
Omni-Harem God: Conquering Worlds and Beauties From All Over Reality.

There are multiple ways to live one's life and still enjoy it the same way. That was something that Kymani Njeri Marvion believed in and his ideal way of life was to master everything and see the all of the world and what it had to offer. Unfortunately, that could not be achieved as Kymani perished before he could even start. Having been unable to fulfill his dream of seeing all the world had to show as well as master it all, Kymani was disappointed but not surprised, after all, there was only so much one could see and experience before their time on earth was over. It was then, while his soul was in the infinite darkness of the Void that he was met with a multidimensional cubic structure that once in contact with him asked. [What is it that you desire?] "Desire? Huh?... If I could I would like to see it all, not just the world... I want to see what all of reality has to offer and maybe meet a beauty or two along the way, wouldn't it be nice?... Even better would be if I had one of those super loyal maids you see in anime... Hahaha! I guess that's all I want. Man, I kind of have trash desires, don't I? Hahaha! Whatever I'm already dead anyway." Kymani could help but laugh at his own desires as he let his thoughts out into the void. [Your desires, have been made achievable.] [Welcome to the Omni-Harem God System] Truck-Kun? Check Typical way to get to another world? Check Harem? Check Meeting Gods before reincarnation? Check Getting overpowered abilities? Check Throwing a bunch of other stuff in just for good measure? Check Yeah, the ingredients are here. Follow Kymani as he visits different worlds with different systems and sees what they have to offer while trying to discover more about his standing and source of powering this crazy Omni-verse filled with all kinds of beings from magicians to monsters to cultivators? And so much more! Read as he builds his legend and expands it to every cover of reality or maybe dies trying.

Ky_Scriptio · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Chapter 18: First Dungeon(3)

-Reyha Kingdom; Gallo's Outskirts; Goblin's Lair; 2nd Floor-

They continued to make their way through the dungeon and found themselves at the end of the second floor with the last few goblins on the floor in front of them, holding their bone knives.

Once again Kymani advanced and soon found himself in front of the group of 4 goblins. This time he was attacked by one of the goblins as it slashed at him but was easily evaded and knocked out by a counter punch. That while another one got shot by Lavenica. Two last goblins ganged up on Kymani and began swinging at him with their bone knives, forcing him to dodge.

Unfortunately for them, another one was shot icy cold, and Kymani began pummeling the still-alive ones to death.

[You have killed a level 2 goblin. 2 experience points have been gained.]

[You have killed a level 2 goblin. 2 experience points have been gained.]

[You have met the experience point requirement. Your level has risen to 3.]

'Good, another step towards becoming stronger.' Kymani was satisfied leveling up again, and so opened his status screen to see the changes.

[Name: Kymani Njeri Marvion

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Species: Voidling | Sub-Species: Viscous Voidling(Extinct)

Affinity: Neutral, Void, Chaos, Order, Isekai

Bloodline: None

Physique: Viscous Goblinoid Body

Soul stage: Mortal

Soul grade: 17th

Level: 3

Exp: 0/100

Titles: Reincarnated Individual; Otherworlder; The Holder Of Order and Chaos; The Spawn Of Sin and Virtues; The Only Apostle Of Isekai, Reincarnation, and Lesser Creation; The Lucky Pervert; The Antithetical Existence

Job: Harem Collector, Isekai Grand Apostle, Celestial Container, Hero

Class: None

Stats(Goblin Form):

Strength: 7 --> 11(16.5)

Dexterity: 6 --> 10(15)

Vitality: 9 --> 14(21)

Magic: 6 --> 10(15)

Willpower: 6 --> 10(15)

Agility: 7 --> 11(16.5)

Charisma: 69

Luck: 99

Undistributed Stat points: 25 --> 0


Hp: 125/125(187.5/187.5) | Mp: 100/100(150/150) | Sta: 125/125(187.5/187.5)

Attack: 10.5(15.75)

M.Attack: 10(15)

Defense: 12(18)

M.Defense: 12(18)

Speed: 10.5(15.75)

Unique ability/s: [Absorption(Basic)-lv:20], [Double Exp.Lv -], [1/2 Exp Requirement.Lv -], [Challenger Ascension],

Innate ability/s(Racial skills): [Void Walker], [Mimic]

Active skills: None

Passive skills: Mortal Core(2).Lv -, Mana Circuit.Lv I, Mana Sense.Lv I, Battle Instincts.Lv I,

Resistances: Physical Attack Tolerance-lv:1, Magic Attack Tolerance-lv:1, Elemental Attack Tolerance-lv:1, Void Attack Immunity-lv:1, Order Resistance.Lv -, Chaos Resistance.Lv -,

Magic: Chaos Magic.Lv -I, Order Magic.Lv -I,

Unique Magic: Isekai Magic.Lv I,

Extras: Omni-Harem God System(Owner), Blessing Of The Higher Divine Of Chaos and Sin, Blessing Of The Higher Divine Of Order and Virtue, Blessing Of The Lower Divine Ruler Of Isekai, Blessing Of The Divine Of Reincarnation

Mimic Forms: Phaseless Goblin,

Inventory: Empty]

'Hm... Wait... Will I got more skills if I absorb more goblins? Level 1 goblins didn't give anything, but maybe the level 2 will...' Kymani thought to himself as he looked at his status window.

Then he began using <Absorption> on the goblin corpses still there, changing to his slime form to consume them.

[You have consumed phaseless goblins. You have acquired the skill <Dagger Mastery> as a result.]

[Dagger Mastery: You can now perceive the flow of a dagger's movement in combat and understand what the course of action necessary is. The level of accuracy will depend on your own level of proficiency.]

'Hum... Ok, I guess this is as much as I'll get... The ones on the next floor might have something extra though.' Kymani concluded.

From then on, they moved to the warp pad and entered the third floor.

-Reyha Kingdom; Gallo's Outskirts; Goblin's Lair; 3rd Floor-

"Yup... It's this again... I'm starting to question how adventurers maintain their sanity in this kind of cycle..." Merilyn threw out another one of her comments.

"Simply, they don't... At least not for too long." Lavenica too was ready with one of her responses.

'As a gamer... That's insulting... Repetition is not that hard on you... Probably?...' Kymani found himself questioning if he was actually having fun when he played his grind-heavy games in the past.

As they moved deeper into the dungeon they soon found something a bit different from before. There were a few people from different species fighting goblins.

'Oh... So this is where the other adventurers were... The other floors were so empty I was beginning to question things, but then again it's nighttime, so most beginners are probably at home sleeping...' Kymani assumed.

"Oh... The goblins have leather armor now... They really just keep getting more resourceful on each floor... That's honestly quite scary... I can not imagine the headache this must be on higher-ranking dungeons..." Merilyn's wariness of dungeons only deepened as she got more of an understanding of how they work.

"What makes higher-ranking dungeons dangerous is more so the better-designed environments for the monsters there, and the traps, those can get pretty ridiculous." Lavenica replied.

"How do you even know so much about dungeons?" Merilyn got curious seeing how she always had an answer.

"I have a vast knowledge about all of Tefrat apart from the more recent socio-economic and political state of things. That aside I have a great understanding of this world." Lavenica casually said.

"You're a scholar! I heard every single one of you could be called a sage just on the amount of knowledge you possess... Actually, aren't you a little too young? I heard it typically takes at least 30 years to become a full-fledged scholar... Geniuses are truly working on a different stage..." Merilyn couldn't help but feel that Lavenica was an even more absurd existence than Kymani, who she was trying not to think the specifics of, to spare her own mind.

"I guess you could say that... But I more know as much I can right now in order to be of use to Master." Lavenica said with a small smile carrying a bit of pride in her words.

"... Actually I've been meaning to ask... Just what kind of relationship do you two have?... He's a slime... Was a slime, now a goblin... I suppose and you call him Master... Are you really his servant or... Is there something more sinister going on?" Merilyn whispered to Lavenica hoping Kymani wouldn't hear them, despite being clearly strong enough to do something about it even if he did.

"Master is the sole reason I exist. Nothing more nothing less, a creation following its creator. No other complications." Lavenica casually dropped that nugget of knowledge on her.

"What? Wait!... What do you mean?!... Are you saying he's your father?!?!" Merilyn to contain her voice through pure shock she insisted on understanding this situation, after all, at this point she was in some involved, or at least she would like to believe so.

"In a way, I guess you could say that, but no I have no biological relation to Master. I was simply conceptualized by his desires and that's it." Lavenica continued to lay things out as they are casually.

"... You're sending me mixed signals... I understand if you don't want to talk about it... But I really don't know what you're saying right now. Is this some sort of slang I'm too rich to understand?" Merilyn found herself extra confused.

"No, but if it makes it easier for you to understand just think of Master as a God of creation and me as the result of his heavenly divinity and domain." Lavenica tried to make herself understood.

"This is the most convoluted way someone ever told me they don't want to acknowledge their parent, but I have my fair share of disagreements with mine, and see where you're coming from, but I have to wonder... How did your mother... No, I'm sorry... I have the bad habit of just letting my thoughts wander." Merilyn just made her own assumptions as what Lavenica had said was too absurd to be taken seriously.

"If that's what you want to believe then so be it." Lavenica gave up.

'This is definitely not going to end up well... But it's not like I can do anything about it... Well, later if things get complicated, I can just say she's a homunculus... Yeah, that would probably work...' Kymani began thinking of how to deal with this misunderstanding in the future.

Things then went quiet until eventually, they found an area that didn't have other adventurers but had the goblins. It was a group of 16 goblins, which probably drove most away due to their numbers.

Not intimidated by that at all, Kymani got ready but before he could get on with it, Lavenica pulled him and said. "Master, I can only shoot 4, 2nd-degree ice shots at a time, and as I am still a level 1, a 1st-degree shot would be too weak to kill these goblins."

{How long to reload?} Kymani questioned.

"1 minute per round, to a total of 8 rounds." Lavenica replied.

{Ok, I guess I could use one of their daggers to speed things up, and I already have the skill, so why not.} Kymani expressed.

"Ok, I'll cover for as much as I can." Lavenica said.

Having decided, Kymani went in and punched a goblin before disarming it and taking the bone dagger, and kicking it onto other goblins.

[You have acquired the skill <CQC>]

[CQC(Close Quarters Combat): Your perception and understanding of what hand-to-hand combat entails, has deepened and you can now easily see through, predict and replicate movements. The accuracy will depend on your level of proficiency.]

Instantly <CQC>, <Dagger Mastery>, <Battle Instincts>, and <Mana Sense>, All working together created a monstrous effect as Kymani immediately slit the neck of 3 goblins before kicking another coming his way, and cutting down another one who tried to attack from behind. 4 goblins are dead by bone dagger, 2 knocked to the ground, and 10 to go.

[You have killed a level 3 goblin. 3 experience points have been gained.]

[You have killed a level 3 goblin. 3 experience points have been gained.]

[You have killed a level 3 goblin. 3 experience points have been gained.]

[You have killed a level 3 goblin. 3 experience points have been gained.]

"2nd-degree ice shot." Lavenica chanted as she shot, having the ice bullet blow off two goblin's heads.

Continuing without any mercy Kymani ran by the still-standing goblins and neck slit 4 of them while injuring the rest by leaving cuts on their legs.

[You have killed a level 3 goblin. 3 experience points have been gained.]

[You have killed a level 3 goblin. 3 experience points have been gained.]

[You have killed a level 3 goblin. 3 experience points have been gained.]

[You have killed a level 3 goblin. 3 experience points have been gained.]

Once that was done, Lavenica killed the 6 remaining goblins, and finally reached level 2.

"You're... A pretty scary guy, when you want to be... Lavenica wasn't joking when she said your growth will be impressive..." Merilyn smiled a bit awkwardly just seeing how much stronger already was from having to punch enemies multiple times to just getting it done, despite the fact the goblins now should be stronger than the ones before, it didn't feel that way from watching the fights...

"As I had expected Master is very adept at improving... If we manage to reach the 10th floor today, things will be rather interesting." Lavenica pointed out with a full-on smile on her face.

'Is that so?... Now that they mention it, my body is just moving as soon as I think of doing the movement and it's quite liberating, so I guess I'm improving a bit fast...' Kymani, unaware of how much better he was getting and simply smiling as he took in the praise.

Moving on from that, the team continued until they finally reached the warp pad for the 4th floor, and another group of goblins, but this one was much larger than usual with 50 goblins in sight.

'This is going to be a mess, but somehow, I'm smiling...' Kymani thought as he and Lavenica got ready for another one, while Merilyn sighed as she waited to see how this massacre would go down.