
Omega surge

Mikato · Sci-fi
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7 Chs

Chapter 1

Year 2068

*a remote lab facility out in the waste lands of mars*

Scientist 1: guards bring in subject 1,2,4, and 5

*in walks subjects 1,2,4, and 5*

Scientist 2: wait they are kids! Sir this is wrong.

Scientist 1: I'm sorry as well but orders are orders and we can't disobey the empire or they will have our heads.

Scientist 2: I can't do this, im leaving.

Scientist 1: okay commencing neuro toxin procedure

Scientist 1: okay now starting termina- * guards run inside*

Guard 1: sir we have a security breach!

Scientist 1: what do you mean security breach?!

Guard 2: sir the death angels are here!?

Scientist 1: plan to evacuate the facility and get all the V.I.Ps out!!

*Resh Yukinashi the leader of the death angels sprinting through the multiple guards shooting flames From the palm of his hands and literally melting their faces off*

Resh: come on kill anything that moves report anything to me that seems interesting.

(15 minutes later)

*on radio* hey boss we got something here in the testing room

Resh: okay on my way

*5 minutes later*

Resh: okay boys what do we got?

Suki:(second captain of the death angels)

Hey boss we got these kids here in the termination chamber.

Resh: we'll shit, take them with us they might be of use to us.