
OMG I Became a System

Most people who transmigrate want to wake up with a system that will help them achieve their goals. The MC, however, was transformed into a system, this time, a newborn blank system. Join the MC on his quest to help his host while gaining a new body and gaining freedom. Also, discover the difficulties that MC encounters when dealing with unreasonable hosts and hosts who fail to activate their system. System Race, a support parasite, necessitates the presence of a host. They need to host in order to survive and live, so they must help their hosts achieve their goals in exchange. The main goal of most systems is to be able to reincarnate into a new body or their own new body. Others are killed, and the reasons for their deaths are unknown. Systems have a long life and can be found in the System Link dimension. They never truly die; instead, based on their rating, they reincarnate into a new physical body. >>>>>> Disclaimer: This novel is written by a newbie author. So most of the time, it might be painful to read. So be warned. I still hope you will enjoy reading it. >>>>> Due to reader comments and reviews about grammar issues and errors,. So I finally decided to edit the novel. To fix the error. Disclaimer: It has been a year since I uploaded a new chapter. So I started to edit it, and it will be a slow process. So sorry if you read it without the edited version; you might get confused. I will start uploading new chapters after this. Thanks for reading and your patience :-)

PattyBu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
141 Chs

Chapter 27 - I didn't see it coming

Frz took his system on a tour of the Oro Gold city.

Yssa BB had a good time traveling with Frz.

Frz is a little too extreme for him.

Frz's personality, he discovered, is a combination of his two cousins.

On the bright side. When he is serious and deceived, Mehlis is a textbook system. Meanwhile, Paolo is able to see the positive in any situation and maintains a calm and cool head in stressful situations.

Returning to Frz. Yssa BB describes him as calm most of the time and very methodical in his actions, such as Mehlis.

The only difference between the two Frz was a lack of sense of humor. But it was his innocence that drew Yssa BB to him as a host.

Clearly, he was not rude and did not ask too many questions.

He even wondered why he hadn't heard anything from them in days.

He attempted to check the system connect messages or log in to the SLON.

There was nothing, and it was very quiet.

Even Paolo the spamming agent. That almost all of his friends either ignored or blocked him.

Was far too quiet. It's too strange for Yssa BB.

He had not received a message from them.

He attempted to reach out to them by sending a message.

It was not even noticed. Messages (or voice message))

He is aware that something is going on, but he is unsure whether he can assist in any way.

So it's better not to be curious.

He is aware that something is going on, but he is unsure whether he can assist in any way.

So it's better not to be curious.

Wait until they've all told him what's going on.

Regrettably, he recognizes that he must learn it on his own or he will never know.


Frz continues on his way, minding his own business.

Wait until they've all told him what's going on.

Regrettably, he recognizes that he must learn it on his own or he will never know.


Frz continues on his way, minding his own business.

However, a flying object struck him in the face.

"Ouch!" Frz exclaimed, rubbing his brow.

"How come you didn't dodge it if it was flying towards you!" A young woman with short scarlet red hair and a healthy tan expressed her displeasure.

"Oh, I didn't see it coming." Frz felt a little self-conscious.

He can detect any danger approaching him by using his own hearing as well as his system map.

Unfortunately, there was a minor flaw: any flying object towards him with no intention of harming him. It made him difficult to detect, which is why he was struck by an unknown object.

Frz shows the girl his white cane by waving it in the air. Unfortunately, the girl was distracted by a fight involving a young man her age.

"Hehe," Yssa BB exclaimed in his own control room.

He is aware of Frz's fighting instincts. It's amusing to see Frz in such a ridiculous situation.

He records it with the intention of sending it to Paolo. He is aware that his older cousin enjoys watching amusing videos of the hosts' exploits.

"How come you kicked the ball so high?" the young lady with short hair expresses her dissatisfaction

"It was your fault you didn't catch the ball and just froze on the ground!" a young man with dark brown hair and grey eyes

Jackson, Marie! Stop, that big brother is deafeningly deafeningly deafeningly deafening "Please accept my apologies," says a young boy with dark green hair who appears to be around six years old. In comparison to the other two, his behavior is a little out of place.

"Brother, this idiot is too much, is he attempting to kill me with a ball?" Marie expresses her displeasure to the little boy in dark green.

"You beg me to play flying ball, then whine about not being able to catch it, Classic!" Jackson is dissatisfied.

"Sigh, These two," the youngster was at a loss for what to do with his younger siblings.

"I apologize for that, Mister; my younger sibling was playing and didn't see you pass by," The little green boy stated

"It's okay, that's normal with siblings, I had younger brothers too, trust me they're a headache," Frz responded with a smile.

He was taken aback by how hard he was hit and how unprepared he was. Frz's brow is covered in a bright red mark.

Frz: Ouch! , what was that

Yssa BB : Hehe

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