
Omens Of The Night

The sins of man had been cleansed off the surface of the Earth, thrown into a different world to manifest into a realm of unmistakable evil, malevolence and certain death... That was what the regular humans thought. Those bestowed with the keys to enter this desecrated realm, knew there was more to it. It was a realm of countless realities, possibilities, laws and stories. And each time the bestowed, the Prophets step into this Realm, they would experience fables and transmigrate into brand new worlds, to conquer these stories, so that the bad ones don't manifest on Earth. A strange boy found no place on Earth, but was bestowed with a key to experience these countless words as a Prophet, so that he may try again to find where exactly he belonged. But that was not his only motivation for traversing this Realm of wonder and yet, extreme danger. He also does it to find a cure for his misfortune. For you see, although humans were made from clay, he was created from countless CURSES.

TheNobleRain · Fantasy
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17 Chs

The Omen

‡ The Omen:

This is a strange phenomenon that affects individuals when the second sun in Sumeru reaches its the highest point in the sky.

‡ Omens:

These are places and manifestations of stories made in another world by the Omen. After an individual receives the calling of their first omen, they will be transported to the Realm Of Augury to experience the stories of the omen. Then they are tasked to conquer them to prove their worth. If they succeed, they will be chosen as Prophets and granted Totems along with Virtues.

Bad omens are usually frequent due to the dark nature of the Realm Of Augury. If they are not conquered or attempted after a specific amount of time, creatures of evil will pour into the real world, bringing along calamity.

Meanwhile, Good omens are rare, but serve no practical purpose or have any consequences for engaging them.

‡ Ordeals:

These are special omens that Prophets partake in at the right time to increase their level on the Prophet hierarchy. There are seven in number, including the first omen.

‡ The Realm Of Augury:

This is a world where omens are born. And only the Prophets can enter this realm to face the omens in it. It is basically the world where all omens are connected.

‡ The Augur Spirits:

These are guardian spirit that every Prophet has. They help guide Prophets through omens and serve as mediums by which rewards for conquering or fulfilling omens are given.

‡ Prophecies:

These are scroll like pages that Prophets receive. They contain information that help Prophets better understand their new irregular selves and the world around them. A person titled the Grand-oracle can also summon the scrolls of other Prophets, albeit with certain conditions.

‡ The Prophets/ Totem Wielders:

These are individuals who possess the powers to face omens. After facing their first and most important omen and succeeding, they are granted their Totems to continue facing omens and ensure that they (bad omens) do not come to pass.

‡ Totems:

These are objects every Prophet has that provide them with their main powers. They are gotten on their first main omens/ Ordeals. A Prophet can improve and master their Totem through training and especially after conquering six more main omens/ Ordeals.

Types- There are five Totem types. From the common to the rare are:

• Weapon types ( Swords, spears, guns).

• Instrument types (Flutes, books, water).

• Being types (Bears, Elves, Angels).

• Reverse/ Self types (Wings, different eyes, body transformations).

• Abstract types (Religion, Physical laws, Titles).

‡ Guardians:

After killing evil spirits, they can sometimes be exorcised by the Prophet's Augur Spirits to cleanse them and make them available for the Prophet. But the chances of an evil spirit being exorcised is very very low. Guardians can also be summoned at will. And because they are the cleansed versions of sentient evil spirits, they also possess a will of their own; albeit, the instructions of their masters come before anything else.

‡ Sins:

Any living creature within the Realm Of Augury is a Sin.

‡ Evil Spirits:

They are the physical manifestations of bad omens. Prophets can grow stronger by eliminating these spirits, and in lucky cases, making them guardians.

‡ Calamity Zones:

If a bad omen is not conquered after a specific time, evil spirits will continuously appear in a part of the real world to bring those omens to pass. But these Calamity Zones can be erased when their keys are destroyed. Hence, stopping the outpour of the spirits and sending them back to the Realm Of Augury.

Havens: These are places in the Realm of Augury where their omens have been conquered, but still exist. Prophets that have been in these omens can use their Totems to go in and out of them.

‡ Keys:

These are objects that manifest when an omen is created. Keys can be kept and used so Prophets can access Gates. They usually disappear after an omen has been conquered. But if the omen is not conquered in time, the keys are transferred to the evil spirits controlling that omen. And thus why the Prophets need to get that key back and destroy it for the gates to close.

‡ Gates: Gates automatically appear when Prophets wish to use a key. But they can only be opened within their respective Calamity Zones. Evil-spirits can also open gates to the real world if their omens are not conquered.

‡ True Name:

These are tied to a Totem Wielder's Virtue. And only Prophets with powerful Virtues and/ or accomplishments are granted this title as a testament to their greatness.

‡ Mark Of Virtue:

These are unique and permanent symbols that exist within the souls of Prophets, but can appear on the surface of their bodies when channeling their spiritual essence. It is also where Spiritual Energy is accumulated and stored for Prophets.

— The Seven Grades Of The Mark Of Virtue:

These grades define the potential and growth level of Prophets. The 1st-grade Mark possesses the highest potential, with the 7th-grade possessing the lowest.

• 7th-grade: Good Grade.

• 6th-grade: Blessed Grade

• 5th-grade: Legendary Grade.

• 4th-grade: Sacred Grade

• 3rd-grade: Holy Grade.

• 2nd-grade: Divine Grade.

• 1st-grade: Mythical Grade.

‡ Virtue:

A Virtue consists of Virtue Traits. It guides their properties.

‡ Virtue Traits:

These are individual passive abilities of Prophets that manifest as a result of the Omen and their own inner traits. Unlike the abilities of Totems, Virtue Traits cannot be turned off.

‡ Prophet Hierarchy:

While the Mark grade shows the potential of the Prophet and their Virtue, the Prophet Hierarchy is directly tied to their actual strength. A Prophet can mostly increase their hierarchy by absorbing spiritual energy from slaying other spiritual beings and conquering omens.

— From the weakest, the Believer, the hierarchy is as followed:

• Believer

• Seer

• Oracle

• Diviner

• Ordainer

‡ 7 Grades Of Evil Spirits/ Guardians:

This counts backwards from the First-grade to the Seventh-grade, with the latter being the strongest. The grades of evil spirits determine the number of Spirit-crystals they poses, hence the amount of power they can summon. Guardians also drop spirit crystals after they are killed in battle.

‡ Evil-spirit/ Guardian Hierarchy:

This shows the amount of power their evil-spirit's spirit crystals possesses.

— From the weakest, the Sullen, the hierarchy is as followed:

• Sullen (they make wild sounds and are typically stupid)

• Deceiver ( they are capable of speech imitation by mixing random words).

• Damned (more organised speech imitation)

• Curser (can speak normally)

• Ordainer (fabled to be able to speak telepathically)

Note: A 7th-grade Sullen spirit is approximately seven times stronger than a 1st-grade Sullen spirit, since they possess more crystals and can summon more power.

‡ 7 Heights Of The Realm Of Augury:

These are levels of omens of which certain Prophets can enter. For example, Believers and Seers can only engage omens in the first and second Height of the Realm, respectively; Oracles dwell in the third and forth levels; Diviners dwell in the fifth and sixth level; while the Ordainers dwell in the seventh level.

‡ 7 Plains Of Existence:

Regular humans reside in the first plane, Svarga, while prophets occupy four. Then the highest two are where the gods are.


Aside from their roles in preventing omens, Prophets are held in very high regard because of their supernatural abilities and power. The Job of a Prophet is also the most sought for, and it is said that when a Prophet becomes an Ordainer, they are granted the chance to face their 5th-Ordeal.

An Ordeal is the biggest test set by the Omen. It is taken by the prophets to increase their hierarchy. Should an Ordainer choose to partake in the 5th and succeed, they will be granted any one wish of their choosing... anything at all.

But if they fail then... no one really knows what happens. This is because the less than dozen previous Ordainers throughout history, who had embarked on their 5th Ordeals did not come back. But since an Ordeal is somewhat different from an omen, it at least doesn't affect the human world if not conquered.

And for the Ordainer Guardians... There are no known ones. This is because not even an Ordainer Prophet has even killed an Ordainer evil-spirit to hopefully exorcise into a Guardian.