
Omega Dillemma: The Healer and the Beasts

When Sophia's healing gift rips open the veil on her city's dark underbelly, lethal powers converge to claim her talents for themselves. "Walk away, little healer, if you want to keep that pretty throat intact," the mafia overlord purred as he backed Sophia against the alley wall. Sophia trembled, but kept her voice steady. "I simply wish to help those suffering in your pointless wars." Viktor seized her wrist, his sensual promises more terrifying than threats. "Oh, you'll help end much suffering, sweet one. When your gifts cement my supremacy." Yet the savage werewolf Alpha Lukas has also scented rare power in Sophia’s blood. And he will challenge the ruthless Viktor to make her his mate. Lukas trails a claw down Sophia's neck, his burning gaze claiming her. "You were born to stand at the side of beasts, malyshka. Not be toyed with by parasites like Zavarelli." As opposing forces close around her with obsession in their eyes, Sophia must master her abilities quickly before she becomes leverage in a brutal war for control. Or yet another victim sacrificed to their ancient feud stained with kindred blood... With blossoming passion for both her tormentors, Sophia will fight to broker peace on her own terms before opposing temptations tear her fragile world asunder.

Mirasun4 · Action
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: The Mafia's Interest

Chapter 2: The Mafia's Interest

Viktor reclined languidly in his office, turning a rare gold coin over and over in nimble fingers when his consigliere Raphael entered. Viktor raised one scarred eyebrow in inquiry.

"There are whispers, Vyktore," Raphael rasped, the endearment from Viktor's youth slipping out. "An Omega healer has surfaced in the city with extraordinary gifts."

Viktor's eyes darkened with interest, the coin stilling. "A healer? How intriguing. And how did such a valuable prize escape my notice until now?"

"She was unknown until recently. Mended a dying werewolf in front of witnesses. Since then, Varano has taken keen interest."

Viktor's expression chilled at the name of his bitter rival. An Omega healer was a game-changing advantage he could ill afford Varano to possess.

"I want everything there is to know about this woman. Leave no detail unexplored."

Raphael nodded. Failure risked far worse than death when serving a man like Viktor Zavarelli.

From the smoky dimness of his office, Viktor soon knew the healer intimately...her habits, friends, favorite café. He traced the curve of her smile in an old photo, fascinated by this unwitting rival for power. Men had killed for far less than what she offered.

His mind churned with possibilities for using her gifts to strengthen his clan's control in the violent underworld of these streets. Yet strategy was not Viktor's sole interest. He found himself intrigued by this fascinating woman who might hold the keys to his ruin or redemption.

Sophia hurried through the quiet streets, weighted by her impossible choices...ally with Lukas or remain unprotected from factions eager to capture a prize like her? Tonight her apartment felt stifling, her worries increased. Better to walk outdoors under the limitless sky.

Nearing a deserted construction site, Sophia sensed being followed. A furtive glance revealed a hunched figure in a long coat some distance behind. She quickened her pace but heard his shuffle growing closer. Fear skittered down her spine.

As she passed the gloomy site, rough hands dragged her between half-finished walls. Heart pounding wildly, she opened her mouth to scream but froze at the sight of her attacker. A battered middle-aged man with gaunt, pock-marked cheeks and feverish eyes. Despite his bedraggled appearance, his gun hand was surprisingly steady, barrel pointed unwaveringly at her.

"You'll be coming with us now, signorina. The Master has plans for you."

Raphael kept the trembling Omega at gunpoint. If she tried using supernatural tricks, a bullet would end things quickly. Viktor wanted her unharmed if possible, although accidents sometimes happened during these...transactions.

The girl seemed on the verge of panic, her voice a choked whisper. "Please, I don't know your Master. Just let me go home. No one needs to know-"

"Silenzio!" Raphael growled. "Our Master always gets what he desires." Footsteps sounded and two cronies entered the skeletal structures. Raphael tossed them some coarse rope.

"Bind her hands and get the van." As they grabbed the struggling healer, Raphael tensed for action, hoping the night's events wouldn't end in unnecessary mess.

Sophia thrashed against their hold, but these were seasoned men well-versed in subduing captives. They bound her arms brutally tight, the rope biting into soft flesh. Panicked tears stung her eyes when she glimpsed the nondescript van waiting nearby, its rear doors flung open ominously.

A hard shove sent her stumbling toward the van when a ferocious snarl rent the air. An enormous grey wolf sprang over apile of debris, slamming her assailants to the ground in a blur of fangs and fur. As they grappled desperately with the beast, Sophia fled into the night.

Lukas had watched the entire disastrous scene play out, barely containing the rage burning through his veins like molten iron. The fools had taken what was his. He would have words with Varano over poaching rivals' assets in neutral territory.

At the sight of Sophia escaping her attackers, Lukas pursued, tracking her racing heartbeat and scent down unfamiliar streets until her stumbling footsteps slowed. In seconds he circled in front of her from the shadows.

Sophia recoiled with a gasp as Lukas emerged, shirt torn from his explosive shapeshift. Blood spattered his hands from dealing with her incompetent abductors.

Despite his fearsome appearance, she detected no threat. Only banked fury at whoever had dared lay hands upon her flaming in those silver eyes. Without thinking she went readily to him as he opened his arms.

Sophia sank against Lukas' bare chest, his skin feverishly warm from the transformation, realizing how badly she shook. The image of the gun pointed unwaveringly at her kept replaying, her helplessness choking in waves.

Lukas' embrace anchored her as her knees weakened. With shocking gentleness he lifted her completely off the ground, tucking her head beneath his chin as her arms crept around his neck.

"You're safe, malyshka. I swear it," he murmured against her hair.

Sophia knew she should withdraw from his hold, reject further debts between them. But the promise of safety in his arms defeated her alarm. For now she would allow this dangerous intimacy...and try not to examine her own reluctance to leave them.

Viktor paced his office like a caged tiger as Raphael related the night's disaster. An operation bungled by fools, losing their quarry and two men to Varano's wrath. After a deafening silence Viktor gripped the front of Raphael's shirt, twisting ruthlessly.

"How inconvenient when employees fail so profoundly in simple tasks," he bit out. Raphael wheezed desperately as Viktor's fist tightened.

"Vyktore... Mercy, I beg you... I take full blame."

Viktor held the chokehold a moment longer before releasing him contemptuously. Raphael fell to all fours, gagging for breath.

"Take your share of blame and begone. Varano gloats at having the prize we lost." Viktor smiled coldly down at his gasping lieutenant. "But we shall see who laughs last.

Lukas carried Sophia through the empty streets, her slight form cradled against his chest. She fit perfectly in his arms, as though she was made to be there. Her floral scent mingled with the salt of her tears, drawing a rumble from his chest. She was under his protection now, whether she wished it or not. No one would dare threaten what was his.

Reaching his sleek car, he gently placed her in the passenger seat, brushing a thumb across her cheek.

"Rest. You're safe with me."

Sophia looked up at him with eyes that pierced his soul. In them he saw her intelligence and fortitude shining behind her fear. What trials she must have endured before this night. He vowed she would have justice.

As the city lights slid past the car windows, Sophia dozed against the buttery leather. Lukas' presence exuded raw power but also comfort as her eyelids grew heavy. Just before sleep claimed her, she felt his palm engulf hers, warm and steady.

Sophia woke slowly, momentarily forgetting the chaos of last night. She registered the luxurious textures of silk sheets and a pillowy mattress before bolting upright. This was not her sparse, familiar bedroom.

Heart pounding, she jumped from the massive bed. Had she just traded one captor for an even more dangerous one?

Whipping open the door, she raced down the hallway into a magnificent great room. Floor-to-ceiling windows displayed a vista of the awakening city and distant mountains.

"Leaving so soon?" drawled an amused voice.

She whirled to find Lukas regarding her lazily from a wingback chair, one long leg draped over the armrest. Dangerously elegant. Her breath caught.

"Despite circumstances, I don't take captives here," he said.

Sophia hesitated. Perhaps she had misjudged her rescuer.

Lukas unfolded from the chair and prowled closer. "I trust you slept well...Sophia?" Her name curled from his tongue like smoke.

"Yes, but...where have you brought me?"

His smile held secrets. "Somewhere safe."

Viktor gazed out his office windows, hands clasped behind his back, as the weak morning sun filtered between skyscrapers. Raphael waited silently for the punishment due him.

"You wonder why I let you live." Viktor did not turn, his rich voice conversational. As if discussing the weather, not matters of life and death.

Raphael licked nervous lips. "I await your judgement, Master."

Viktor turned, icy eyes piercing him. "Indeed. But you will redeem this failure. I am not without mercy." His smile did not reach his eyes. "Bring the healer to me, and debts will be forgiven."

Raphael bowed low in relief and obeisance. "She will be yours, Master."

Sophia sipped strong coffee as Lukas studied her across the marble kitchen island. She looked small and fragile enveloped in one of his shirts. But having felt her soft skin, he knew the steel beneath.

"You still haven't told me where we are," Sophia finally said into the silence.

Lukas topped off her coffee. "One of my clan's safehouses. Unknown even to my enemies."

"Like the man who took me last night?"

Lukas tensed. "No, that was Zavarelli's dog. Another clan with whom we've been locked in struggle longer than living memory." His knuckles whitened on his mug. "They will regret ever coveting you."

Sophia shuddered at the feral promise in Lukas' voice. Just how far did this clash of powers go?

A knock at the door rent the quiet. Lukas was there in seconds, pulling it open to greet a trusted advisor. Their urgent exchange intensified as Lukas drew the man inside.

Lukas turned to Sophia, features granite-hard. "Come. There is much to discuss."

Raphael slipped through early morning shadows en route to silently gather his four most lethal trackers. Master Viktor was being generous indeed, allowing him to handpick associates for this critical assignment.

Only the best could hope to evade Varano's security and breach one of his clan's hidden compounds. Raphael fingered the garrote wire and revolver at his hips. Get the girl at any cost, Viktor had said. And he wouldn't fail again.

The city was just beginning to stir when Raphael and his men loaded into two nondescript vehicles. Word from Viktor's informants suggested several possible locations for Varano hideouts. Watch rotation schedules had been acquired. They would search one by one, as ghosts, never seen. And this time, the precious healer would not slip through his fingers. She would belong to Viktor before the sun set again. Raphael permitted himself a grim smile. A good day for vengeance.