

~NEW UPRISING NOVEL!!!~ P/s: I am a fresh author that just start to delve into this career. I hope you enjoy it! Feel free to read my other novel, if you want rated M and 18+, read One Day With You. This is for general view and no romantic scene because it was mainly for adventure and action. Believe me, the story will be boring at first, but I promised you it will be an epic scene as the main character grow up. I have to started it slow for the character development because he is still a toddler. So, please look forward for this novel by put it in your collection. Thank you XD .... Makoto Hiro, a young man from Earth, is reincarnated into a fantastical world known as Mundus Novus by a mysterious entity he calls 'Master.' In this new world, he is reborn as Oruvan, the child of a forbidden union between the Demon King and the Goddess Queen. Hoping for a simpler life in this new world, Oruvan quickly realizes that fate has other plans. As a human, he possesses a unique combination of magical abilities inherited from his parents: the dark magic of demons and the light magic of goddesses, along with the five aptitude elemental magics—fire, water, earth, wind, and electricity—granted to him by his past life. This rare combination makes him exceptionally powerful but also marks him for a difficult journey. Despite his desire for a peaceful existence, Oruvan is thrust into a life of constant trials and tribulations. His parents are captured by humans, leaving him to navigate a perilous world alone. Throughout his journey, he faces numerous challenges, from malevolent beings to political intrigue, all while uncovering the mysteries of his own identity and powers. The true test begins when the demonic blood in Oruvan's veins allows the Demon King to attempt possession of his body. With the support of his loyal companions, Oruvan fights to retain control and seeks ways to protect himself from this looming threat. As he grows stronger, he learns of the Demon King's grand ambition to conquer the world and works tirelessly to thwart it. Just as the humans are weakened by their battles with the demons, the dragon clans seize the opportunity to expand their territory, driven by an increasing birth rate and dwindling resources. Oruvan's strength and leadership enable him to subdue the dragon threat, but this victory brings him to the attention of the Seven Monarchs, powerful beings who perceive him as a threat to their dominion. Oruvan's quest for a tranquil life ironically propels him into the heart of a monumental conflict. His resolve to protect the human lands and secure his dream of a peaceful existence leads to an unprecedented war against the Monarchs. In this epic struggle, Oruvan must confront the mightiest forces of the Mundus Novus and prove that even a desire for simplicity can ignite a revolution. …

Secret_Ethereal · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Ch. 2 – Elixir of Existence: A Glistening Tear of Life P.3


Suddenly, the noise disappeared. It is feeling quiet. 

My world is dark and cannot see any light from before. My hunch tells me I was at a different place. My body is pushed out through something. I felt my body being carried by someone. 

I slowly open my eyes. 

A dazzling light shone into my eyes and saw a beautiful woman carrying me on her arm. She shed a tear as she saw me and smiled. I think she was happy with a tear of joy. A handsome man was on her side talking with her. I guess they were a married couple. I was surprised that I could understand their language. I bet the Master has given me this ability for me to adapt faster to this new world. At least I don't have to go to school.




(New World - Mundus Novus)

New year of Calendar Felix 30 December 2000

Day 1st – I reborn in a new family

In an old wooden house, a couple was anxious for their firstborn. A woman struggling to labor while her husband encourages her for energy. With the help of an elder from a nearby village, the old woman assisted that woman who was in pain. Thankfully, the child was born to sooth from giving his mother an unbearable pain. He was reached by the old woman and given to the mother.

My mother smiled warmly, her eyes sparkling with joy as she cradled the newborn in her arms. "He looks so handsome, just like you," she said, glancing at Father who chuckled in agreement.

"That's true," Father replied with a grin, his gaze filled with pride. "But he still has his mother's eyes."

Their happiness radiated as they both looked down at me, their newborn son. Father leaned in closer, whispering my name, Oruvan Amor, as if testing its sound in the air. They eagerly awaited my first word, a momentous occasion even for a newborn.

"Say, daddy," Father encouraged, a playful glint in his eye.

"Honey, it's too early for him to talk," Mother gently protested, her voice filled with amusement.

Father chuckled at her words. "Is that so? I wonder if maybe he might be a genius like me."

Inwardly, I couldn't help but scoff at his boast. (Genius, my foot. You tried to make me talk earlier when I was still a newborn. Wait, I can talk! I have my own thoughts. This is amazing. I have my adult consciousness) 

Glancing at the mirror nearby, I caught a glimpse of my reflection. A tuft of white hair adorned my head, and a pair of blue eyes, reminiscent of my mother's, stared back at me. Despite the surrealness of the situation, I couldn't suppress a smile as I admired my tiny features. However, this life felt like a dream to me. Just moments ago, I had been struck by a truck and died. Yet, I still vividly remembered everything from my past life. It seemed that the Master had indeed kept his word regarding my request to retain my memories. I had only intended to take a rest in that place, but unexpectedly, I found myself thrust into a new life. Now, I had been reborn as a baby, but not just any baby—I possessed an understanding of language and an ability to read far beyond my years.

"I'll consider this a bonus for enduring that crucial world" I thought in my mind.

Turning my attention back to my parents, I observed their delight as they played with me. Father's eyes shone with affection as he reached out to hold me. "Can I hug him?" he asked eagerly, and Mother passed me into his waiting arms.

"He must be happy looking at his mother, isn't it right, cutie?" Father cooed, his touch gentle against my cheek. I felt the roughness of his palm, evidence of the hard work he had devoted to his family.

Suddenly, hunger gnawed at my belly, and I let out a cry. Perhaps this would suffice as I still couldn't speak.

Mother quickly scooped me up, soothing me with her embrace as she nursed me to calmness.

And so, the day passed, marked by the tender moments shared between me and my loving parents.

(After a year)

Suddenly, I hear a voice talking to me.

"As promised, I will give you a gift," the voice of the Master resonated within me.

In an instant, knowledge flooded my consciousness, filling my mind with the history and intricacies of this new world. Like a projection screen before my eyes, I saw Mundus Novus—a replicated Earth, yet imbued with magic, where fantastical creatures roamed and mythical beasts lurked in dungeons. It was as if the pages of a comic book or the scenes from a video game had come to life before me.

"Wait. Are these all real?" I questioned in disbelief, struggling to comprehend the magnitude of what I was witnessing.

"Of course. I hope you'll enjoy it," the Master's voice echoed, fading away as swiftly as it had come.

In addition to the knowledge of this world's history and creatures, I gained insight into its technological advancements fueled by magic. Here, human development and magic consumption had led to innovations far surpassing those of Earth. However, with great power came great strife—oppression and disputes were rampant, and magic itself became the currency of the elite, further stratifying society.

It was a surreal experience to absorb such vast knowledge in an instant. It felt akin to a lifetime of study condensed into a single moment, yet effortlessly comprehensible with the Master's power.

"Amazing but scary. But still awesome!" I exclaimed inwardly, both exhilarated and daunted by the newfound understanding of my surroundings.

But the gift did not end there. Alongside this newfound knowledge, I felt a surge of energy coursing through my veins—a dormant power awakening within me, hinting at untold potential waiting to be unleashed. With this power came a sense of responsibility, a duty to navigate this world with wisdom and compassion.

And so, armed with knowledge and burgeoning abilities, I embarked on a journey of discovery and adventure in this mystical realm, eager to explore its wonders and confront its challenges head-on.

(The next day)

Soon, I learned about my family from the Master as he bestowed me a knowledge of wisdom.

My father is Arthur Amor, 40 years old. A tall man with a big physique that is fit with muscle. A white hair with a light green eye and nose that are thin and flat with a shorter tip. Those pairs of plump lips make him the most handsome man I have seen in my life. However, his pale white skin makes him look like a vampire, a fictional character that I look similar in my life on Earth. He is a hunter that grew up in this village. He always wears all in black whenever go out, even at night. Every night, I would notice he was gone and bring back home his hunt and sell it at the market on the next day.

He met with my mother, Jessica Amor when she came to travel alone from another village. She is a 35-year-old woman and independent woman living with her foster parents who are experts in medicine. She has light purple hair and a pair of light blue eyes. Arthur said that mother is the most beautiful woman he has met. That was the only word that she remembers forever when Arthur said that at the first counter. Arthur is always alone and he once met with my mother at night in the forest. They both stared into each other's eyes while holding hands in the forest beside the lake. She treated Arthur's wound and since then he met with mother occasionally when he was hurt. Mother is concerned about him because he is a quiet and shy person. She is talented with housework and an expert in herbs.

I cannot believe that mother is the one that confessed first to father. Mother told me that Arthur loves her hair, which is peculiar. They both are a sweet couple and reminded me about my past parents. I hope they are doing well.

All of this I heard when my mother told me a story before bed. There are so many things she told me that I could not sleep to learn it all.

After a year, my mother got pregnant when I was one year old. Every day, I would follow my father into the forest at night. I was shocked that I have a good eye that could see better at night. He went into a dungeon located in the forest to patrol the place. He keeps the other monster from getting outside and roams into the forest.

I also go with my mother to the lake at night to learn from her about pouring the magic light to the moon.

Soon, I learn they both are keeping me a secret about themselves. At first, I thought it was only a joke or to make the story interesting. However, I found out it might be true. My father is not a human race, but a demon. Meanwhile, my mother is also not a human, but a goddess. That truth is unexpected because it is out of my imagination. I reveal that only demons are able to use dark magic while the angel race could use light magic. I found out when my mother showed me the book that talked about the angel and the demon. Faith is meant for them to be together but not for too long.

I tried to ask the Master, but he only gave me a vague answer.

"Soon you will learn the truth" was his reply and it was too short for me to comprehend.

"Then, tell me one thing. Are they a good parent?" I asked with curiosity.

"Depends on your definition. Some lies could have a hidden meaning, like to protect, but you know that lying is a bad thing. It will always lead to a bad outcome"

He always appeared anytime in my head, and disappeared as suddenly as it had come. He really likes to keep me hanging without explaining everything.
