
Omni-Dimensional Chat Group

WARNING: UNREALISTIC ROMANCES HAREM AND GORE. ALSO, EXPECT SLOW-ISH PACE Also this is just any chat group so don't expect anything new. After getting a new phone, Ryuu Cinco finds himself tangled in multiverse madness and becoming a new entertain for the watchers (Readers). [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome The Thousand Master's son ] [ A new member had joined! ] [ Welcome Honored One. ] [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome Insect Hashira ] [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome Titania ] [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome Exhibitionist ]

Try_hard · Anime & Comics
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134 Chs

Chapter 107 - New world Mission

Opening his eyes, waking up before everyone else. Ryuu turned to look at his lover who was sleeping soundly and made him smile then turned to see that Justine had slept on top of him.

He didn't want to disturbed them, took a restraining body and reformed out of the bed appearing like a symbiote.

Ryuu wasn't restricted by singular form and could change into anything, even an object but he could copy their chemical compounds as they ate inorganic.

Stretching his body feeling an overwhelming pride that he was no longer virgin and had taken everyone's virginity. It was memorable, especially their Christmas themed costume that made the experience even better.

"I should prepare breakfast since they'll probably be walking funny the whole day."

Ryuu opened a portal into the dimensional room where the children were playing some kites and saw he quickly asked about their mother.

"Kaa-san is tired since she helped me with something."

"Okay! Nii-san, can we play with some kites?"

"Alright but let me cook for a moment."

He gave them a pat and headed his way to the kitchen preparing pancakes and some eggs along with waffles. Ryuu prepared a normal pancake over the latter two as it was a nostalgic meal.

Once he's done cooking, Ryuu heads to play with the children for an hour afterward and returns outside or gives his woman the meal.

They were still asleep as Ryuu sat down and heard his phone ring, seeing a message from Trese.

[ Ryuu: How are you, Trese? I'm sorry I haven't seen you since I've been busy having dates with my others. ]

[ Trese: it's alright, I've just decided to follow you and determined to know more about your secret. ]

Ryuu paused thinking what made her this determined when he already warned her about things about himself.

[ Ryuu: Are you sure? What you might learn will change your view on the world?? ]

[ Trese: I've been thinking about it the whole week and I am confident in my answer. Furthermore, I want to learn the magic you have.]

[ Ryuu: Alright. Head to the restaurant later. ]

He replied as Trese agreed before placing his phone into his pocket upon hearing someone was waking up and Ryuu saw Justine had woken up. She saw him enter the bedroom, smiled getting closer and gave a passionate kiss.

"The other night was amazing…better than I imagined."

"It'll get better in the future."

Ryuu smirked, pulling her into his body causing Justine to moan lightly still sensitive from last night and glared at him

"Can you be more careful? I'm still sensitive."

"Nope! I can't help myself when you're naked against my chest."

Justine realized that she was naked but didn't care since it's stupid to get embarrassed now. Fortunately, she's not some stupid tsundere.

"Touché. Anyway, do you wanna do it again? Or should I just suck you off?"

She bluntly asked surprising Ryuu but shook his head already used to her bluntness. Justine always acts and does what's in her mind beside his love for Ryuu that was now done.

"No thanks, I'm not sex addict but if you really want then let's do it later. Let's have breakfast for now."

"Alrighty then. I thought you'd wanna do it but oh well. Let's eat."

Justine wrapped her arms around him as the two headed to table to eat waiting for the other girls who slowly woke up looking at Ryuu having their own wonderful dream.

Shinobu and Kanae dreamt of being with Ryuu having their wedding while Mitsuri holding a child of Ryuu as the two silently smiled looking at their child.

On the other hand, Kie dreamt of having another several children with Ryuu and having grandchildren from Nezuko who also dreamt of playing with her own child.

Ryuu smiled at their arrival and gave each one of them a kiss before joining their breakfast. As they were having breakfast he received a notification from the chat group.

[ World Mission ]

[ Death Mage Verse ]

[ Main Mission: Defend Talosheim from incoming Mirg shield army. ]

[ Participants: Admin and Everyone ]

[ Time: 3 Months ]

[ Reward: one random reward to each participant. ]

[ Penalty: Death ]

He smiled seeing the world that was heading and looked at his lover with a split mind having conversation with the chat group.

"It seems we will have another opportunity to grow stronger and faster."

"What is it, Ryuu? What do you mean opportunity?"( Justine )

"We've received a message that another world mission has been given. "( Shinobu )

"Another world travel? Does that mean we will see new place again!?"( Nezuko )

"Where are we going Ryuu? Does it have to be today?"( Mitsuri )

"I hope I won't be be burden in our journey."( Kie)

"Relax Kie, you'll be the most useful and won't be a burden. Also no Mitsuri, it doesn't need to be today. I plan to stay at least another two month in this world before heading there."

"Ryuu-kun what world are we heading to?"

"Well it's hard to explain…"

Ryuu started to teach them the basics of the Lambda about the systems and things about the history making them shocked that even monsters were kind creatures and humans are evil being manipulated by the gods.

"Can we fight a god?"( Nezuko )

"It's seem impossible to do so…"( Mitsuri )

"Even a god can be cruel? What kind of world is that."( Shinobu )

"It might be interesting to see what a god is since I've only seen calming darkness when I died."( Kanae )

"How sad that a child had to experience that immense amount of pain and loneliness."( Kie )

"Damn I read that story and I want to pummel some Alda fanatics! Making a ketchup out of that Heinz guy would be sweet!"( Justine )

Justine exclaimed, hitting the palm of her hand infuriated towards a certain ketchup. Ryuu quickly reassured them that it was possible since they are far from powerfuls compared to other worlds.

They would have massive benefits if he is able to bring them with him using the dimensional chat group and the system also working on them. Meanwhile his split mind was chatting with the group.

[ Self Proclaimed Human: it is to be my world's turn huh? I was already preparing for their inevitable. ]

[ Exhibitionist: This would be rather easy task but I'm not sure how humans in your world compare to ours. ]

[ Thousand Master's son: Does that mean we will kill people? ]

[ Kozuki Oden's successor: Finally! Hopefully my shackle won't hold me anymore. ]

[ Honored one: Hohoho, I can finally have some fun without worrying about my student. ]

[ Simp for Makima: @Thousand Master's son Don't worry, you don't need to force yourself. We'll handle it. Still, hopefully I'm worried for Alda and those god's on how they'll react to you, Van-kun ]

[ Self-proclaimed Huma: It's fine, I never looked at what you sent as guarantee anyway. ]

[ Titania: I never seen a god and only heard people having contract with them using magic. ]

She recalled a character in her universe who uses Chronos, god of time. It was possible that they were alive in different planes of existence.

[ Honored One: I wonder how strong are those god's. ]

Gojo is eager to know if they can give him some excitement or not. Though, he'll be disappointed at how weak some of them are.

[ Exhibtionist: Our world gods are similar but they have physical body rather than spirit. ]

[ Simp for Makima: Gods in Vandalieu's world are quite weak compared to your Rias. ]

[ Self Proclaimed Human: are you all heading here? I can prepare for my subordinate about your arrival. ]

[ Simp For Makima: we'll head there in a month or two. I'm still busy taking a break after my journey last time. ]

[ Self Proclaimed Human: Alright, just tell when you decided to come. Anyway, I have to go. ]

[ Kozuki Oden's successor: Ah, well, I was hoping to get right in but guess we'll wait a bit more. ]

[ Honored One: Guess we'll prepare then. ]

[ Exhibtionist: Me too, still working with my peerage. ]

[ Thousand Master's son: Same here. ]

Soon everyone else went offline as they weren't to get involved anyway. Ryuu nodded before finishing their breakfast and headed to the restaurant.

He stopped his lovers from working since they were still sore last night but persisted in helping him. Kie used her magic to heal themselves which was rather convenient.

After a while, Trese arrived at the restaurant and Ryuu quickly took her in the lounge to have a chat. He gave her usual meal and sat in front of her but pulled to sit beside her.

"Can I lean on your shoulder?"

"Of course, there's no need to ask."

She rested her head into his shoulder taking the time to appreciate the moment as it's been a week that she hasn't seen him. Trese didn't mind the wait since she was still deciding on fully committing herself to him or not.

"How have you been in the past week?"

"I've cleared my mind about things and your rights. I want to be happy and decide things for myself. You were the only one who was in my mind which I decided to find all about you."

Trese smiled, staring at Ryuu who did the same and kissed her forehead, surprising her but enjoying the gesture.

"Then…I'll tell you everything."