
Omega Nightmare

"Who are you?" She asked "I'm your ill fate." He replied. "What is your name?" "They call me Nightmare." ______ Faye Hill is a college party girl with a bold and talkative personality. She's trying to make best of her college years all the while trying to escape her dark past but things take a turn for her when she meets a stranger at a party. Something breaks in her and starts to lose her mind trying to find him to meet him once again until two years later he came back to her. Hale Liu is a werewolf. A very power hungry werewolf. An omega shunned by the werewolf community living under a curse as punishment for killing his own pack. Hale was cursed by the werewolf community to live without a mate, his curse dictates the moment he locks eyes with his destined mate they both would fall helplessly in love with each other that living apart would kill them but if they mate to become one, Hale's mate would die. His destined mate is no other than Faye. In a world where all odds are against them, will Hale and Faye be able to overcome the curse? Will Faye be able to still love him after knowing all of his darkest secrets? Find out in Omega Nightmare.

Wolfie_Gurl · Fantasy
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9 Chs

6- To be a Rich Brat

A soft kiss on her lips as she sunk herself into it. The heat from his body gently caressed her as she pierced her nails into his back pulling him in, trying to feel every bit of him against her bare skin. He deepened the kiss intruding into her mouth with his tongue, dancing with her tongue he pushed a little further touching just her entrance as she moaned in pleasure.

"Oh, Hale." She moaned out as he started kissing her cheek and moved down to her neck and kissed up to her ear lobe softly leaving a bite on her lobe as he uttered the words, "I'm not Hale. I'm your worst nightmare."

She gasped open her eyes as she looked around panicked. It took her a moment to realize the new setting around her. She put her hand on her chest to calm her heart thumping furiously against her ribs. She calmed her breathing as she turned to the right to look for water on the bedside table.

Just then there was a light knock on the door as someone opened it slowly.

"I hope I'm not-" Hale's eyes met with her as he halted right there. "Is something wrong?" He asked.

"No. Why?" She asked.

"You're crying." He said as he walked towards her.

She instinctively touched her face and felt the wet streams on her face as she wiped them off.

"What is it?" He asked. "Are you uncomfortable here?" He said as he sat down on the bed.

"Oh. No…. I- Ummm… had a dream." She said looking at him her eyes fell on his lips for a second but she quickly looked down.

"What kind of dream was it?" He asked.

"Oh… you know- just big clowns… I hate clowns.." Her eyes fell onto his lips once again. "You know… they… scared the heck out of me." She looked up into his eyes and held eye contact with him as his stare intensified.

"They scare the heck out of me too." His eyes lowered to her lips for a few moments but then he sighed and looked away into the door's direction.

"You feel it too, don't you?" Faye asked. "The attraction? The pull?"

"It's natural." He said keeping his eyes fixated on the door. "We are destined mates."

She softly chuckled as she rubbed her eyes. "I still don't know how to react to this whole situation but you know if we're mates… shouldn't we be– mating?"

Hale let out a little laugh. "We should be but we can't."

"Why not?" Faye asked.

He seemed a little lost. "I can't tell you." He replied.

"Then what am I doing here, Hale?" She asked.

"Give me time." He pleaded as he looked at her. "Just a bit more time."

There were a lot of questions that swirled in her brain but just looking into his pleading dark eyes she knew he was in a difficult position and she felt somewhat impatient looking at him like this.

She nodded. "Okay…" The disappointment was very well evident in her voice. "Anyways, what did you come here for?" She asked.

"I was making breakfast for David, I wanted to ask if you wanted something special to eat?" He asked.

"Oh… you're making breakfast? Don't you have servants for that?" She asked.

"I like to do it for David. He may not be my biological son but he is my son." Hale claimed with his eyes lit up.

A wide smile made its way to her lips. "If you're just saying that to impress me that's very bad but if not I'm glad that you're this close with him."

"I did come here to show off that I can cook. But, indeed, I always cook breakfast for him." He said as he stood up. "So what would you like?"

She shrugged. "Just. Make me anything." She replied and he nodded.

"Freshen up and come downstairs." He said as he walked towards the door.

"Hale…" She called out as he paused and turned.

"You look sexy all suited.. booted." She nonchalantly said referring to his dress, with a gray buttoned vest and red necktie tucked into it along with a white shirt and gray pants.

He smiled softly as he looked down at his shoes and then looked up at her. "I'll keep that in mind." He said as he left the room.

She giggled to herself as she felt her face heating up and she tried to cover it with her hands.

'What is wrong with you, Faye? You're not a high schooler!' The thought just came into her mind as she mentally smacked herself.


Dressed in a casual pastel yellow tank and olive shorts, Faye made her way down the stairs. For a moment she got lost within the vast royal-looking mansion but eventually found her way into the dining room.

She stepped in and saw Hale sitting at the long table with a little young boy. The boy had ginger hair and blue ocean-like eyes, he was dressed in a uniform of some sort. She couldn't recognize what school it was from. Two maids were standing behind them completely straight.

"Good morning, Mr. Liu," Faye said as she walked inside.

Hale almost choked on his food as he started coughing. One of the maids stepped forward but he held his hand up stopping her. He picked up his glass and drank water from it.

Faye found it very amusing as she watched him. She didn't think it would be this surprising for him.

She knew she had to build boundaries in front of others since he had told her she was supposed to be just a nanny for his son because it was dangerous for others to know she was his mate.

"Good Morning, David." Faye greeted the little boy.

"Good Morning, Ms. Hill," David said as he gestured for her to sit on the seat across from him. She smiled at the cute little boss and took a seat at the table.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Hill," Hale said as he wiped his mouth. He then gestured something to the maids and they quickly stepped forward and picked up the lid from her plate revealing a very rich aroma of an omelet with toast. They poured the juice into a glass and tea into a cup as they placed it in front of her. The maids stepped back as Faye picked up the knife and fork. She wasn't used to this kind of treatment but getting pampered like this once in a while would be nice. She nicely cut the omelet and took a bite as the taste instantly melted into her taste buds. She couldn't help but moan in pleasure.

"I'm sorry. But this is very good." Faye said as she noticed Hale trying to suppress his smile.

"Father is a good cook," David said.

"Ohhh. So you made this? I didn't know that you cooked this well, Mr. Liu." Faye said, pretending to be shocked.

"Cooking is a hobby," Hale replied.

"That's great! I'll tell you what I'm very good at baking. How about I'll make some mango muffins for everyone.. on a weekend or something?"

"Of you-"

"Father doesn't like mangoes," David said, cutting off Hale mid-sentence. "I'm not very fond of them either."

"Oh… Okay." Faye turned to the maids standing behind them. "You guys like mangoes, right? I'll make some for you guys." She said and the maids smiled as they nodded.

"Why would you make it for them?" David asked, curiosity glistening in his eyes.

"Well, they like.....mangoes." She shrugged.

"Aren't you supposed to be my servant?" David asked.

"David." The warning in Hale's tone was very much evident as he had stopped eating now and was glaring at the little six-year-old boy.

David read the room and apologized immediately. Faye decided not to say anything because, to be honest, she didn't know how to handle this situation. For the rest of the breakfast, there was silence, and as they were done. The maids quickly cleaned the table.

"I should get going," Hale said as he stood up. "Ms. Hill, please walk with me. I'll brief you on your tasks." He said as he walked to David and ruffled his hair gently. "We're gonna have to work on that arrogant behavior." He said as he leaned down and kissed his cheek.

"Don't!" David whined as he quickly wiped his cheek and got out of his chair. "I told you I'm not a kid anymore, father! I'm ten and I don't need kisses especially from you." He rushed to the door.

"I'll see you in the evening and stop call me dad!" Hale yelled playfully as David slammed the door behind them.

Hale cleared his throat. "I'm sorry you had to see that." He smiled. "I don't know lately he has been pretending to be a rich arrogant brat."

"That's not how you should refer to your kid," Faye said and he laughed.

"These are his own words. He's friends with a chaotic girl his age. She lives down the block and she's been teaching him this is how we live in high societies."

Faye let out a laugh. "Isn't that cute?" She asked.

"It was in the beginning but now I'm concerned. He's been very condescending, at times it's even directed towards me." He shrugged a little as he gestured to her to walk along with him.

He held the door for her and they were out of the room.

"Anyways, I need you to stay in a uniform when you're out of your room." He said and she furrowed her eyebrows.


"It's house rules. Estelle, the head housekeeper will take your measurements and have your uniform done by tomorrow."

"Okay." She replied.

"Thank you." He smiled at her. "I know it's not easy to cope with my conditions and you've been very patient and understanding towards me with a temper like yours. I was very sure you would beat out all the secrets from me."

She laughed. "How do you know about my temper?" She asked.

"You spent one year suffering and waiting for me. I spent four years, Faye. To keep myself from losing completely I kept checking on you."

"Four- wait! Are you saying you stalked me for four years?" Her mouth was open in shock and he chuckled in amusement.

Before she could say something, he cupped her face and softly kissed her. It was a light heartwarming soft kiss without any lust and full of affection. He smiled as he looked down at her.

" I thought we weren't supposed to do that." She said with hazel eyes reflecting into his dark ones.

"You kept staring at my lips this morning, I couldn't get that out of my mind." He said as he held her by her waist and leaned down to kiss her but she quickly placed her hand against his lips.

"What if someone sees us? It can be scandalous; Hale Liu, the eligible bachelor was found sneaking around with the nanny." She joked.

He laughed as he held her hand and kissed softly on her palm, holding her small hand into his huge one.

"I'm a werewolf, baby. I can sense people from forty kilometers." His eyes flashed with icy blue for a second which was enough to get her mesmerized by them.

"I still haven't gotten on board with that fact." She said and he smiled as he let go of her.

"You will. Of course, it will take time." He smiled. "I'll see you in the evening and Estelle will help you with your tasks. If it's still confusing you can call me." He said softly caressing her shoulder before turning and walking away.

Once again seeing him walk away her heartfelt impatient and unease. She felt suffocation engulfing her with every step he took away from her. He halted in his steps and turned. Of course, he could feel it too but he had more control over it than her.

"I will return. I promise." He said as his eyes flashed with blue but this time it wasn't a small split-second flash. It was longer.

They were good six feet apart but those words were enough to comfort her. She felt her body easing up as she smiled.

"I'll wait." She said,

Hale took a step back. He seemed taken aback as regret weaved into his expression. It wasn't because of her words, it was because of her eyes, they were beaming dimly with blue.

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