

Author: AmberChico
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  • 3 Chs
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Are you ready to give up your life? Ready to give up your name? Ready to give up your human? Ready to become the wolf that you woke up as one? Mark was just a normal man. Ready to work for the world as a professional illustrator. After graduation, he and his friends decided to go on a hiking trip during the Christmas season in Yellowstone Park. But not everything goes as planned as a pack of unfriendly wolves decided to chase them away what is theirs as. Mark got separated from his friends. Followed by the wolves. He quickly had to find a way out to escape, but that also didn't go as plan. One wrong move and he is out. Waking up in a gray and cold world, Mark has no choice but to survive through this as a wolf and find a way to go back. Is he willing to give up his name and previous life, and live on as a wolf?

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Chapter 1Chapter 1

Winter. One of the toughest seasons that ever existed. Food is rare to find, water is always frozen. And if you don't act fast in finding food you might die in this freezing cold. And no one would bat an eye. No one would help and only care about their own survival. It is the season of life and death. Animals either die of starvation or freezing. Freezing to death is a long and painful death. Feeling your fingertips slowly losing its warmth. Your toes. Then the sound of chattering teeth. Your body has lost its warmth, and there is nothing else you could warm yourself with. No dry wood to make a fire to warm up your fingertips. No warm blanket to wrap around your body. Or a partner who would cuddle you in the night and keep each other warm during this freezing cold.


It's not that cold. Maybe a little, but it could be easily brushed off. The cold is not bothering me at all. I remember now... I remember everything now. Remembering how I was hiking with my closest friends and with my girlfriend, whom I loved so much. It was winter vacation, and we had decided we were going hiking during Christmas. It was just a simple plan. All about having fun. My best friend Derek, who is my best friend ever since middle school up to now, was always teasing me and my girlfriend, Rebecca. I wish he would shut up and leave us alone. Always making the same sex joke whenever I and Rebecca interact with each other. Sometimes I wish I could've punched him, but he always ran away before I could do something. And then we have Jasper. Doesn't talk much and only talks when he thinks he should talk. Either way, he was an amazing dude. Always got your back, but does join in the teasing with Derek. Next is Arthur. That dude... thinks he's amazing because his parents named him after his old king from a very long time ago. Always act like he's the hero. But he's a complete wimp. Never shuts his big mouth. It made me chuckle thinking about it. I remember how he tried to get back the money the upperclassmen stole from me. And like the 'hero' he is, he wanted to get it back for me. And comes back with a blue eye and broken nose, yet he got my money.

Last but not least is Aryan. I and Derek knew him already from middle school, he always got picked on and bullied for having a very different taste in people. To be blunt, he's gay. And because of that, his life was a living Hell. He lives at his grandparent's house after his parents disowned him. We felt pity for the dude and welcomed him into our friend group. Of course, he had flirted with Arthur a little when we entered high school. Derek and I never could figure out if Arthur even liked it or not. Now I can focus on Rebecca. I met her during college. I was doing art courses. My dream and future are to become a professional illustrator. I have always loved drawing since I was a little kid, and I have progressed and grown over the years with my skill. I would say I was pretty good at what I was doing. Rare for an artist to say that, but sulking in your skill wouldn't make me become a professional illustrator.

While I was drawing during lunch break, and sadly my gang and I don't have the same lunch hours, so I mostly sit alone during the week, a good time to draw more and enhance my skills. And that is when she started asking me and talking to me about my drawings. It was an immediate click. And after a couple of weeks, we started dating. I was the luckiest guy ever lived on this damned planet. After years of studying, we all graduated and wanted to celebrate by booking a vacation to go hiking during the Christmas season before we go into the world of hard-working adults. Rebecca and I even had plans after New Years' that we move in together and get a cat. But that future I had to say goodbye to it when we came across a pack of wolves. Normally, as far as I know, wolves don't usually attack humans so quickly, but it seemed we have encountered a very unfriendly pack. So we had to run as fast as we could and call for help. We all ran in different directions, hoping we could shake off those wolves from our ankles. I for one wanted to follow Rebecca, but for some reason, I lost track of her. Couldn't find her. Managed to throw some rocks at these beasts, so I could have a starting run. I panicked and ran towards the mountains. Wolves can't climb, right? Right? As I ran through the thick snow, grabbing onto my life and I started climbing. I could hear the barking and the growling of those vicious beasts.

How could this happen? We thought we are going on the right path. We followed the instructions. We were so careful. But alas. My heart was racing. Adrenaline rushed through my veins. My instincts tell me to survive. Survive from these damned beasts. I was running, running so far away from the group. I should go back after I found a spot to hide where these animals cannot reach for me. I reached the mountains. Without hesitation, I started to climb. Climb as fast as I could. I couldn't remember how high I have climbed, but I sure have climbed high enough for me to make my food slip on an icy rock and lost grip on the rocks. I felt my body fell downwards, it all happened so fast and after that... I couldn't remember what happened after that. It felt like an eternity living in this black space. I guess I died. I guess this was my life. My future all gone. My friends all gone. My family all gone. Rebecca all gone. Everything I worked hard for is all gone. I wasn't the type of man who would cause trouble. I was ready for the world. But alas. It's over for me. There is nothing for me.

But that is what I thought... I was wrong.

I woke up. I'm alive. But my world is different. I see no color, only black and white. As far as I could remember I was never color-blind. Is this what happened when you fell high, did the snow save my landing? But I expect to be in some sort of hospital at least. Why am I laying on the snow? Ah, maybe my friends have not found me yet. I sure know they are worried sick about me and are looking for me. How many days have I slept? Probably a few days judging of how my body is refusing to move. Maybe I could close my eyes for a few more minutes. But if I lay any longer on this snow I could freeze to death. I need to get to Rebecca and see if she is doing okay. I'm slowly starting to get up. It was a struggle, but I noticed something odd. For some reason, I can't stand up on two legs. I can't stretch my fingers wide open. To my curiosity, I looked down to see what was wrong with me.

And as I suspected instead of two big hands I see two big paws with sharp claws. Am I dreaming or is this real? To check if this is all real I weakly lifted my paw up and started to bite in the pow. I quickly let go as I felt intense pain in my paw and left out a loud whine. Shit! This is real! Have I... Water! That was the first thought that comes to mind. Dragging myself to the nearest water source. As I found one I looked in the reflection of the water. I see a huge dog-like head in the reflection. The fur color seemed to be white. I flicked one of my big ears and as I could see, the reflection did the same but mirrored. This can't be real! This can't be! All my senses started to kick in. I could hear a few birds chirping, foxes barking, and running around that is not even close by, probably miles away from me. I could smell the scent of deer, the scent of blood from fish that an eagle had caught in its claws. It's overwhelming me. I took a few steps back as I slowly started to panic.

This cannot be real. I refuse to believe this! Then I realized something. Is this how we become once we die? I doubt it. But, yet, I am standing here alive and kicking. This is so frustrating! I started to growl and make a bunch of weird noises that sure alarmed a few animals around me. I could hear the crows laughing at me from high above in the trees. I quickly stopped hearing their chatters.

"Look at this mutt! Does he even know what he is doing?" As I heard one of the crows coos that out. I looked up noticing there is a bunch of crows resting on the branch of the tree, looking down at me. I suppose they're having fun laughing at me. I gritted my teeth as I emitted a warning growl at the crows, but it doesn't do much to the crows. They're not scared of a wolf. Heck, I don't even know how a wolf even acts, how would I know what to do as a wolf?! And for some reason, I can clearly understand what they are saying to me.

"Did you notice? This fella sure does look odd to me." As the other crow who sits in the far left. "A mixed breed? He looked bigger... not like big wolves do not exist, he sure does look a little bigger."

"I am not a wolf," I quickly replied, "I'm a human." It was silent. I couldn't hear the crow laughing and chattering at me. Did it shock them to hear I'm actually a human? Nature's biggest enemies. I scoffed that could teach them not to mess with me. But I celebrated too soon as the crows started to laugh and caw as loud as they could and started circling around me and gliding down and landed on the ground. Hopping closer to me, all from each side of my body.

"You? A human?" I can clearly see this crow is bigger than the rest. Probably the leader. "Did ya hit yer head or something?" As the big crow moved its head to the side and looked at me with one of his eyes. I felt a little intimidated. These crows sure don't fear what's bigger and meaner than them. The big crow hopped closer I automatically took a few steps backward.

"I-I... no? I did know I fell from the mountain and woke up as a wolf. I know for sure I was a human!" I barked back at them. The crows cawed in laughter, some flapping their wings.

"He just sounds like you, Chik!" A smaller crow who hopped next to the big crow cawed at another crow who seemed a little far from the group of crows. As my eyes trailed where the crow been looking at. I see a skinny crow. "Remember when you joined us and told us you were a bear and wake up as a crow! That was such a good laugh!" As all the crows cawed in laughter, flapping their wings and rose up in the sky. The big one stayed for a bit. "We'll see ya another time when ya don't fuck up." And he followed the group of laughing crows. I watched the group fly away, then I moved my head to look at the skinny crow who was left behind by his group.

"It's true though. I was a bear and woke up as a crow. So I suppose I should believe ya too... that you were a human and woke up as a wolf. Ya can call me Chik as well." He sure sounds embarrassed.

"Why Chik? It sounds like chicken." I snorted a bit. Such an odd and funny name.

Chike cawed angry at me and clapped his beak at me trying to bite my nose. "It is not chicken! And its how my mother named me!" This crow is very feisty. "Are ya going to tell me yer name or you're going to stay nameless?" A tilt with his head he looked at me with his dark-colored eyes.

Right, this is the part where I have to introduce myself and make friends with a crow. I still cannot believe how I am able to understand and communicate with these animals. I should say my name, but... that was my human name. And no animal in this kingdom walks around with a human name.

My name was Mark. I was normal, graduated from college, man. Ready for the big world. Ready to move in with my girlfriend Rebecca. To conquer the world and live. I was so ready to live my life and do all sorts of stuff as an adult. Am I really ready to let go of my human name and live a life as a wolf? No, I am not ready to become a wolf. I am not ready to throw away my life as a human. I'll find a way to turn back. There has to be. This is probably some weird werewolf shit. If I wake up I probably wake up in a hospital bed or in my bedroom. That's right. I looked at Chik, ready to give him my answer. "All I want is to go back as a human and go back to my friends and family, and... Rebecca..." I spoke that name out softly as a whimper followed after.

"Rebecca? Who is Rebecca? What an odd name and ya aren't giving me yer name?" I could see Chik tilting his head a few times looking at me with curiosity. I shake my head in response. Suddenly a grasp of realization came up in me. Rebecca! Without hesitation, I started sprinting forward, leaving the crow behind me who cawed after me. I don't care if he doesn't follow me or not I need to know if Rebecca and the others are okay! I ran and ran. I don't want to stop to take a breath. A faint scent crawled up to my nose. I stopped to take a good whiff of that scent. It's faint, very faint but I sure smell the scent of shampoo. Shampoo Rebecca always uses.

I know that since I always take a whiff of her shampoo scent from her gorgeous long brown locks. Bingo! I followed the faint smell until it grown stronger. I stopped my running and trotted my way closer to the spot where we camped before hiking. It was empty, no tent to be seen. Sure there are some traits that humans were camping here. I can see the pile of burned wood under a small cover of snow, and some empty spots where our tents have rested. They're not here anymore, they must have gone home. I dragged my nose over the ground to take up more scents. As I did that I sure got more than one scent I noticed from the scent they have left four days ago. I am glad they are safe and alive. I don't smell blood at least. My ears perked up as I hear wings flapping. "The hell?! Why are ya in such a hurry?!" Chik cawed at me. He apparently did not appreciate my sudden sprinting. But I sure never had such a fast sprint in a while. The way my feet hovered above the ground, the way the wind went through my thick fur. It felt... great. I have never felt like this before as a human. "Next time warn me whenever you're going for a long run!" I scoffed annoyed as Chik kept complaining at me. I turned my head to growl at him. "Shut the fuck up. I never asked you to follow me. Never asked you to stick around with me. Leave me alone." I quickly turned my tail towards him, trying to ignore him. "Oh, don't be like that." As Chik flew up and landed on top of my head. "Ya need me. I can teach you how to be a wolf. Ya won't survive here if ya don't know the basics being a wolf." Chik said with such confidence. "Ya need me!" He puffed up his feathery chest to make it look bigger. Well, it would be nice to have a friend out here who knows the ways of nature and how to survive. Plus! If he really was a bear and woke up as a crow. Maybe he has a slight idea how to turn back as a human? "Okay, fine. Help me how to be a wolf and keep me alive, but do me one thing in return. I want to find a way to return as a human. Do you have any slight idea how? If it is true you were a bear previous and not a crow... then I believe and trust you." Trust was such a big word, but I am completely ready to be disappointed. I speculated this. This ain't some fantasy world. Was it right for me to start trusting this crow? One only has to find out. Chik jumped off my head and landed in front of my big paws. "But of course! I know everything in this forest! I know someone who can help ya turn back! No problemo!" He laughed in a caw. I rolled my eyes. He has way too much confidence. What if he is just scamming me? Whatever. I rather don't want to think about it. I need to turn back fast. "We have to go North first. And along the way I'm going to train ya to be a wolf!" Chik flapped his wings and rise himself up in the sky. Signing me to follow him. I took one last glance over the traces of our camp. Rebecca, wait for me. I'm coming back.

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