will be able to meet the handsome protagonist and make friends with the kind female lead! That's how the fate of the 3 supreme beings intertwined. Katake Kage Zenchi, a famous best-selling prodigious author who had written 100 novels with at least 1,000 chapters in 1 novel, had a loyal top fan who was his editor and proofreader for free. He holds the title of Omnipotent Author for being the world's best-selling author and having the ability to write 50 chapters a day. Ara Brei, the loyal top fan and editor of Katake, has been a reader of Katake's 100 novels ever since it was written. She holds the title of Omniscient Reader for predicting the upcoming scenes in a novel and being unaffected by plot twists since she knew that a plot twist was going to happen. Heavenly Will, the will that governed all of the 100 worlds that Katake had unintentionally created. It holds the title of Omnipresent heavenly will for being able to manage all of the 100 worlds at the same time while being present and maintaining the balance of every world. Every time Katake created a new novel, a new world would also create but in another dimension. Onwards! The first world we are going to visit! The World Of DEAD (Doom Entropy And Destruction) Cover Edited By: Shadow Katake Images used in cover editing are not mine. Only the final product which is the edited cover.

ShadowKatake · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Time To Travel Towards Mortem City

"Sharielle is now 6 years old. What are we going to do now?"

Ara Brei asked me since the two of us had planned six years ago that we would head to Mortem City after Sharielle Zenchi reached six years of age.

"We will go with our previous plan. I don't believe that we can't enter the city given that I had prepared numerous alibis and excuses if the guards of Mortem City decided to stop us."

Not only am I a clean freak, but I was also a cautious guy so it's my motto to be always prepared and have a lot of backup plans.

"It's great that we are both on the same page. I'll check if there would be some mishaps in our journey using my foresight skill."

"No need. It would be too boring if there wouldn't be any action on the road. Moreover, Sharielle is already at six years of age, and not to mention she's at level 34 due to the intense training that I had told her to perform."

Ara Brei and I conversed with each other for an hour or so about the plans in heading towards Mortem City.

I wasn't afraid of anything as long as I was in one of my 100 novel worlds since my authority of omnipotence would only work within my 100 novel worlds.

Furthermore, Sharielle Zenchi was at level 34 so she should be able to handle any average knights and bandits that would harm her so there wasn't any problem that would be unsolvable as long as a supreme being was involved.

One supreme being was enough to guarantee that nothing wrong would happen but what about two supreme beings?

There wouldn't be any problems that Ara Brei, Sharielle Zenchi, and I would be unable to solve.

Also, I would be able to summon the Omnipresent Heavenly Will anytime I want so that made three supreme beings.

Two supreme beings entering a city would be a disaster for the king (mayor) if the king found out about that.

Even if the king found out about that, what's he gonna do about it?

Can he afford to exile two supreme beings after the two supreme beings just entered the city?

That would be tantamount to courting death and even the king of that city would pray that he offended a god instead.

I was currently tidying my room the old fashion way even though I can just snap my fingers and it would be clean.

My purpose for doing that was to exercise my body and relax from the 100 novel worlds fiasco.

Some of the NEETs back on Earth hated and complained about cleaning their room but I disagree about that since cleaning gets rid of harmful microorganisms in a room.

Ara Brei and Sharielle Zenchi were cleaning Ara Brei's room to spend time together.

I kinda felt bad for Sharielle Zenchi to experience her biological parents perishing due to the hands of that corrupt king.

I wanted to save her parents but for the sake of not messing up with the plot, I had no choice but to turn a blind eye to that incident.

If the plot was messed up, then the future events of the novel would be ruined which would hasten the destruction of this world.

Moreover, it's not like Sharielle was having a bad time with Ara Brei and me since we treated her like our own daughter.

But instead, Sharielle felt like she was Ara Brei and my daughter.

Ara Brei and I had already told Sharielle that the two of us weren't her parents especially because the two of us were too young.

As I was thinking about some other things, I had noticed that I had finished cleaning my room.

Also, I had plenty of foods from Earth that I have stored in my food cabinet such as canned foods, cup noodles, biscuits, chocolate, etc.

Even after 6 years have passed, my food stockpile had not run out since I kept on reversing time on my food stockpile it wouldn't expire and wouldn't run out.

The expiry date on the packaging of the food in my food cabinet was already way beyond the current date but it could still be eaten.

I had a habit to buy food in several packs and boxes of canned goods so that I wouldn't keep on going to the market every day.

I reversed time on my food cabinet just to make sure it didn't expire and I took out a bag of potato chips from the food cabinet.

I opened the bag of potato chips and bit and munched on it which resulted in crunch sounds due to its crispiness.

"Katake, Sharielle, and I have finished cleaning my room so we should get going now! Let's head to Mortem City!"

As I was munching on the potato chips, I heard Ara Brei's voice in her room and she told me that it was time to head to Mortem City.

"I'll fly our house now!"


After I received Ara Brei's permission, I snapped my fingers which resulted in our room floating in the air.

The room that was in the middle of the forest was lifted by me into the air which shocked some of the sentient beasts on the forest.

I created a map of this world and I saw on the map that the Mystic Forest and Mortem City were only thousands of kilometers apart.

I could just use my space magic to teleport Ara Brei and my room near or within Mortem City but that would raise suspicion.

Also, even though a flying room was enough to raise suspicion on us, it was still quite a common occurrence for people in this world to use levitation magic on their houses.

So, Ara Brei and I wouldn't be stopped by the guards if we ever entered the city with the help of our room.

But of course, we would only be able to place our room either outside the city or several meters above the city.

After I had floated the room in the air, I set up the coordinates of Mortem City in our flying room vehicle and set it up on autopilot.

Ara Brei, Sharielle, and I were heading towards Mortem City via flying room at a fast speed.