
Omni-Dimensional Chat Group

WARNING: UNREALISTIC ROMANCES HAREM AND GORE. ALSO, EXPECT SLOW-ISH PACE Also this is just any chat group so don't expect anything new. After getting a new phone, Ryuu Cinco finds himself tangled in multiverse madness and becoming a new entertain for the watchers (Readers). [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome The Thousand Master's son ] [ A new member had joined! ] [ Welcome Honored One. ] [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome Insect Hashira ] [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome Titania ] [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome Exhibitionist ]

Try_hard · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs

Chapter 22 - Chatting

Just finished JJK manga and now I understand why JJK fans want to Unalive the author.

That aside, I'll once again request for Reward suggestion for each character.


Ryuu saw them left and continued to chat with everyone. It would be ideal to have a great relationship with everyone. He wondered what stage of the story they were in and hoped that it wasn't that far.

It would be a lot easier to help them and prepare for the incoming battle if they knew about their current situation.

[ Simp for Makima: While we wait for them, can you tell me where you are in the story that I sent? ]

[ Insect Hashira: I don't know for sure but I'm currently investigating. It was never mention where Kamado lived. ]

[ Thousand Master's son: Ah, I've been a teacher for few months now, if I have to guess, it would be around time when I fight against my master. ]

[ Honored One: A student? Aren't you 10? Don't tell me you're like Vandalieu? ]

[ Thousand Master's son: No, I'm just a normal 10 year old but it was task given to me in order to become a Magister Magi ]

[ Titania: Magister Magi? Is it something like title given to strong mage? ]

[ Thousand master's son: Exactly! Does Erza-nee-san world also have Magister Magi? ]

[ Titania: Ah no, we are ranked from S Class promotion and considered the strongest within a Guild. My guild is called Fairy tail. Though, the strongest in our continent are called Wizard Saints. ]

[ Honored One: Fairy tail? Ah, now I remember, it is that show about power of friendship. ]

[ Titania:...That's true…I feel like it is nothing short of a miracle that we pull through all that. Still, the reason why I strive to become strong is for people precious to me. ]

[ Thousand Master's son: Does that mean you're an S Class Magician, Erza-nee-san? Wish I can be like you one day. ]

[ Titania: Of course you will, just train and improve yourself. Never stop reaching for higher heights. The moment you said your strong enough will be the end of your growth. ]

[ Honored One: Damn girl, it feels like it was pointed at me. Still, I realized my flaws by relying too much on what I have. Oh right, I'm currently on a mission to fight Sukuna and recruit the Itadori kid. It's funny how kenjaku let himself get clap hahaha ]

[ Simp for Makima: Oh, let me guess you're currently shopping. ]

[ Honored one: Of course! Ah right, do you know what Six Realm Staff is? ]

Ryuu paused for a moment and couldn't help but find it funny that Gojo was going to receive that weapon. A fitting weapon with his name.

[ Simp for Makima: Bruh, you're becoming more like Buddha. That weapon is from a manga in my world called Record of Ragnarok, basically Gods Vs Humanity tournament and Buddha is like you, carefree and like sweet. ]

The weapon was an oversized prayer wheel in the form of a staff. The staff stores the power of the six guardian Buddhas of the six realms in Buddhism, allowing it to change its form to another type of weapon or tool based on his emotions.

This form are First Realm: Divine Realm, Wish-Granting Wheel Kannon - Loka Pala (Twelve Deva Axe), Second Realm: Animal Realm, Horse-Faced Kannon - NirvanaThird Realm: Human Realm, Unshakable Cord Kannon - Akshaya (Indestructible Vajra Sword), Fourth Realm: Asura Realm, Eleven Faced Kannon - Ahimsa (Shield to Destroy the Seven Misfortunes) and finally Fifth Realm: Preta Realm, Thousand-Armed Kannon - Salakayas (Scythe of the Wild God).

[ Honored One: Oh, I like the sound that. So what's the weapon ability? ]

[ Simp for Makima: It's a divine weapon, so it probably harms anything, even the soul. It can transform into different weapons. ]

[ Titania: This weapon would be great in my collection. ]

[ Insect Hashira: Wait, a world where god's fought humanity? ]

[ Simp for Makima: Yeah, they did it since humanity deem unnecessary and wish to destroy it but thankfully it was stopped and proposed for the Ragnarok instead. ]

[ Exhibitionist: Can you send the manga to us? ]

[ Simp for Makima: So that you can slack off? ]

[ Exhibitionist: What!? Of course not!? I'm just curious, that's all!? ]

[ Simp for Makima: Sorry I was just teasing you. Anyway sure ]

[ Exhibitionist: Thanks. ]

[ Insect Hashira: Did Buddha fight against humanity? ]

[ Simp for Makima: Nah, he gave the gods a middle finger and proclaimed that he was on the side of the humans. He is a God who doesn't care about anyone's opinion and would tell them straight to their face to Shuddup. ]

[ Honored One: 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 I like this guy! Hahahaha I might just do that to those old fossils! That would be fun. ]

[ Simp for Makima has sent Record of Ragnarok manga and Anime ]

[ Simp for Makima: Here, enjoy. ]

[ Exhibitionist: Thank you, I guess I'll watch it while we wait for the other member to be active again. ]

[ Honored one: Nice! Nice!! I'll watch this in my spare time. It appears that my time to deal with Sukuna has come. ]

[ Simp for Makima: Sure, I'll see you all soon. ]

[ Exhibitionist has gone offline ]

[ Honored one has gone offline ]

[ Titania: I'll do the same. Hope to you see later ]

[ Insect Hashira: I'll also go offline. ]

[ Insect Hashira has gone offline ]

[ Thousand Master's son: Everyone has gone offline. I'll also go ahead and leave. ]

[ Simp for Makima: @Thousand Master's son Good luck, don't worry try asking Ku Fei-san and maybe Mana-san and Kaede-san to train you or even Takahata but that guy most likely won't accept until the tournament arc. ]

[ Thousand Master's son: That's true. Hopefully I get something good in Gacha ]

[ Simp for Makima: Oh, thanks for reminding me! I almost forgot about that. ]

[ Thousand Master's son: Your welcome, Ryuu-nii-san. We'll see you later. ]

[ Thousand Master's son has gone offline ]

Ryuu hoped that Negi succeeded since he had a soft spot on kids and orphan children around often looked up to him.

He took a deep breath before placing his phone back in the inventory and started to continue his training. His magic was versatile and powerful but it was far from perfect.

For the next few hours, he's been busy experimenting with his magic from how solid and durable he could make his blood to how far he is able to control his magic.

His Blood armor was a lot more easy to mold and maintain due to his new additional skill namely [ Parallel Thought Processing ]. It focuses on making the barmor stay in place and repair itself if there is any damage.

It was unfortunate that his [ Rapid Regeneration ] doesn't include Mana recovery due to the fact that it is purely physical.

He took two of the [ Mid Tier Holy Daggers ] before molding a chain and attaching it to the handle. Ryuu tried testing his skills trying to feature out what kind of technique his Martial art could perform.

His use of the chain blade like a whip capable of hooking someone and pulling them toward himself. Ryuu had difficulty controlling it but gradually got a hang of it thanks to his [ Eidetic Memory ] that showed every mistake he made and changed it accordingly.

'It would take a while for me to complete my technique. I wonder how long Inosuke did this?'

Inosuke was one of the few who was able to create their own Breathing form technique using his natural beastial instinct. Ryuu wasn't as talented as Inosuke but he knew that it would take at least 5 months to complete with the help of the system.

He ended training after a few hours when the sun was nearing its end. Ryuu finished drinking the pigs blood to revitalize himself and took a moment to rest enjoying the sunset.

Ah right, I should use the Free Normal Ticket and see what I get.'

Ryuu thought of the [ Gacha ] and caused a panel to appear before his eyes showing numerous basic time to anime skills imaginable. He was curious and wasn't expecting much before pressing the pull button.

The panel was similar to a slot machine that spun, letting him catch a glimpse of the item from a simple mansion to [ God buster Armor ] by Iron man. It soon slowed down and showed something that made Ryuu grin.

[ You have acquired Bronze Ticket ]

He was surprised to receive a bronze ticket for Normal Ticket and decided to save it for later before heading back to town, flying his way near enough that no one would see that he doubted it was possible.

Ryuu could always create blood clones to trick people to not associate them with the flying creature. Thanks to his [ Parallel Thought Processing ] and [ High speed Thought Processing ] allowed him to easily manipulate his magic.

As the name suggests, he is able to split his thoughts allowing him to do action A while doing action B and the other skills allow him to accelerate his thoughts to easily formulate decisions and regulate magical spells.

Though, he can't make too many because it would overwhelm his mind and spend mana when using the skill.

His intuition was telling him that a woman who called herself Trese would eventually find him even though he tried hiding.