
The Jungle’s S Rank Monsters II

On the other side of the jungle, the ones facing the Crystal Tusked Mammoth are the Japan, United Kingdom, Russia and South Korea. Unlike what the other side did with the Stone Fist Giant Gorilla, all of them made some sort of hidden agreement to not interfere with each other. 

They sort of made a silent vow to not kill each other but that does not mean that they can be safe from being killed by the Crystal Tusked Mammoth either intentionally or accidentally. One such case happened to one of Creepysoo's undeads when Sveto deflected an attack from the Crystal Tusked Mammoth.

"He is sly." Creepysoo commented.

"More like he knows that he can handle that Crystal Tusked Mammoth well which is why he is using it for his advantage. You are the most powerful one here due to your numerous undead. He is thinning the herd in order to become the one standing on top. Anastacia being a priest is also not helping your case either." Ain stated as he looked sharply at Sveto.