


Bigger Population

Three rejects in one day. Usually, we get at most two rejects a month. I'm not good in mathematics or statistics, but three rejects a day? That's a lot. And the month won't even reach its end until the next week.

And something tells me we'll be getting another one.

Or two.

I ran to the Pack Infirmary as fast as I can with Phoebe behind. Most of the rejects help out in curing werewolves who suffers great pain. Been there, done that. No one helped us go through our own demons, so we want to help others. We wouldn't want anyone drowning in their own misery.

And believe me, being rejected feels as if drowning is the best option.

All of the rejects in our pack will be immediately sent to the infirmary to be sedated. Once you are rejected, you feel like death is slowly eating you from inside. It's that painful. And after that, when the pain slightly goes away, you want to feel the pain again. You seek to being hurt again.

So you inflict pain upon yourself.

All rejects have been through that, and I'll be lying if I said I didn't. Suicide has crossed my mind every time I was alone. And that's what we're here for: keeping the rejects as safe as possible. Because after those howling and thrashing and screaming, a silent death comes after.

At this point, we're trying to keep three rejects from killing themselves.

The moment we opened the door and stepped in, I was slapped with a scent of burnt coffee beans. It was so sudden, I almost tumbled down. Phoebe got a hold of my shoulders and frowned down at me, /"You okay?/"

I nodded, /"Yeah,/" I mumbled with a frown as I try to stand straight.

I looked around the infirmary to see four busy omegas running about. All of which are rejects. The white walls, marbled floor, labyrinthine hallways and the tension in the air mixed with the smell of antiseptic. I've been in and out of this place for what felt like forever, and I memorize every part of it like the back of my palm.

I spotted Athena the same time she saw me. A wave of relief crossed her features, /"Thank the moon goddess you're here!/" She said.

With her caramel colored hair and brown eyes, being around her feels like home. She exudes that kind of emotion, making you feel calm and safe. I gave her a small nod, /"Three rejects?/"

Her smile wavered, /"I know. It's alarming,/" she says softly, just when we heard a loud shriek of pain from one of the rooms where a fresh reject was confined. The three of us winced.

More screams now. More suicidal thoughts after. It's the life cycle of a reject.

/"More rejects.../" I slowly shook my head, rubbing the bottom of my nose to eliminate the scent of burnt coffee bean wafting just below it.

Phoebe huffed beside me, /"It means more werewolves who aren't contented with whom the moon goddess paired them with./"

A blonde woman with soft freckles on her nose walked towards us and looked at Athena, /"Patients A101 and A102 are sedated. However, patient A103 is a tough one. We can't handle him. He's thrashing out a lot./"

/"Wait,/" Phoebe frowned, /"Did I hear it correctly? He? The third reject is a he?/"

Somehow, my heartbeat quickened its pace. I blinked as I looked at Athena, /"Is this true?/" I asked, sounding as mystified as Phoebe.

It's rare that a male wolf is to be rejected by his mate. Most of the times, the rejects are either omega or female. Because apparently, males are always stronger than females so we get to be rejected a lot more than males. However, if the third reject is indeed a male...

He's the second rejected male that we encountered. After Deimos, that is.

Athena nodded, and I think I was about to self combust. I don't know why, but I have this sudden urge to run and find something. Or someone. I don't know; I'm really confused. /"He's got it worst than the rest./" She says.

I frowned, and took the folder that the blonde was holding. I opened it to see the vitals of the patient A103 and his background. After a couple of seconds of reading, I almost threw the folder and ripped it to pieces. I closed my eyes shut, gripping the damnable file in my hand.

I wish I shouldn't have read it.

Phoebe glanced at the folder to read it herself. As clear as day, the letters and words mixed together and they make the perfect sense;

Name: Atlas

Age: 20 years old

Rank: Omega

Mate: Eris (rejected)

I cleared my throat as I looked up at Athena with a stoic expression on my face.

At that moment, I was sure to be the fourth reject patient. I want to scream and thrash and howl in pain. Then I want to kill myself right after. They must've read my mind, because Phoebe slung her arm around my shoulder and Athena gave me a sympathetic smile.

Kratos rejected me a couple of months ago, and Eris just rejected her mate. It wouldn't be long until they mate each other and live happily ever after.

I hand back the folder to the blonde, her eyes dancing with concern. I guess she wouldn't want to deal with a fourth reject, since three is already a handful for them. I looked at Athena like what I saw didn't matter at all, /"We better sedate patient A103. He's a male and an omega. He's more prone to suicidal thoughts./"

Phoebe nodded, /"Being an omega sure pains his ego. Now that he's rejected, I doubt he wants to live./"

My heart pained at her words, my wolf almost snapped at her. For some reason, I wouldn't want the thought of him killing himself. For some reason, I want to do my best in keeping him alive. For some unexplainable reason, I want be as close to him as possible.