
Home Sweet Home

"Victoria!" Ethan called after her as she stomped out of the building. His legs may be long and muscled, but with embarrassment fueling her, Victoria was faster.

Why couldn't that have gone the way she wanted it to?

Someone just had to attack her. Someone just had to put her in the hospital, activating some stress hormones or whatever and triggering her scent! That man, the man that had attacked her had given her two mates, more than anyone shoud have to deal with.

Ethan, the sweatheart; the formerly mentioned next-door neighbor, kind, caring, perfect, yet agressively protective.

Liam, the enemy; the former pack member, the blessedly cursed child, rude, obnoxious, one-sided, and, as Ethan, agressively protective.

They had already started bickering with eachother. Now, because of the ring incident, the two were bound to be at eachother's throats, fighting with eachother every moment they could.

And she was stuck in the middle of it all.

"Just leave me alone! I want to go home!" She cried, her feet scurrying faster as heads popped up. People were looking at her now; too many people. After the day Victoria had had, she just wanted to be out of the public eye, and away from everyone else. She didn't even care who was Alpha, Beta, or Omega in this moment; the only think she was paying attention to were incoming cabs on the street.

Flagging one down, she turned to look back at Ethan one more time.

"Don't follow me."

With that, Victoria slammed her door shut, and the cabbie pulled away from the sidewalk.

"24 Ebell St., please." She tried her hardest to maintain her panic, and simmering embarrassment, but it was hard to with his eyes on her.

"You do know that your scent is-" He started, his blue Beta eyes focusing on her in the rear view mirror.

"Of course I know!" She snapped. Hearing about your scent all day was exhausting, especially when you knew what was happening. She could only begin to imagine what was happening inside of the cabbie's head, even if he was only a Beta. Despite their lack of animalistic anatomy, they could still smell the things around them.

And so, with little reluctance, Victoria said, "I have a mate."


The rest of the drive continued in silence until they arrived at Victoria's apartment. In that moment, the cabbie spoke. "63-69-11-39."

"What?" Victoria asked, her mind jumping to conclusions far to quickly. "Listen, I said I had mates-"

"The cab fee, lady." He replied whilst rolling his eyes. "$63.69, with a tax or tip of $11.39."

"Oh." She must be losing her mind, mistaking cab fees for phone numbers. There weren't even enough digits to create a whole number...

"Listen, lady." The cabbie said while she stepped out of the car. "I don't mess with Alpha's mates." With that, he sped away, leaving Victoria shocked.

Of course. Of course he had to go and say it, making Victoria and Alpha's mate.