
Omega Dillemma: The Healer and the Beasts

When Sophia's healing gift rips open the veil on her city's dark underbelly, lethal powers converge to claim her talents for themselves. "Walk away, little healer, if you want to keep that pretty throat intact," the mafia overlord purred as he backed Sophia against the alley wall. Sophia trembled, but kept her voice steady. "I simply wish to help those suffering in your pointless wars." Viktor seized her wrist, his sensual promises more terrifying than threats. "Oh, you'll help end much suffering, sweet one. When your gifts cement my supremacy." Yet the savage werewolf Alpha Lukas has also scented rare power in Sophia’s blood. And he will challenge the ruthless Viktor to make her his mate. Lukas trails a claw down Sophia's neck, his burning gaze claiming her. "You were born to stand at the side of beasts, malyshka. Not be toyed with by parasites like Zavarelli." As opposing forces close around her with obsession in their eyes, Sophia must master her abilities quickly before she becomes leverage in a brutal war for control. Or yet another victim sacrificed to their ancient feud stained with kindred blood... With blossoming passion for both her tormentors, Sophia will fight to broker peace on her own terms before opposing temptations tear her fragile world asunder.

Mirasun4 · Action
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6 Chs

Chapter 6 : The lethal Triangle

Sophia smoothed nervously at her emerald gown's liquid fabric. She met Lukas's reflected gaze in the suite's ornate mirror. Beyond tonight's lavish gala thrown by the coalition of supernatural species. 

"I can't help worrying this event will end in disaster," she admitted. 

The Pack leader handed her an engraved invitation. "Then we shall prevent it. Our first act as power couple uniting rival factions." 

Our. The word held dangerous intimacy. Yet Sophia now wore the Varano crest, proclaiming her place at Lukas's side despite lingering reservations. She strove for a lighter tone to mask her tension.

"I may need rescuing if these heels fell on anyone." 

Lukas lifted her hand to his lips, eyes molten. "You are under my protection, malyshka. And soon, my eternal bite." 

The possessive promise made her pulse skip. Together they dominated the glittering ballroom minutes later. Sophia heard the murmurs swell as heads turned their direction. 

"The healer and North American Alpha, here together?" 

"Old news. Rumor is they are bound as true mates..." 

Sophia kept her expression neutral. As guests of honor, all eyes were upon them tonight. The Coalition's ambitious goal was brokering lasting harmony between often violently opposed Night World races. Having the Pack leader and rumored peacemaker Omega present sent an undeniable message of unity. 

If she and Lukas could maintain accord, that is. 

His hand rested intimately at her lower back as they circulated. Sophia exchanged cordial greetings with various dignitaries while straining to identify potential agitators who might incite havoc. She had sworn to use her gifts only for healing purposes, not political advantage, but couldn't ignore these influential figures who shaped countless lives.

A hush rippled through the crowd as Viktor entered, flanked by his lieutenants. Sophia's breath stalled at the mafia kingpin resplendent in hand-tailored black and ruby cufflinks. His arctic eyes found hers across the sea of guests with uncanny precision. 

Viktor inclined his head while brushing his knuckles lightly across her bare shoulder on approach. 

"Sophia. Ravishing as always." His smile remained inscrutable. "I am...pleased...our Pack leader saw fit to bring you this evening." 

"She stays at my side. Willingly," Lukas bit out, coiled violence barely leashed. Their feud ran blood-deep from childhood despite Sophia's efforts convincing Lukas to make peace. 

She anxiously traced the intricate pattern gracing one cocktail table to avoid Viktor's knowing gaze. Every clash between them carried the echo of her first explosive reaction to his raw sensuality before she understood his sinister reputation. 

Tonight was about unity, Sophia reminded herself. By her healing gift, she could help build vital bridges between these powerful men. Personal feelings had no place in the matter. 

Viktor claimed her hand, bold against custom. "Come, let us speak in private." It was not truly a request. Helplessly entranced, Sophia let him lead her toward the shadowed perimeter without a backward glance toward Lukas.

Jealous eyes followed the pair slip away. Francesca had witnessed Viktor spiriting Sophia off to seduce her, the little interloper too weak to resist his practiced talents. She curled her fist until nails drew blood from her palm. Lukas would be in a rage soon over the woman foolishly fawning for his adversary. 

And Francesca would ensure she was there to comfort the Pack Alpha, reclaiming what Sophia had stolen. 

Lukas surveyed the glittering ballroom, seeking Sophia's bright hair and laughing eyes that somehow eased his savage spirit. He suppressed a surge of possession not seeing her beside him. Sophia was still adjusting to their public alignment and her critical role securing Pack interests. He must give her space, not be the tyrant Viktor branded him.

The tang of female anger and hurt suddenly stung his senses. He turned to find Francesca at his elbow, silk gown displaying the lush curves once so familiar. She toyed with the diamond at her throat he had given her after their first explosive assignation. 

"It's been some time, Lukas," she murmured, voice still rich with unabashed sensuality. "I've missed your company." 

Guilt shadowed him that he had not considered Francesca recently. They had parted ways when his duties required a mate befitting his status. Someone selfless who could secure his empire. One rare as Sophia.

He grasped Francesca's hand gently. "There will always be fondness between us." 

The she-wolf sidled closer, scent heady with invitation. "She won't satisfy your needs. Not as I can." Her nails raked his wrist. "Forget her and return to my bed."

The proposition shot fury through his blood. "Watch your words!" he snarled softly. Francesca curled against him, undeterred. 

"She makes you weak. Bedding the enemy while I burn for you." Her fingers twisted cruelly in his shirt. "Tonight may end in bargains...or bloodshed."

Lukas scent abruptly changed. Musk and fur. The wolf breaking free. 

In the hedge garden, Sophia whirled on Viktor, cheeks burning. "Why bring me out here? So you can threaten me again?" 

To her shock, he laughed. "So refreshing, your spirit." Viktor traced the line of her jaw as she stood paralyzed. "I propose something you want deeply, perhaps more than you will admit."

Sophia found her voice. "I want peace between all Night World races. Something you and Lukas constantly undermine in your squabbles over territory."

Viktor twirled a fiery curl around his finger. "Lofty ambitions. But your heart yearns for something far more...primal." 

His words dropped to smoky whispers meant only for her. The wall at Sophia's back blocked escape from Viktor's overwhelming virility. She recognized her own arousal and hated it. 

"Why must you always seek to control me?" she demanded, betrayed by her breathlessness. Willful as ever, she refused to surrender power here. 

Viktor trailed his lips up her throat, satisfied as she shuddered. "Because you want me as much I crave you, Sophia. This chemistry between us won't be denied." 

His mouth grazed her jaw, her racing pulse. "The wolf knows it too. Why else show you off here flaunting your union? He tries pitifully to bind you closer, fearing his rival's shadow."

Sophia twined her fingers through Viktor's hair, shockingly intimate. Her unfocused eyes and parted lips gave consent. Heartbeat thundering in her ears, she guided his lips down fully against her own. 

The kiss scorched her soul, an inferno of forbidden hunger. Sophia clung to Viktor, awash in deja vu of their first explosive meeting. How could she want this lethal man? Betray misplaced loyalty by taking sensual solace in his embrace?

She dragged her mouth away, struggling for composure. "What happens now?" 

Viktor cradled her face between both palms. "Now, malenʹkiy, we sate this passion denying itself no longer."

Sophia swayed, sanity slipping. "And Lukas?" she whispered. 

"The wolf is otherwise occupied." 

So she let Viktor lead her silently back toward the glittering gala, hands entwined, her heart a battlefield.

Francesca poured another glass of champagne with unsteady hands. Her attempt at seduction failed spectacularly. Lukas had stared at her like she was diseased refuse before storming away. 

She hurled the fragile flute, watching it explode against the far wall. The Alpha was bewitched by that smirking, doe-eyed witch. Viktor's carnal appetites were legendary—doubtless even now he was sampling what Lukas jealously guarded for himself.

It was unjust. Francesca was born a Varano princess. She had bled for Lukas, killed for him, debased herself to become his perfect lover for a time. Until Sophia prettily stepped into their twilight realm and eclipsed her master's heart.

The she-wolf swore sulfurous vengeance. She would visit Sophia in her lavish chambers tonight while the creature dreamed. Run gifted claws slowly across that lovely ivory throat as Sophia choked and gurgled and knew what it meant to cross Francesca Varano... 

A shadowed figure emerged from the garden foliage just then. Hands linked, Viktor and Sophia returned to the gala, their subtle intimacy unmistakable. They parted ways cordially, but Sophia's luminous glance over one shoulder at the crime lord's departing form brought Francesca's thin grasp on composure shattering down. 

She swept a beaded clutch off a nearby table. Once cherished tokens from Lukas spilled across white linen. The Omega would bitterly regret stealing all Francesca held dear. She had allies yet in the Pack. Loyal servants who would delight assisting their former princess.

Sophia bid polite good evenings to the gala's stragglers, desperate to escape. She had left the event early, pleading for fresh air to clear thoughts muddled by champagne...and Viktor's unexpectedly ardent overture. But Lukas was nowhere found as predicted. Hopefully calming his notorious temper over her perceived betrayal. 

The private wing housing her suite finally came into view. She quickened pace, shoes dangling from one hand. Neutralizing jealous lovers could wait until sunrise. Tonight her trembling body screamed for mindless rest.

Rounding the final corner, she halted abruptly. Crimson splashed across the damask wallpaper outside her rooms. It took several damning heartbeats to recognize Francesca pinned spread-eagle and motionless within the viscous fluid. 

A guttural sound bubbled in Sophia's throat. She dropped the glittering shoes, skidding through gore to where glassy eyes stared lifelessly back. 

"Oh god, no... Guards! Someone help!" Her panicked shout echoed down vacant corridors. No response came. She was alone, adrift in a nightmare scenario with Francesca mutilated beyond saving.

The she-wolf had many rivals. But only one carried lethal fury knowing she recently clung intimately to his most hated adversary tonight... 

Sophia staggered back in dawning horror. Viktor or his vengeful paramour could have orchestrated this butchery to fracture her tenuous bond with Lukas. She rubbed her arms vigorously as if to banish vile accusations.