
Jason currently powers and rank

author: hes 8 ranks hes false suprme boundless below true Boundless so false omnipotent omnipresent omniscient true omnifarious 50% sealed Autopotence Absolute Access to Capabilities

User can gain access or entry to any location, place or time. They can easily gain access to places that are spatiolocked, temporal locked, spatial-temporal locked, isolated, closed, possibly even omnilocked locations. It doesn't matter where or what the location or target is, they can always access them. And in some cases, you can access just more than locations, you can even gain access to items, desires or if not abilities themselves

full Metapotence

Absolute Burning

The power to burn absolutely anything. Absolute version of Burning.

Absolute Change

The power to induce change without limit. Sub-power of Omnipotence. Absolute form of Change Inducement and Transition Manipulation.

Absolute Constant Velocity

User can make anything move at a constant speed regardless of any force that acts on it, they could take any item and make them pierce through objects regardless of the relative speed. It doesn't matter if the target is moving at an extremely slow pace or if the target isn't even moving at all, so long as some part of them is physically moved, like poking their cheek (moving the face). This power only works in accordance to the user's own relative location, meaning that even though the Earth is spinning at high speeds, along with all of its inhabitants, it doesn't count as moving.

If the user cancels their power on the target object, it will come to a complete stop, regardless of how fast it was going. Because of this using this power on oncoming attacks and quickly canceling it will make any force halt.

Absolute Command

The user can impose absolute and irresistible commands upon any kind of existence including themselves, natural and supernatural, living and non-living, the user can grant anyone anything or themselves any power simply by commanding it so. Though commands are usually spoken in words, the user's intentions are what truly matters; they can impose complex commands with a single word, through a specific gesture or a sheer act of will, unquestioningly bending anything and everything to their will with all their intents and meaning behind it.

Absolute Contract

The user can create and enforce any type of contract/pact with absolutely anything, even with themselves; dictating every condition therein, including qualifiers in the event one-or-more of the parties would - or even could - somehow break the contract/pact.The conditions imposed by the contract/pact are absolute; and will always, inevitably, come to pass, no matter the conditions so dictated. The contract/pact cannot be negated, nullified or undone by any exterior force or being, save by the user.

Absolute buying

Absolute Character Erasure

The power to erase absolutely any type of character. Sub-power to Meta Art Manipulation, Author Authority or Absolute Erasure. Variation of Absolute Death Inducement. Opposite to Absolute Character Creation. Absolute version of Character Erasure.

Absolute Counter

The power to counter an attack, both killing the enemy and nullifying their attack, creating a perfect combination of offensive and defensive. The ultimate version of Counter. Not to be confused with Omnicounter.

Absolute Darkness

The user is able to create a field of absolute impenetrable darkness that completely negates sight and may also dull or even completely negate the other senses. They are potentially able to generate darkness so intense it can erase from existence everything that stands in the way.

Absolute Death Inducement

The user can cause absolute death to absolutely anyone or anything without any exceptions, including immortal and even "nigh-truly unkillable" beings and possibly even Death itself without even the slightest effort. Since the death would be unavoidable and permanent, killing literally anything in existence they desire, whether it be a person, an object, a god, the user is not impeded by any defense or obstacle when it comes to killing their enemy, the exception being Omnipotent Beings or even absolute immortals. Anything that was killed through the use of this power can not be resurrected.This also includes things in the more conceptual and intangible nature such as boundaries, the future, or time. Removing these types of factors can lead to a variety of consequences. Both beneficial and detrimental in nature. In spite of the flaws and many ways this ability can go wrong, the user has what is essentially the best tool for anything they wish to permanently erase.

Absolute Death Manipulation almost unsealed

User can create, shape and manipulate the death/cause of death of any/all things, including mortals, amortals, undetermined beings, eldritch horrors, inanimate objects, concepts/conceptual beings, phenomena, absolute energies, nonexistent beings, transcendent beings, formless/omnipresent entities, free/separated and/or even supreme beings.

They can grant, remove, negate, reverse, prevent, cause/induce, change death and/or even end it.

Anything/Anyone that can be remotely or loosely defined as capable of death/dying can be manipulated and shaped by this power.Absolute Destruction

The power to destroy absolutely anything/everything without limit. Sub-power of Omnipotence. Absolute version of Destruction. Advanced Version of Cosmic Destruction. Not to be confused with Absolute Erasure. Though the two are similar. Opposite to Omnificence.The users can destroy everything without limits, from concepts, boundaries and causation, to studies like metaphysics and science, even irrational "concepts" like the fabric of nothingness or even totality itself.

Absolute Domination

The power to enslave any and all things. Variation of Omniarch.

Almost all Manipulation some of the omni abities

and 75% of the absolute abilities

Omni Fire Manipulation

User can create, shape and manipulate a variant of fire that contains and controls all types of fire and their various effects and properties.User can create, shape and manipulate a variant of fire that contains and controls all types of fire and their various effects and properties.

Omni Healing

User can heal/restore anything/everything to optimal condition/health, including people, objects/locations, environments, abilities/powers, defensive powers, souls, worlds, natural forces/concepts etc. Undoing any/all damage they may have suffered and potentially even making themselves stronger in process.


The user can perceive entirely anything/everything, including the past, present, and future, reality, causality, boundaries, energy, even destiny and ultimately everything else.


The power to communicate, sense, and manipulate minds on an almighty scale. Sub-Power of Omni-Psionics. Almighty form of Telepathy.The user can read/sense, communicate with, and control an infinite number of minds across all universes, planes and dimensions to essentially absolute degree.

Omni-ImmunityThe user is completely immune to literally anything and everything on all levels, regardless of its type or status. Absolutely nothing can affect the user in any way regardless of what it may be, including powers, diseases, forces, concepts, laws, etc.

Omni-Weather ManipulationUser can create, shape and manipulate all forms of weather including artificial, natural, supernatural, divine, demonic, esoteric, cosmic, empathic, metaphysical, conceptual, etc., having no limits on the amount or type of weather they can control/manipulate.

Absolute Invincibility

Absolute Invulnerability

Absolute Ionic Absorption

Absolute Kinetic Absorption

Absolute Law Manipulation

Absolute Life Creation

Absolute Life Inducement

Absolute Life Manipulation

Absolute Lock Manipulation

Absolute Light

Absolute Light Absorption

all the other Absolute Powers


Omnineutrality ("all-neutral") is the power to have no limited boundary to neutrality, making them one of the most ambiguous beings in all the cosmos. They come in two specific flavors like Omnimalevolence and Omnibenevolence.

Dream Derivation

Capabilities. The user is the source of absolute/perfect/primordial dreams in every living being everywhere, directly to cosmic/universal scales. Users being the binding existence together by the force/energy of dreams. Giving the users instant and total dominion over all the powers of dreams and sleep.


The ability to sense and feel an infinite number of emotions across all universes, planes and dimensions. Sub-Power Omni-Psionics. Ultimate form of Empathy. Opposite to Omni-Apathy. Not to be confused with Remote Empathy.

The user is able to sense and feel the emotions an infinite number of emotions across all universes, planes and dimensions to an essentially absolute degree.


The power to not feel any emotion no matter how miniscule. Sub-Power of Omninescience. Ultimate form of Apathy. Opposite of Omni-Empathy.

Users of this power are unable to feel any emotions/sensation whatsoever. As such, they cannot become sad, happy, angry, fearful, surprised or be subjected to any emotional feeling. He can turn it on or off


The ability to remove absolutely anything and everything. Not to be confused with Omni-Negation and Absolute Erasure. Absolute version of Insertion & Removal.

The user can remove any and all concepts, powers, forces, universal definitions, laws and boundaries, etc. from anyone and anything. Unlike negating, where you neutralize the target by deactivating its abilities, this power simply removes them entirely.