
Omega Nightmare

"Who are you?" She asked "I'm your ill fate." He replied. "What is your name?" "They call me Nightmare." ______ Faye Hill is a college party girl with a bold and talkative personality. She's trying to make best of her college years all the while trying to escape her dark past but things take a turn for her when she meets a stranger at a party. Something breaks in her and starts to lose her mind trying to find him to meet him once again until two years later he came back to her. Hale Liu is a werewolf. A very power hungry werewolf. An omega shunned by the werewolf community living under a curse as punishment for killing his own pack. Hale was cursed by the werewolf community to live without a mate, his curse dictates the moment he locks eyes with his destined mate they both would fall helplessly in love with each other that living apart would kill them but if they mate to become one, Hale's mate would die. His destined mate is no other than Faye. In a world where all odds are against them, will Hale and Faye be able to overcome the curse? Will Faye be able to still love him after knowing all of his darkest secrets? Find out in Omega Nightmare.

Wolfie_Gurl · Fantasy
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9 Chs

8- The Prodigy Child

The restlessness was killing her. She couldn't sit still, she couldn't sleep well, she couldn't stop thinking; it has been a week since Hale left and since then there hasn't been any contact from his side. She asked the caretaker of the house and she told Faye that he was out of the city on business.

"He said he'll be back." She whispered to herself. "Just breath, Faye. He can't just leave his own house forever. He has to come back." She almost jumped off her bed as the sudden alarm went off on her phone.

She looked at the screen and it was time for David to come back home from school. She took a deep breath.

Get yourself together! She scolded herself in her mind as she got up from the bed and slapped on her face in an attempt to pull her back to reality. She quickly went into the closet and put on her bland black colored uniform. She didn't like wearing it but as Hale told her it was necessary to keep her cover.

She put her phone in her pocket and left the room. The first task at hand was to check David's room, to see if everything was in place. She greeted the other maids on her way as she climbed up the stairs. As she walked down the hallway, she passed by a door and then halted in her tracks.

Her heart skipped a beat as she put her hand on her chest. She felt something. A pull towards the door. She sensed his presence inside. She took two steps back and held the handle softly. She felt hesitant to enter, it felt wrong. So she sighed and put her forehead against the door with her hand still on the handle. Her eyes teared up as she stood there frozen.

"Wow! you're creepier than him." The tiny shrill familiar voice said.

Faye was startled as she turned her head to see the tiny boy. David gave her a disapproving look as he sighed. The small sigh from him was actually cuter as Faye just smiled at him while wiping her tears.

"What do you mean I'm creepier?" She asked as she took his back pack from him.

"Well… you know he wanders outside your room at night like a security dog." He casually said and Faye looked at him in a state of surprise. " He's been doing it every night since you came to live with us."

"Isn't he– isn't he on a business trip?" Faye asked.

"Busi- Didn't he tell you?" David asked with a serious look and his innocent eyes. "Are you even aware of the situation you're in? You don't know… do you?"

Now David looked concerned. He was like a mature old man stuck in a little boy's body. He seemed worried if he had talked about something that he shouldn't have.

"What do you know about the 'situation'?" Faye said, emphasising on her words.

"Okay… he'll be mad." David said as he looked around and shrugged. "Well… Sam and I have decided to rebel this week soo… Come with me. I have something to show you." He said as he turned and rushed down the hall.

"Wait! What-" She followed him. "Who's Sam? And where are you going?" She kept following him as he led her to the basement. Two guards were standing by the door, they stopped David and Faye at the door. But David threatened them to let them in if not they might lose their jobs.

The guards exchanged a look in between them and then decided not to let them in. David scoffed as he turned and smiled at Fay, he turned back to the Guards.

"Do you know who she is? Do you actually think father would let you stay if you defy her orders?" David said and Faye's eyes opened in surprise and confusion as she looked at the little menace threatening two much older and armed guys using Faye.

"David" She whispered as she pulled him back.

"I know Ms. Hill! It's no use talking to them! I'll tell father how they treated you, then he'll deal with them." He said.

"Young Master, if it's an emergency we can let you in." One of the guards said, while the other one seemed hesitant.

Faye didn't know what was going on? Did they know she was Hale's destined mate? But the way Hale had represented it to her no one knew. Her eyes then fell onto David and the thought of whether David knew about it or not started to develop. How did he know? The confusion and anxiety kept increasing in her.

"You think we'd be here if it wasn't an emergency?" David said as he looked up at Faye giving her a look to speak up.

She looked up at the guards and opened her mouth. "Umm.. it is an emergency." She tried to seem confident but failed miserably.

The guards exchanged another look and David glared at them. "You would like to second think this while you're drowning yourself in a bottle of alcohol and your wife yelling at your unemployed ass."

"David!" Faye said with a warning in her tone. "Apologize."

He looked at Faye with shock on his face. "Excuse me?" He said and Faye put his back pack aside as she sat down in front of him.

"Apologize now." She said with a stern tone. He noticed she was serious and for some reason he felt scared of her. He turned to the guards and flushed with embarrassment he said, "I'm sorry. Sir, for being a brat."

"That's more like it." She said as she stood up. "Please let us in. It is urgent." She said to the guards as they nodded and stepped aside as the opened the door for them with the biometric system.

The door opened into an elevator and they both got in, Faye took David's bag with her.

"Good thinking." David said. "You gained their trust."

"That was no ploy. I was mad at you and I will discipline you when needed." Faye replied

David scoffed. "We'll see how that works out for you." The elevator door dinged open in an underground office, properly arranged with cabins and work offices. It was divided in a two storey place.

"What is this?" Faye asked as they entered the space.

"This is the whole security operation for the Liu Mansion." David replied as he went downstairs and Faye followed.

"So what are we doing here?" Faye asked as she noticed people watching her.

"I have something to show you." David replied as he went to the small reception table. "We need approval to see the archive of cctv footage for the past four years."

"Can you tell me the reason?" The blonde woman asked as she sternly kept her face to her screen, skimming through something.

"We need to check something out." David replied.

"What?" She asked.

"We have a reason that there is some unknown activity happening in the house. Ms. Hill here is very concerned about her safety."

The woman paused and looked at them. She realised Faye's presence there and stood up from her space.

"I apologize if you have not been feeling safe. What can we help you with?" The woman asked.

Faye looked at David and then the woman. "I think we need to look at the footage from the past five years. She was putting her faith in David because she was desperate. It was a small kid in whom she was putting her faith in, that's how desperate she was. She wanted to know what was going on and how to deal with it.

"Is there a particular reason for that?" She asked.

"I don't think I can reveal the details yet." She said and the women nodded.

Just like that she led them down the hall towards another office where she talked to a man and he nodded as he told them to follow him. They both did as told. They were led to a secured door which was opened only by the man's retina scan. He unlocked the door and led them inside a room full of huge screens. Each screen played the live footage of a different corner in the mansion. Each room was under surveillance except for the inside of everyone's private rooms. Faye was shocked how much the house was under strict surveillance.

"You can leave us now." David told the man.

"But I have to operate this for you." The man explained.

"I think we can handle it." David told the man and he looked towards Faye and she slightly nodded.

The man nodded and exited the room. Faye took one of the seats and looked at David who went to the computer system which was being used to manage the security software.

"Why am I getting protocol?" Faye asked.

"Dad paid them millions for your protection." David said as he went through a few files in the computer.


"Of course, you're Omega Nightmare's mate, the least he can do is pay for your protection."

"What's Omega Nightmare?" The confusion in her voice was evident. "And how do you know the mate thing? Does everyone know that? Hale told me it was a top secret or something."

He paused and looked at her. "He is known as Omega Nightmare. The werewolf community kicked him out years ago for his crimes, which is also the reason why you're in this situation, but I can't share the details with you. He has plenty of enemies, that's why he keeps this security system. They were originally hired for me but now they're here for you too. As for how I know about this? I have been living in this house for five years now. I'm not stupid, there were a few things I was already aware of, like existence of werewolves and a few things I figured out on my own like; you being his mate. And as for the security, they are not humans, they are a company of supernatural creatures who are hired by supernatural tycoons like Dad and no they're not aware of your existence they are told you're my nanny. All of my nannies are given security just in case someone tries to get to me through them, which is a very clever cover if you ask me."

"Wow you talk so much." Faye said as she sat up. "Do you even know how to use that? And what are we doing here if you can't tell me the reason why I'm in this situation?"

"Of course I can. I'm not a prodigy child for no reason and like I said I'm going to show you something." David said as typed something in. "I just realized it might be painful for you to watch but you have to watch for me to make a point here."

He said as he clicked on the mouse and all the screens showed the shots from all around the house. The house was empty and Hale was randomly wandering around the house. He seemed impatient and restless as if he was having an anxiety attack. He couldn't sit still.

As Faye was watching the clips her eyes fell onto the date the clips were from. The date on it was the same date when she had lost someone, someone very close to her heart and soul. Her heart skipped a beat as she read the figures on the edge of the screen. 15th August, 20xx.

"Why… Why is it this day?" She asked.

David looked at her a little curiously this time. "That's the day he first met you and the curse was activated on him. I'm not sure why it wasn't activated on you. But that's the day he came home after meeting you for the very first time four years ago."

She didn't have a good feeling about it. That day she was returning home from the hospital. She was retracing their footsteps. Reminiscing all the times they had together on those streets. She was dancing around like they had done before. That was also the day Faye had tried to hurt herself for the first time because life was too much for her for the one close to her heart had left her forever and she was alone all over again. She was scared the loneliness would eat her alive now that he was gone. She had stepped in front of a car.

"I met him that day." She uttered the word silently as her heart skipped a beat. "He saved my life that day."

Hi! I know I've been away for some time. I was hospitalized for some time and was strictly told to not stay away from any screens. I'm finally able to work so here's another chapter. I'm going to keep up with the updates much more as i'm feeling much better now. For anyone who's reading this even now. Thank you. I appreciate it. Do vote and comment if you like the story it will give me the motivation and power to keep continuing this book. Thank you <3

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