
Omni-Dimensional Chat Group

WARNING: UNREALISTIC ROMANCES HAREM AND GORE. ALSO, EXPECT SLOW-ISH PACE Also this is just any chat group so don't expect anything new. After getting a new phone, Ryuu Cinco finds himself tangled in multiverse madness and becoming a new entertain for the watchers (Readers). [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome The Thousand Master's son ] [ A new member had joined! ] [ Welcome Honored One. ] [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome Insect Hashira ] [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome Titania ] [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome Exhibitionist ]

Try_hard · Anime & Comics
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134 Chs

Chapter 98 - Choice

Ryuu is currently with Tiyanak bringing him to the warehouse hoping to see if his theory was correct about selective creation.

He planned on making the Tiyanak that had a body created by the Mahika which meant its body mostly compose for magical energy.

He wanted to test if he was able to rearrange its mind, selecting specific information from his [ Mind Palace ] to make into the perfect pawn.

"Let's see what kind of creature you would become and if I am to place memories and intellect of the people that I've consumed."

The Tiyanak was soon encased by the biomass that expanded turning to an enormous cocoon that pulsated. He waited in anticipation to see his creation adding a few additional things and pumping blood made out of Muzan cells.

'I wonder how long it will take?'

Ryuu thought while waiting for the growth of his first powerful creature that was a mixture of magic, Muzan cell and Blacklight virus. He made sure to give it all the good traits and highest loyalty to him and everyone involved with him.

This made unaware that it would soon form a new cult religion in his name, Yaldabaoth. He left it be and turned his attention to the animals that were prepared by his subordinate to be used for his research in ways to improve his power.

'Wasn't Godzilla biological made by radiation? Maybe I could make my own big ass Kaiju!?'

Ryuu jokingly said as he rearranges a few animals from simple apes to small lizards and sees how his power reacts to each one.

In conclusion, those with low intellect are rapidly infected, turning into grotesque creatures.

He absorbed the few that died into his Biomass and called a day while wondering if it would work against mythical creatures or rank monsters from Vandalieu world turning them into his pets.


Few days his business was booming like crazy and has recently become a popular spot for people but right now people seem too afraid to head up from all the chaos regarding the supernatural.

Ryuu had been helping Trese for a few cases, slowly getting their trust, solving them rather quickly. Right now, he took a break and focused on cooking.

He was currently changing some of his signs when he suddenly spotted someone familiar.

"I told you bossing, this place has been a hot topic. I think it's a perfect place to calm your nerves."

"Yeah you've been stressing about work too much. I think taking a day or two helps."

"We're wasting time just being here."

"Captain Guerrero already told you to have a break. It would be bad if you keep stressing yourself."

Ryuu is surprised to see Trese and the twins visit his restaurant. He knew that it wasn't mere coincidence even more when his lovers are currently training, leaving him to handle the restaurant alone.

He could see Trese frowning, annoyed that she was forced to have a break and turn to see Ryuu standing before them with a welcoming smile. She seemingly flinched upon seeing him and couldn't explain the reason.

Ryuu tilted his gaze upon her dazed expression thinking it was either sensing the magical present or she was able to recognize him.

However, he doubts if anyone could find magic since Ryuu is using his own genetic ability which is physical rather than magical.

"Hello there? Are you here for a table??"

"Yeah, do you work here?"

"Yes, come inside. You're lucky that there aren't many people today."

Ryuu guided them to a table given the menu before waiting for their orders as he helped the other customers.

"Hey bossing, I told you to relax, you keep dozing off."

One of them noticed her kept glancing at Ryuu who they mistook as overthinking about a recent event. Her mind was overwhelmed by the stress burden from the world that hardly cared for her.

She woke from her daze and tried to focus on the menu. Ever since her father died and taken up the position for the Lakan always felt the burdening responsibility to do everything to bring balance.

Trese started to feel lost from everything feeling alone and unable to share the burden. Few minutes later, Ryuu returned to take their order.

"I'll have this with a chocolate milkshake."

"Mines strawberry with Mami noodles."

"Alright, how about you miss? If you can't decide, can I give you a recommendation?"

Ryuu said feeling compelled to help her since she started to get close when doing an investigation and found that she was growing impulsive and stressful.

He wouldn't feel this way if not for the [ Harem Protagonist Halo ] leading him to have more women one way or another. The only problem, he'd be slightly ignorant about it until they say or show definite signs.

"Sorry for eavesdropping but based on what the two have been chatting, I can see that you've been stressed, am I wrong? I recommend having some relaxation like dark coffee and some Tiramisu."

"Then I'll have that, thank you."

"No problem, I think a pretty girl like you shouldn't frown too much or it will spoil your beauty."

Ryuu said without realizing that he was flirting that left a big impression on her as she saw his face drawn with a charismatic smile while the twin smirk but didn't tease her since it would ruin the moment.

He left them to their accord as his clone started to prepare their meal. Trese, who was still in the test, kept thinking about Ryuu's words and felt her heart beat.

She never experienced someone saying those before as she had spent most of her life in the supernatural and never lived a normal life fearing for their involvement. Sometimes wishing to live like other people who live ignorant of the truth.

Though, Trese doesn't hate it but only hopes to live like a normal person. It's unfortunate that she skipped 5 years of her life when she took a test to become a Lakan.

It was at that moment the words of Ryuu disguised as Yaldabaoth that made her skip once again.

'The past we can't change, the future we never know but the present is the only one we should focus on…..'

Trese thought before smiling softly and gradually felt a bit more relaxed even more by the soothing music playing in the jukebox.

"Here, I hope you give me some honest criticism as I hadn't put this on the menu."

Ryuu came back with a plate of their meal, placing the tiramisu and black coffee into her table.

They took a whiff of the aroma of their dish and immediately felt it drilling. The twin didn't hesitate to dig in as they moaned in pleasure causing Trese's eye to slightly twitch.

"Apologize for their reaction."

"No, it's normal. People said that our dishes are too pleasurable. Anyhow, if you mind me sitting here and having a little chat?"

"Wouldn't that get in the way of your work?"

"Hahaha of course not since this is also work to hear my customers opinions. Now can I?"

Trese didn't know why she felt compelled to say yes but accepted his request finding nothing wrong with it. She soon took a sip of the black coffee and instantly felt her body calming down by the bitterness, even slightly emotion by it.

Her mind went to a time where life could have been. She never realized how much her life was the path laid by others and wishing to do something that she wanted.

"How did it taste? Was it too bitter??"

She smiled, shaking her slowly, taking a sip once more that made Ryuu smile, showing that she took a liking.

"See? I told you smiling makes you appear more beautiful."

"Thank you for this."

Trese didn't know why her heart beat faster every time he praises her appearances.

"How about trying the tiramisu? Though, be careful as it might spill."

The two seemingly the only one existing as the twin distracted by their meal to even notice that the two were practically having a date. Trese tried the dessert and felt one again transportes in her youth where times had been simple.

"I can see you enjoying it….hope whatever troubling you would come to pass. I always say that we should live in the present and never in the past nor future as it is a gift. Regretting about the past and overthinking the future would always be a waste of time."

Ryuu said that it made her eyes regain light that had been lost. He unexpectedly caught a maiden heart without even realizing it.

"Your words….thank you, it helps a lot…."

"Oh, call me Ryuu Cinco."

The twin couldn't try their hardest not to tease the two as their name followed each other. Trese smiled hearing introduce himself and did the same.

"Alexandra Trese."

"Well, Ms. Trese, I'll go ahead and excuse myself. Please enjoy your meal."

Ryuu left their table as she looked at him before taking a sip of her coffee, smiling more than usual.