
onimous girl and a princess

once upon a time there was a girl named elsiya and she always hangs out with her friends when she said and always wants to go out but her parents tell her no so she sneaks out and her parents wanted to find her but they couldn't find her cuz she was at her friend's house and she always wants to know what's happening in this world and her friend always tells her and her and her best friend's brother gets along and she cannot stop coming over to see him and she gets so excited she starts doing backflips when she's so excited she decides to have fun and jump into the pool and then his majesty showed up and asked for the girls then they go to his Majesty's and then his Majesty said what is elsiya doing here then she said I want to get revenge on my father and stepmother for making my mother leave and they were shocked then levy said why Elsiya said cause they killed my mother also I have a priority right now I need to protect Elsa and ossa oles they said by who Elsiya said Combine Lisa they gasp in shock they said why Then Elsiya said cause in case something was to happen I will help protect her 2 children.