
OMG I Became a System

Most people who transmigrate want to wake up with a system that will help them achieve their goals. The MC, however, was transformed into a system, this time, a newborn blank system. Join the MC on his quest to help his host while gaining a new body and gaining freedom. Also, discover the difficulties that MC encounters when dealing with unreasonable hosts and hosts who fail to activate their system. System Race, a support parasite, necessitates the presence of a host. They need to host in order to survive and live, so they must help their hosts achieve their goals in exchange. The main goal of most systems is to be able to reincarnate into a new body or their own new body. Others are killed, and the reasons for their deaths are unknown. Systems have a long life and can be found in the System Link dimension. They never truly die; instead, based on their rating, they reincarnate into a new physical body. >>>>>> Disclaimer: This novel is written by a newbie author. So most of the time, it might be painful to read. So be warned. I still hope you will enjoy reading it. >>>>> Due to reader comments and reviews about grammar issues and errors,. So I finally decided to edit the novel. To fix the error. Disclaimer: It has been a year since I uploaded a new chapter. So I started to edit it, and it will be a slow process. So sorry if you read it without the edited version; you might get confused. I will start uploading new chapters after this. Thanks for reading and your patience :-)

PattyBu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
141 Chs

Chapter 132 - Cola on the other POV

Tick! Tick!


The sound of the clock ticking was the only sound can be heard in Cola's control room.

He was busy making a blueprint design for his new project.

Cola was too focus on perfecting his design he fail to notice that someone sent permission to enter his control room.

A pile of papers stacking from each other was filling the table. But it was organized enough not to be called a landfill of papers,

After 20 minutes Cola finally put his virtual pen down and was planning to take a short break he notice someone sent him a permission message. 

When he check it he can't help raise eyebrows when he read the system was visiting him.

But he knows it was his friend's older cousin so he accept the request to enter.

The system requests permission to enter when inside with a smile on his face.