

~NEW UPRISING NOVEL!!!~ P/s: I am a fresh author that just start to delve into this career. I hope you enjoy it! Feel free to read my other novel, if you want rated M and 18+, read One Day With You. This is for general view and no romantic scene because it was mainly for adventure and action. Believe me, the story will be boring at first, but I promised you it will be an epic scene as the main character grow up. I have to started it slow for the character development because he is still a toddler. So, please look forward for this novel by put it in your collection. Thank you XD .... Makoto Hiro, a young man from Earth, is reincarnated into a fantastical world known as Mundus Novus by a mysterious entity he calls 'Master.' In this new world, he is reborn as Oruvan, the child of a forbidden union between the Demon King and the Goddess Queen. Hoping for a simpler life in this new world, Oruvan quickly realizes that fate has other plans. As a human, he possesses a unique combination of magical abilities inherited from his parents: the dark magic of demons and the light magic of goddesses, along with the five aptitude elemental magics—fire, water, earth, wind, and electricity—granted to him by his past life. This rare combination makes him exceptionally powerful but also marks him for a difficult journey. Despite his desire for a peaceful existence, Oruvan is thrust into a life of constant trials and tribulations. His parents are captured by humans, leaving him to navigate a perilous world alone. Throughout his journey, he faces numerous challenges, from malevolent beings to political intrigue, all while uncovering the mysteries of his own identity and powers. The true test begins when the demonic blood in Oruvan's veins allows the Demon King to attempt possession of his body. With the support of his loyal companions, Oruvan fights to retain control and seeks ways to protect himself from this looming threat. As he grows stronger, he learns of the Demon King's grand ambition to conquer the world and works tirelessly to thwart it. Just as the humans are weakened by their battles with the demons, the dragon clans seize the opportunity to expand their territory, driven by an increasing birth rate and dwindling resources. Oruvan's strength and leadership enable him to subdue the dragon threat, but this victory brings him to the attention of the Seven Monarchs, powerful beings who perceive him as a threat to their dominion. Oruvan's quest for a tranquil life ironically propels him into the heart of a monumental conflict. His resolve to protect the human lands and secure his dream of a peaceful existence leads to an unprecedented war against the Monarchs. In this epic struggle, Oruvan must confront the mightiest forces of the Mundus Novus and prove that even a desire for simplicity can ignite a revolution. …

Secret_Ethereal · Fantasy
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10 Chs



In the midst of the raging war, I found myself engulfed in memories of my companions, each now a formidable force in their own right. I marveled at their growth from humble beginnings to legendary status in this tumultuous world.

Lost in my reverie, I was suddenly jolted back to reality by the sight of my younger brother, Elijah, leaping to shield me from the devastating blast unleashed by the Dragon Sovereign, Drakkarath. As the flames subsided, I couldn't help but reminisce about the days when I had sheltered Elijah from harm, never imagining that my once vulnerable sibling would now stand as my protector.

With a determined glint in his eyes, Elijah faced Drakkarath, the embodiment of draconic power and fury. The ground trembled beneath the weight of the dragon monarch's presence as he unleashed torrents of flame and unleashed blasts of scorching heat.

But Elijah stood firm, his resolve unyielding as he faced the mightiest of adversaries. With sword in hand, he braced himself against the onslaught, his courage unwavering in the face of overwhelming odds. With each clash, Elijah defied the dragon's fury, his determination fueled by the bond of brotherhood and the desire to protect those he held dear. Despite the overwhelming power of Drakkarath, Elijah fought on, his spirit unbroken as he stood as a beacon of hope in the midst of chaos.


As the ground trembled beneath the catastrophic magic of Terra, the Monarch of Earth, I witnessed Elara, my confidant, swiftly teleporting the imperiled human army to safety. From a solitary mage dwelling in the Dream Forest to a trusted ally in our shared journey, Elara's evolution mirrored the resilience of our bond.

But as the earth itself threatened to swallow our forces whole, Elara knew that she could not simply evacuate them to safety forever. With a determined expression, she turned her attention to Terra, the Monarch of Earth, who wielded cataclysmic powers capable of rending the very ground asunder.

Summoning forth her own magical energies, Elara stood firm against the approaching disaster, her hands outstretched as she channeled her arcane abilities. With a whispered incantation, she called upon the elements to aid her, weaving spells of protection and resilience to shield our forces from Terra's devastating onslaught.

As Terra unleashed torrents of earth and stone, Elara countered with waves of arcane energy, pushing back against the encroaching chaos with every ounce of her strength. With each spell cast, she fought to maintain the fragile balance between destruction and salvation, her determination unwavering in the face of overwhelming odds.


Amidst the clash of monarchs, I observed Grathar, my loyal familiar turned formidable warrior, locked in combat with Voltar, the Monarch of Storms. Grathar's transformation from a mere feline companion to a fierce combatant filled me with pride and admiration.

With lightning crackling around him, Voltar unleashed the fury of the storm upon Grathar, seeking to overwhelm him with the raw power of the elements. But Grathar refused to yield, his claws and teeth bared as he leaped and dodged with feline agility.

Despite Voltar's tempestuous onslaught, Grathar fought on with relentless determination, his primal instincts driving him forward in the heat of battle. With each swipe of his claws and every lightning-fast pounce, he matched Voltar blow for blow, refusing to be swept aside by the storm monarch's fury.

As the battle raged on, Grathar's ferocity and tenacity proved to be formidable assets against Voltar's elemental might. With each passing moment, he drew upon his primal instincts and the bond of loyalty that bound him to me, fighting with all his might to protect our cause and emerge victorious against the storm.


Meanwhile, Angelica, the prophetic seer, faced off against Elementa, the Monarch of Elements, countering her elemental onslaught with strategic precision. Angelica's unwavering resolve bolstered the magician ranks, inspiring hope amid the chaos of battle.

Drawing upon her years of training and the strength of her companions, Angelica unleashed a flurry of attacks, each strike aimed at weakening Elementa's hold over the elements. With each blow, she chipped away at her opponent's defenses, inching closer to victory with every passing moment.

As the battlefield rumbled with the clash of elements and the clash of steel, Angelica remained steadfast, her resolve unbroken in the face of overwhelming power. With every strike, she fought not just for herself, but for all those who relied on her strength and courage to see them through the darkest of times.


Meanwhile, Ryder, the master swordsman, fought against the monarch of radiance, Luminara, whose move in the insane speed was unmatched. But he is still on par against him.

With each clash of their blades, sparks flew as Ryder deftly parried the blindingly fast strikes of his opponent.

Luminara, moving with unmatched speed and grace, seemed to dance amidst the chaos of battle, her radiant presence illuminating the battlefield. But Ryder, with his years of training and unmatched skill with the sword, stood firm against the dazzling assault.

As Luminara unleashed bursts of blinding light and searing energy, Ryder met her onslaught with a calm resolve, his blade a beacon of defiance against the brilliance of his adversary. With each strike, he countered her attacks with precision and determination, inching closer to victory with every clash.

Despite the overwhelming radiance that surrounded them, Ryder remained undaunted, his focus unwavering as he pressed on against the relentless assault of the radiant monarch. With each passing moment, he drew strength from the memory of his comrades and the knowledge that their cause was just.


Meanwhile, Elena, the druidess, found herself locked in a desperate struggle against Spectra, the monarch of spirit. Surrounded by the ethereal forms of Spectra's spectral companions, Elena stood firm, her connection to the natural world lending her strength in the face of the otherworldly.

Spectra, with her ability to summon and command spirits to do her bidding, unleashed a relentless barrage of attacks, her spectral allies swarming around Elena like phantoms in the night. But Elena, drawing upon the primal forces of nature, called upon the spirits of the forest to aid her in battle.

With each incantation and gesture, Elena commanded the elements to rise to her defense, the very earth beneath her feet responding to her call. Vines ensnared Spectra's spectral minions, roots rose from the ground to entangle her foes, and gusts of wind swept through the battlefield, dispersing the lingering shadows.

As Spectra sought to overwhelm Elena with her spectral army, the druidess remained resolute, her connection to the natural world serving as both shield and sword against her spectral adversary. With each wave of her hand, she pushed back against the encroaching darkness, determined to banish Spectra and her minions from the realm of the living.

And though the battle against Spectra seemed never-ending, Elena fought on, her bond with nature unbroken in the face of spectral onslaught. For she knew that as long as she remained steadfast in her resolve, the spirits of the forest would always answer her call, guiding her through the darkest of times.


As the conflict raged on, Roland, the valiant knight, stood resolute against the relentless advance of Abyssalos, the Monarch of Abyss. With each swing of his blade, Roland defied the darkness, his unwavering resolve a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching shadows.

With each clash of their weapons, Roland defied the darkness that Abyssalos sought to spread, his resolve unyielding in the face of the abyss. Through Abyssalos unleashed waves of shadowy tendrils and summoned dark minions to assail him, Roland pressed on, his unwavering courage a beacon of light in the encroaching darkness.

As Abyssalos sought to corrupt and consume all in his path, Roland, the knight of hope, fought with every ounce of strength and determination, his blade striking true against the darkness that threatened to engulf the land. With each strike, he pushed back against the abyss, determined to vanquish the darkness and bring hope to the realm once more.


On another front, Aria, the Elven Archer, engaged in a fierce duel against Frostia, the Monarch of Tempest. With her bow drawn taut and her keen eyes focused, Aria unleashed a barrage of arrows, each arrow whistling through the air with deadly accuracy. Despite Frostia's icy prowess and her ability to conjure blizzards and freezing winds, Aria's agility and skill with the bow allowed her to evade the icy blasts and return fire with relentless precision.

As Frostia summoned frost giants and ice golems to bolster her ranks, Aria remained undaunted, her determination fueled by the memory of her comrades and the stakes of the battle. With each arrow loose from her bow, she chipped away at Frostia's defenses, inching closer to victory with every shot.

Though Frostia's icy blasts threatened to freeze her to the bone, Aria's resolve burned bright, fueled by her unwavering determination to protect her allies and emerge victorious against the chilling onslaught of the Ice Queen.


Meanwhile, amidst the chaos of battle, Celeste, the cleric of light, found herself locked in a fierce struggle against Moros, the monarch of blight. As Moros unleashed waves of dark energy and foul magic, Celeste stood firm, her faith unwavering in the face of such darkness.

With each incantation and prayer, Celeste channeled the divine power of her faith, creating barriers of radiant light to repel Moros's corrupting influence. The air crackled with energy as celestial energies clashed with the malevolent forces of the blight, each side vying for dominance over the battlefield.

Moros, with her ability to spread disease and decay with but a touch, sought to infect Celeste's mind and soul with her foul magic. But Celeste, fortified by her unwavering belief in the light, resisted the dark temptations that threatened to consume her, her spirit shining bright amidst the encroaching shadows.

With each healing incantation and cleansing ritual, Celeste pushed back against the blight's insidious influence, her faith serving as a beacon of hope amidst the darkness. And though Moros's dark magic threatened to overwhelm her, Celeste remained steadfast, her determination unwavering in the face of overwhelming odds.


The battle against the monarch was chaotic. The war was on our side when all the monarchs were successfully overwhelmed by my companions.

But suddenly, the Monarch of Eternity, the time keeper, Chronos, uses his magic for once, and returns back in time to revive all of his allies that have been defeated. The monarchs gain their strength back and immediately knock down all of my friends.

What an insane power. He just reversed the time and slayed all of my friends.

In a great terror, I falled down onto the ground. "What the heck is happening? Please, I want to go back home. This is… INSANE!!!