


Best of Both Worlds

Have you ever liked someone that you became so observant of them? Even if you don't admit it to yourself, deep in your heart you memorize their entire being; that you familiarize yourself with their every inch.

Like a mole on their back or the way they avert their gaze when they're lying. Or even hearing their laugh inside of your head.

Or maybe even a slave mark on their back, perhaps?

I've never admitted it out loud to anyone, not even myself. Not until now, that is. But I like Atlas; not just the attraction I have for him as my second chance mate. I realized I'm connected to him more than I realize it. And as if it was normal for my subconscious to long for him. To be near him. Always.

And he'd be lying if he says he doesn't feel the same way. Because even though he mightn't have admitted it to himself yet, his subconscious longs for me as well.