
chapter 3

"wow, so beautiful, "James said while watching Negus leaves to his room.

Although Negus is a boy, but he have a feminine body.

His eyes are purple in color which is a rare case in omegas.Usually omegas have green, blue, black or brown eye color. But Negus have purple color in his iris which makes him more special. His hair color is black in colour which suits his face very well.

Negus is fair complex but not pale white, which makes him unique among other omegas with a pale white skin color The most attracting part of Negus is his lips. He has cherry colored lips which makes his face even more beautiful.

**"I never thought that he will be this beautiful "** James thought.

"oh, damn, his beauty is making me wants him"James sighed.

James is very tall and handsome. He has a good body shape which makes him more manly. James is not that fair as Negus. His eye color is blue with a brown hair color. In overall view, James looks like a charming prince that everybody wants.


Negus went to open his room. He walks to his bed and sat down there. He was thinking about the incident earlier.

"did he call me cutie" he said to himself.

Negus blushed. He cover his face with both of his hands.

"yes, he call me cutie"a warm smile appears on Negus face.

Negus jumped into his bed and lay down there. he couldn't sleep. He began to roll on his bed while thinking about james.

"he is really handsome. but why do i feel like this"

"i never felt like this to anybody, ahhh god please make me understand this" Negus sighed.

"at least, there is someone in this house to notice me". Negus was very happy at this moment.

That night Negus decides to dream about james. Negus lay in his bed while trying to have a dream about james, which he thought that, the dream will make him even more happy. Unfortunately he couldn't have a dream and he fall deep asleep.


"young master james, good morning " greeted the butler.

"morning " James greeted back.

butler came to james room for keeping the rest of his luggages which was arrived in the morning.

James wakes up. After doing his morning routine, he came down to have his breakfast. when he arrives downstairs he saw his father and brother and his mother was waiting for him to have breakfast together.

" good morning dad, good morning mom and good morning brother "greeted james.

"morning "all of them replayed to james simultaneously.

while they were having breakfast Mr. Paul Lee Davis made a sound which makes everyones attention.

"ahem, ahem"

"James, after the breakfast come and meet me in my chamber "Mr. Paul Lee Davis commended.

"ok dad, i will " James replied.

suddenly they heard a cracking sound in the kitchen.

"oh god again, you guys continue with the breakfast i will be back in a moment " said Mrs. Olivia Lee Davis and went straight to the kitchen. later some noises can be heard from the kitchen. It sounds like someone yelling.James notices that and looked at his brother and father.They didn't mind the noises from the kitchen and continue having breakfast.

"dad, i think something happened in the kitchen, let me go and check it", James said to his dad.

"don't mind that, it happens all the time. lets have our breakfast " his dad replied.

"but dad", james couldn't complete his sentence, his brother blocked his conversation.

"dad said is true, it usually happens here. it may be new to you but not for me. you will get used to it", John said to James and take a spoonful of soup and have it.

" sounds like mom must be very angry towards the servants "James signed.

"not servants, it always be a servent that do mistakes often ", said his brother John.

"servant? ", James asked.

"yeah, that omega boy, he usually do some mistakes everytime when he do works", John said to James.

James heart skipped while hearing the word 'omega 'from his brother.

"omega? ", james asked to his brother. He was very eager to hear that the omega that his brother refers is Negus or not.

"Yes omega, that omega boy our dad brought here 10 years ago"John told to james.

"'omega, omega, omega', why can't you guys not mention that omega while eating..... disgusting."

Mr.Paul Lee Davis shouted to his sons.

suddenly everyone kept quiet.The silence was break when Mrs.Olivia Lee Davis came back from kitchen.

"honey, why are you still keeping that omega slut here", complained Mrs.Olivia to her husband.

"when time come i will tell you and i can't kick him out now", Mr.Paul Lee Davis said.

James was little curious about his father's behavior. On the other hand John was never cared the conversation between his parents.He was only concentrated in eating his breakfast.


Negus woke up and wash his face. after his morning routine he went straight to the kitchen. While walking he looked to the clock, it's 4:30 am.

"oh I'm really late... i must go there and finish my work

before the maids come or else... " Negus just swallow his saliva and quickly ran towards the kitchen.

His work is in the dish wash area.There is loads of utensils that he needs to wash before every workers come.This has became his daily routine. The dish washing is mainly kept for Negus.He knew that no workers or maids in the mansion likes him except Mr.Philip .So they always make Negus to do extra works and sometimes they even ask him to do their work too. Mr.Paul Lee Davis knows that the servants are making the omega to do works more.Every time when they do make him to do extra work, the master kept silent and that silence of master have became a licence for the servants to continue whatever they are doing.

"why there are so many ", Negus signed after seeing a load of utensils that have been kept for cleaning.

Negus began his work. when it was 5:30am his work was completely over. He took around 1 hour to complete his work.

Earlier Negus took hours for doing the washing. eventually he became an expert in dish washing.Every time he does a work, he would be very careful not to make any mistake because he knew that mistake that he make, will make his life more miserable in this mansion. so every work that was assigned to him was done with sincerely and carefully.

He don't want his life to be miserable anymore.

After his work of dish wash done, Negus went to the bathroom area for cleaning. When Negus was first came to the mansion, the old maid in the mansion has said that without the bathroom cleaning, he would not get any food from the mansion .Little Negus was very scared and he agreed to clean the bathroom in order to get food. Later years Negus came to know that it was a lie and old maid actually made him to do her work. But he never complained. He knew that no one likes him and no one will mind him if he told them this matter.So he kept it quite.

Later other servants came to knew that and they all did the same thing which made Negus life like a hell in the mansion .

He knew that the master was watching everything. Sometimes he even saw master smirking while he works.


Now the maids all have come to make the breakfast for the master's family. Negus have no role now, so he was sitting at the corner of the kitchen. Suddenly a very costly plate has been slipped from the old maids hand and broken in to pieces. She was really scared.The cracking sound and noises from the kitchen have brought Mrs.Olivia Lee Davis to the kitchen.

"What's going here, what happened? ", she asked.

"that omega boy have broken your favorite plate that you have brought from Italy last week. "Said the old maid pointing her fingers at Negus who was sitting at the corner of the kitchen.

"HOW DARE YOU", Olivia was full in temper and walks towards Negus and slap both side of his cheek.

"i didn't, i didn't ", Negus cried.

"YOU, shut your f**king mouth omega"Mrs.Olivia Lee Davis yelled with anger.then she again slapped Negus until her anger was cooled a little.

"NO breakfast for him today ", she said and returned to the dinning hall.

Negus was crying his heart out. This is not new to him because whenever they made a mistake, Negus was always blame. He wiped his tears.Every time he wiped his tears, the old one was replaced by a new one. He saw everyone was laughing at him, so he quickly ran from there and went to his room.

"Why GOD, why its always me"he cried.

"Mom, Dad, I miss you, I really miss you guys a lot and i wish i could be with you too"he cried while suppressing his voice by covering his mouth with his hands.

Negus has a special talent. Whenever he gets scolded or punished or even depressed, he always find something beautiful to make his mind positive. That special talent of him has made him pass all the sorrow and the dark side of his life.

Then Negus search for something to make his mind calm. He saw a small bug near his window. It was red in color with black small dots on the top of it.It was really beautiful . It was trying to escape from the window to the outside world. Negus carefully pick the bug and released it outside through the window. The bug fly away and disappeared. By seeing that Negus felt a little happy.

**"one day someone will help me too"** Negus told himself with still hope in his eyes.

"HOPE "that was the only thing that makes him feel better.


After breakfast James went to his father's chamber.

"Dad, why did you call me" James asked.

"James, I have decided to handover the new project to you. You want to make profit to the company", Mr. Paul Lee Davis said.

James didn't say anything. He just give a nod for what his father told.

"Your brother will be moving to abroad next month. we have decided to make a new branch there for expansion of our company "said Mr. Paul Lee Davis.

"Ok Dad, I will do whatever you say", james replied.

James leaves the chamber and sees Negus. Negus was cleaning the floor. He slowly approaches Negus.

"Hey, Negus", James said.

Negus was startled by James action...
















Author :thanks for reading....