

A boy who transmigated to another world This is my first time writing a novel and English is not my main language. Disclaimer: I don't own any of the anime ,manga and games this was inspired of growth cheat and gamer. I will also add other ideas of animes and mangas.

Belial2122 · Others
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28 Chs

Chapter 4:Character Creation(part 2)

He was so shock and amazed that he keep opening and closing his mouth , unable to put the words that was ' just amazing' after seeing the list  in the variety of human race.

But after minutes of being shocked, finding it diffucult that he can't find the right thing to his choice he moved on to another 3d projection on the screen.

[Elf Tribe]

-The people of the forest, the race of long -eared beauties has great agile body and affinity to nature. They are the protector of forest, they have longevity, and they are loved by mana and nature spirits.

Belial after seeing this race almost click the [Choose] option . Because who wouldn't want to choose a more refined and cool appearance, just by thinking of having this handsome face and having an aura of awesomeness while being accompanied by beauties will make any man drool, its a dream of many men to have their own harem don't you think so too?

His heart want to choose this quickly but his mind is against it that's why he still hold into his rationality, to choose a more practical choice that will help him survive in the long term in the game.

But he can't still hide his astonishment there is also many subspecies or sub race of elves such as Dark Elf, Light Elf, Wood Elf, Snow Elf, Desert Elf, Night Elf, Moon Elf, Sun Elf, Blood Elf, High Elf,Ancient Elf,Abyss Elf....

[Dwarf Tribe]

-The people of the earth, the race of short bearded people also they have great dexterity. Their innate talent to craft is one of their traits and they are close to the earth spirits and metal spirits. They  also love alcohol just like their crafts,they have great affinity to both elements.

There are also many varities such as Gray Dwarf, Black Dwarf, Earth Dwarf, Snow Dwarf, Iron Dwarf, Mountain Dwarf, Jungle Dwarf, Aquatic Dwarf, Blood Dwarf, Elder Dwarf,Ancient Dwarf,Abyss Dwarf...

[Giant Tribe]

-The people with huge figure and has a great strength and has barbararic nature, they love war and battles and they have great affinity to metal. They also love to eat and has great appetite, they are almost like a saiyan from DBZ.

They also have branches such as Hill Giant, Frost Giant, Storm Giant, Sand Giant, Hermit Giant, Cloud Giant,Oceanic Giant,Stone Giant, Flame Giant,Solar Giant,Forest Giant,Evil Giant, Hundred-Eye Giant,Hundred-Arm Giant, Ancient Giant, Cyclopes,Beholder.....

[Fairy Tribe]

-Fairies are the natures defender they live in forest and protect the living like the elves but they have wings on their backs. And they have great powers that comes from nature and spirits and long life span , they have great affinity to both.

Cait Sith,Gnome, Salamander, Leprechaun,  Pooka, Imp,Spriggan, Sylph, Undine, Dimension Fairy,Elemental Master Fairy, Titania, Oberon.....

[Beast Tribe]

Beastman is a bipedal beast and Beast-kin

are humanoid with beast features such as cats, dogs, lions,wolves, and tigers etc...

[Avian Tribe]

Dark Crow, Blue Eagle ,Red Sparrow, Green Hawk, White Crane.....

[Aquatic Tribe]

 Fishman,  Murlock, Merpeople, Siren, Naga .....

[Monster Tribe]

Goblin,Kobold, Orc, Ogre, Gnoll .....

[Scale Tribe]

[Dino Tribe]

[Bug Tribe]

[Plant Tribe]

[Spirit Tribe]

[Vampire Tribe]

[Werewolf Tribe]

[Demon Tribe]

[Celestial Tribe]

[Infernal Tribe]

[Abyssal Tribe]


The list go on and there are uncountable of it that made him dizzy and because of his inability to decide which to choose from unfortunately he made a mistake, but only God knows if this is really a mistake or heavens will.

Scrolling the selection 3d projections over and over and turning it again and again made him light headed then subconsiously made him lose the control of his body then for a second.

 "Eh..." Belial awkwardly sounded out. It seems he wasn't paying attention and accidentally selected a random race.

thx 4 reading:)

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