
OMEGA II: Alpha & Omega_Rise Of The Supernaturals

In the annals of time, the clash between supernaturals brewed long before humanity's transition into their ranks, a conflict ordained by ancient forces. The battle for supremacy exacted a toll, paving the way for a fragile coexistence among humans and their ethereal brethren. Colonies and clans, torn asunder by strife, found themselves reunited beneath the banner of an uneasy peace. Yet, amidst the tranquility, whispers of a new prophecy emerged—a prophecy destined to shape the destiny of both supernaturals and ordinary mortals alike. Author's Note: Changes from Omega "In the upcoming storyline, 'Omega 2: Alpha and Omega: Rise of the Supernaturals,' we'll introduce 'The Fawich Scream,' a potent sonic technique born from the fusion of fairy and witch powers. This formidable ability, wielded by Alicia East and Sarah Lance to vanquish Azriel and Veronica, is reserved for the elite descendants of these ancient bloodlines. While staying true to the essence of the Fawich scream from its canon in 'Omega,' our sequel will imbue it with a unique flair. Furthermore, we'll now collectively refer to vampire fairies and vampire witches as 'Fawich' for clarity, retaining their inherited abilities and weaknesses. However, they'll face newfound vulnerabilities against opponents wielding combined forces or possessing exceptional strength, despite their traditional susceptibilities to sunlight or the might of the most powerful supernatural descendants." The Fawich wield a formidable power: the ability to transmute both humans and certain supernaturals into their fold, including vampires, fairies, and witches. This transformative process echoes the original essence found in vampire witches and vampire fairies, now unified under the banner of Fawich in "Omega 2: Alpha and Omega: Rise of the Supernaturals." Those subjected to this metamorphosis emerge with razor-sharp claws adorning their hands and feet, menacing fangs poised to strike, and a pallid complexion that speaks of their newfound kinship with darkness. Moreover, they sprout majestic wings reminiscent of an eagle's, yet fashioned in the eerie silhouette of bat wings, a testament to their augmented prowess and otherworldly lineage. In Omega 2: Alpha and Omega: Rise of the Supernaturals, several alterations have been made to the portrayal of supernatural blood and its effects compared to the canon story. Notably, supernatural blood now possesses a diverse array of qualities unique to each lineage. Fairies, vampires, lycanthropes, hybrids, and tribrids are endowed with remarkable healing abilities, enabling them to share their life force with others. This includes supernaturals lacking inherent healing capabilities, such as witches, shape shifters, seekers, and ordinary humans. When supernaturals with healing powers exchange blood, they can briefly augment their own abilities, though this enhancement does not extend to non-healers. Furthermore, the sequel introduces a host of new characters alongside the remaining survivors from OMEGA, promising fresh dynamics and compelling interactions within the supernatural realm. These adjustments serve to enrich the narrative and expand upon the complexities of the supernatural world portrayed in Omega, enhancing the overall storytelling experience for readers. Thank you for embarking on this journey with me. Happy reading.

richard_rick · Horror
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20 Chs

Unraveling the Past - Part 9

"Oh my! What have we done?" Stella muttered to herself, her gaze shifting to Kelvin, her eyes brimming with regret for siding with Clair. The atmosphere around them was shrouded in darkness, punctuated by the violent flashes of lightning and the deafening roars of thunder.

Suddenly, Tobias's voice echoed in their minds, reminding Kelvin and Stella telepathically that there was still hope. They had prepared for this moment and wouldn't let Helen's death be in vain. Kelvin responded, suggesting he could try to seal the portal while Tobias executed their backup plan. He urged Stella to be ready for any opportunity that might arise, emphasizing that the path to redemption was never easy. Someday, he assured her, her sisters would also see the light and follow the right path, just as she had.

Kelvin then reached out to his daughter telepathically. "Be strong," he encouraged, his words filled with wisdom and faith. Alicia, feeling the weight of the moment, confessed her doubts about being ready for such a great responsibility. But her father's unwavering belief in her shone through as he reassured her. "You will achieve greater things than I ever have," he promised.

Tobias mirrored Kelvin's encouragement with his own daughter, Agatha. He reminded her of the blood of Michael, a powerful legacy passed down through their family for generations. Agatha wore a necklace containing a significant amount of this blood, while Tobias kept a few drops for emergencies. He urged her to carve out her own path, to become the seeker the world needed, to shape her own destiny, and to never lose hope. "Through you, others will follow," he said, "You are the light in the dark, the beacon at the end of the tunnel."

Next, Tobias reached out telepathically to Helen the Second. He acknowledged the immense responsibility she now bore, reminding her that the work of the guardians was never easy. Now, it was her turn to lead her people, a task her mother would have been proud of. He expressed his sympathy and instilled faith in her, assuring her that with her new allies, she would guide everyone to the light and forge a better future not just for Aougst Town, but for the entire world.

As Tobias, Kelvin, and Stella readied themselves, Clair and the possessed Dracula turned their attention toward them, the tension thickening in the stormy air.

"How unfortunate to betray us, Stella, to betray your own family after all the compassion and power we've given you," Clair sneered. "It's hard to find someone as trustworthy as Veronica these days. Now, you'll perish alongside these guardians. It's a shame I invested so much potential in you, only for it to go to waste. Perhaps Brenda and your other sisters will take over after your demise. I don't need another rebellious child defying my will."

Clair's eyes narrowed as she continued, "Perhaps I'll do your sisters the honor of finishing you off, since you are not worthy to die by my hand." The remaining Lance sisters encircled Stella, their expressions cold and resolute.

"And now," Clair turned her gaze to the guardians, "whatever shall I do with you pathetic creatures? It seems killing you instead of your children was the key ingredient all along. Either way, I will achieve my goals and end your reign. Now that one of your comrades is dead, you are no longer guardians, but weaklings."

She then addressed the possessed Dracula, "I'll take on the fairy king. You deal with the seeker." They shared a passionate kiss in agreement before launching their assault on their chosen opponents. The air crackled with energy as the guardians braced themselves for the onslaught, determined to defend against the overwhelming darkness.

Stella stood firm, her magic forming a protective barrier around the children as she faced her sisters, desperation flickering in her eyes as she tried to reason with them.

"It seems you've lost sight of our true objective, sister," Miranda spoke, her voice tinged with disappointment as they circled Stella.

"For how long have you been deceived, Stella, to turn against your own family?" Vera's words were laced with sorrow.

"Everything we've accomplished is because of Mother's guidance and love," Ruth chimed in, her expression pained.

Angela's brow furrowed as she attempted to unravel the truth. "Don't you see? The fairy king has been deceiving us. Unless..." Her voice trailed off, leaving the puzzle hanging in the air.

Brenda's eyes narrowed as suspicion dawned upon her. "...Stella has been in league with the fairy king all this time, behind our backs," she concluded, voicing the collective suspicion.

"Isn't that right, dear sister?" they all echoed in unison, their gazes fixed accusingly on Stella, awaiting her response.

Stella took a deep breath, her resolve firm as she prepared to speak. "I had to do what I did," she began, her voice steady. "Think about our promises to each other and why we vowed to use our powers for good, not evil." Her words seemed to sink deep into their hearts, but Brenda quickly snapped them back to reality.

"Sometimes sacrifices have to be made to build a better world, sister," Brenda said, her tone unwavering.

"I believe obedience is better than sacrifice, Brenda," Stella countered, locking eyes with her. "For once, let us take a leap of faith and see things as the king of fairies does."

Brenda's eyes hardened. "You may be powerful, sister," said Ruth.

"But even you have your limits, despite being Mother's favorite," Angela added.

"Let's see how you stand against us," Vera challenged.

"Shall we then," Miranda concluded.

In unison, they unleashed their witches' fire at Stella, who quickly erected a magical barrier. The onslaught was fierce, but Stella's barrier held strong until she exploded it outward, stunning her sisters and filling the area with smoke. Utilizing her enhanced invisibility spell, Stella vanished from sight, sound, and movement, making her nearly impossible to detect—except for Brenda, whose vampiric witch abilities gave her an edge.

Using her stealth, Stella infiltrated her sisters' minds, attempting to implant the truth. The battle shifted from physical to mental as her sisters resisted fiercely. Despite their formidable defenses, Stella's persistence paid off. She managed to incapacitate a few of them, even as they refused to accept the truth.

Finally, Brenda broke free from Stella's mental manipulation and engaged her in physical combat. The clash between the two was intense, each using their unique powers and skills in a desperate struggle.

On the other side of the lair, Clair and the fairy king engaged in an intense battle, their magical clashes sending shockwaves through the atmosphere. Lightning and thunder punctuated their duel as they exchanged spells and blows, the conflict raging both on the ground and high in the sky.

Meanwhile, the possessed Dracula faced off against Tobias. In a brutal move, Dracula impaled Tobias with his hand, ripping out his heart and crushing it while his hand was still lodged in Tobias's chest. Tobias coughed up blood as the children, protected by Stella's magic, watched in horror. Agatha screamed in anguish at the sight of her father being impaled, and Dracula turned his cold gaze on her.

"Hmm..." Dracula scoffed. "So this is what the so-called descendants of the seeker have to offer. An instant death is all it took to kill you, Tobias. And now I'll kill those little ones as well. I wonder why you had to be so troublesome for my queen."

With his vision blurring, Tobias glanced towards the children, then towards Stella who was locked in fierce combat with Brenda. He looked up to see the flashes of light and magical attacks between Kelvin and Clair, before finally meeting Dracula's eyes again. Despite his weakened state, Tobias tried to remove Dracula's hand from his chest, but Dracula responded with brutal efficiency, withdrawing his hand only to use it to slit Tobias's throat with his sharp claws. Tobias collapsed to the ground, lifeless.

"How pathetic," Dracula sneered as he majestically walked towards the children. However, as he approached the magical barrier protecting them, he noticed an empty container with remnants of blood stains roll toward his left leg. He could hear the heartbeat of Tobias, whom he believed to be dead.

To Dracula's surprise, Tobias had consumed a portion of Michael's blood he carried before being killed. As Dracula turned, he witnessed Tobias's resurrection, his eyes glowing with a golden aura. Dracula's demeanor shifted to one of anger and recognition. This wasn't merely the power of a seeker—Tobias now wielded the power of Michael himself.

"You..." Dracula growled, his fury mounting as he realized the magnitude of Tobias's transformation. The battle was far from over, and the stakes had just been dramatically raised.

As the possessed Dracula charged at Tobias with blinding speed and fury, Tobias calmly raised his right hand and placed it on Dracula's chest. In an instant, he unleashed a powerful magical attack that not only stunned Dracula and tossed him aside with the impact but also transferred a portion of the powers he had gained from Michael's blood into Dracula. This strategic move was designed to ensure a fighting chance for the future, one that King Kelvin had foreseen would pave the way for ultimate victory.

Tobias understood that by infusing Dracula with some of Michael's power, he was setting the stage for a complex chain of events. Since Lucifer was controlling Victor Dracula's body, and would eventually unite with Azriel to have children, the immense power from Lucifer, Dracula, Clair, and Tobias's portion of Michael's blood would be passed on to Azriel's offspring. This would limit Azriel's abilities while making her heir the most powerful being ever to possess the combined abilities of Michael, Lucifer, and Azriel—an heir who would be the Alpha and Omega, just as King Kelvin had foreseen.

Dracula staggered back, stunned by the unexpected transfer of power. His eyes blazed with a mixture of rage and newfound energy as he absorbed the implications of Tobias's actions. Tobias, now glowing with the residual power of Michael's blood, stood tall, ready for the next phase of their battle.

Kelvin, still engaged in his fierce duel with Clair, caught glimpses of the transformation below. The stormy sky crackled with energy, reflecting the high stakes of the unfolding conflict. Stella, battling Brenda with all her might, sensed the shift in the battlefield dynamics as Tobias's bold move created a ripple effect.

The children, shielded by Stella's magic, watched with wide eyes, understanding that the tide of the battle was turning. Agatha, her heart still heavy with grief, saw her father standing resilient and felt a spark of hope rekindle within her.

As the epic clashes continued, the groundwork was being laid for a future where the ultimate heir—an embodiment of unparalleled power—would rise to fulfill the destiny foreseen by King Kelvin, ensuring that the light would eventually triumph over the darkness.

"Get ready, Kelvin," Tobias said telepathically to King Kelvin, who was still locked in combat with Clair. "Get ready, Stella," he added, as Stella was on the verge of overpowering her sister Brenda.

The children, still protected by Stella's magic, watched in awe. Agatha and Alicia exchanged looks of understanding and grief, aware of their parents' impending actions. Helen the Second, however, remained clueless about the gravity of the situation.

Meanwhile, the battle between the possessed Dracula and Tobias raged on. "You fool! Was that the best you could do, to empower me further? You truly lack the imagination to wield angelic power," scoffed the possessed Dracula, his arrogance palpable.

"Pride goes before a fall, Lucifer," Tobias replied calmly. "No wonder you were cast out of heaven."

Enraged, the possessed Dracula charged at Tobias, and their fierce combat resumed. They were evenly matched, each blow met with an equal counter. However, Dracula soon noticed that Tobias was weakening. The strain of the additional powers was taking its toll on him, causing his angelic powers to fade.

Sensing an opportunity, the possessed Dracula sought to end the fight quickly. But Tobias had one last move. With a massive outburst of power, he sent a ripple of energy across the entire lair, incapacitating Dracula temporarily. This shockwave gave Stella the chance to incapacitate Brenda, and Kelvin the opportunity to bring Clair crashing to the ground with a less lethal shockwave after their intense aerial battle.

The battlefield fell momentarily silent as the dust settled. Tobias, now visibly exhausted, glanced at his allies. Stella stood triumphant over Brenda, her sisters subdued but not permanently harmed. Kelvin descended from the sky, his expression resolute as he looked at Clair, who lay stunned on the ground.

The children watched, their faces a mixture of relief and sadness. Agatha and Alicia knew that their parents' actions were part of a larger plan, a plan that would secure their future and fulfill the prophecy seen by King Kelvin.

In that brief moment of quiet, the tide of the battle had turned. As the group regrouped, Kelvin turned his attention to the portal, using his fairy magic to begin closing it. Tobias approached the children with Stella, who had just tenderly stroked her unconscious sister Brenda's hair and whispered an apology.

Agatha embraced her father, believing the battle was over and urging that they leave. She thought King Kelvin's visions had been changed. However, she soon sensed worry in her father's eyes and realized there was still one final task to complete.

At that moment, the possessed Dracula and Clair regained consciousness. Clair, enraged by the sight of King Kelvin closing the portal, lashed out. She aimed a deadly strike at Kelvin, but Stella quickly intervened, using her magic to immobilize Clair.

Despite Stella's efforts, Clair's strength was overwhelming. Stella began to bleed from her nose, a sign that her life force was waning as she struggled to hold Clair at bay. Kelvin, still focused on the portal, was vulnerable.

The possessed Dracula, enraged by the turn of events, unleashed a furnace of fiery fury towards Stella. "Stella, hold on!" Tobias shouted, rushing to assist her. Tobias, summoning the last of his strength, parted the flames, shielding Stella and the children. "Get them to safety, Stella," he commanded. "Kelvin and I will handle this."

Agatha and Alicia cried out for their parents as Stella gathered them. Meanwhile, Helen the second stood frozen in shock, witnessing the horror before her eyes. Kelvin turned to look at his daughter one last time, communicating telepathically, "Be strong, my dear." In that vulnerable moment, Clair struck. Dark magic spikes pierced Kelvin's body, causing him immense pain as he struggled to close and seal the portal, his blood spilling.

Stella, with a heavy heart, teleported away with the children, freeing Clair from her immobilization. Tobias now stood alone against the possessed Dracula and Clair, buying precious time for King Kelvin to complete his task.

Kelvin, despite his grievous wounds, managed to successfully close the portal. Just as he turned to assist Tobias, Veronica, drove her fist through Kelvin's chest and snapped his neck, ending his life. The shock and horror of the moment distracted Tobias, leaving him vulnerable.

Clair and the possessed Dracula seized the opportunity. They overpowered Tobias, who, despite his best efforts, was no match for their combined might in his weakened state. Clair's dark magic enveloped Tobias, while Dracula's brute force pummeled him.

As Tobias fell, his thoughts turned to the children and the future they represented. He had bought them time, but at a great cost. His vision blurred as he saw the faces of Agatha, Alicia and Helen the second in his mind, hoping that their strength and unity would see them through the darkness.

With Kelvin and Tobias both fallen, Clair and the possessed Dracula stood triumphant, yet their victory was tinged with the knowledge that the portal was sealed and their plans were thwarted for the moment. The children's escape and the guardians' sacrifice planted the seeds for a future battle, one where the legacy of Kelvin, Tobias, and Stella would inspire the next generation to rise and reclaim the light.

Tobias was held captive and brought to his knees by Veronica, who emerged alongside the now-recovered Jacobs family and the remaining Lance sisters. They surrounded the weakened Tobias, forming a circle of triumph and menace. Clair and the possessed Dracula stood victorious, but a lingering question gnawed at Dracula's mind: Why would Tobias empower him? He knew a seeker's actions were always purposeful, never without a plan, and this act was undoubtedly intended to yield results in the future.

Clair's children knelt in reverence to her and the possessed Dracula. Clair herself soared into the sky, her presence commanding and fearsome. With a dramatic gesture, she unleashed a massive wave of energy, a show of power meant to overwhelm the surviving armies of the guardians and bend them to her will. The sky crackled and the earth trembled as her dark energy spread, crushing the resistance of those who had fought so valiantly.

Tobias, though captive, remained resolute. He looked at Veronica with a mix of sorrow and defiance. "Veronica, it's not too late. You can still choose the right path," he said, his voice steady despite his injuries.

Veronica hesitated for a moment, but the hold Clair had over her was strong. "You are the one who is misguided, Tobias. Clair's vision is the future," she responded coldly.

Meanwhile, the possessed Dracula's unease grew. Tobias's sacrifice and the mysterious transfer of power hinted at a deeper strategy. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was now a pawn in a much larger game, one that Tobias had set in motion with his final act.

Clair's energy wave subsided, leaving the battlefield eerily quiet. The surviving guardians, battered and weary, knelt or lay prone, their spirits momentarily broken. Clair descended, her expression one of supreme confidence. "Your resistance is futile," she declared, her voice echoing through the silence. "The era of the guardians is over."

But even in defeat, the seeds of hope remained. Agatha, Alicia, and Helen had escaped, bearing the legacy and the will to fight on. Tobias, though captured, had ensured that the future held the potential for a new dawn. The guardians' fall was not an end, but a beginning of a new chapter, one where the lessons and sacrifices of the past would forge the path to victory.

In the shadows, plans were still unfolding. The power Tobias had passed to Dracula, the escape of the children, and the visions of King Kelvin all pointed to a future where the light could still triumph over darkness. The battle was lost, but the war for the world's soul continued, with new heroes ready to rise and fulfill the destiny laid out before them.