
Omega Apocalypse

Alexander Bane, a laid-back gamer and aspiring game developer, enjoys spending his days goofing off with his friends online and working on his indie game project. Little does he know that his life is about to take a nightmarish turn when the Omega System descends upon his world. The universe is on the brink of an apocalyptic event, and all sentient beings must compete in a brutal Death Game for a chance at survival in the next iteration of reality. Alexander finds himself thrust into this deadly competition, facing monstrous creatures and the relentless pursuit of his fellow humans. Armed with a unique talent called "Death Clones," Alexander can resurrect himself with each unnatural death, creating a clone with 50% of his abilities. As he navigates this chaotic new world, Alexander must unravel the mysteries of the Death Game and strive to secure one of the limited slots for survival. With the odds stacked against him and horrifying creatures on his trail, Alexander must fight for his existence, forming alliances, harvesting Soul Points from defeated monsters, and using his newfound powers to stay alive.

Mr_Lomo · Urban
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Survival Unveiled

It was one thing that slipped the minds of those in a dire situation, how much their palate would change the longer an apocalypse ran. In the beginning, one could only subsist on packaged and stored food, but with all supply lines gone and producers struggling to survive, who did you expect to make food for you?

Alexander stood up for the wall he was leaning against and looked left, right and up to make sure there was nothing watching him hungrily from the corner. Seeing that he was clear, he jogged over to the house while looking around to see if there was any incoming activity. 

What was shocking was that while the neighborhood was silent, Alexander could feel like each house was a separate territory of its own with different 'masters' running them. Some were likely like him, humans who either had no pets or overpowered their pets turned monsters and claimed sovereignty. 

Others were like the house he had just been in, with pets who overpowered their humans and currently taken the homes as their initial territory. Whether it was human or beasts, each of them wanted to settle down and consolidate their power before 'expanding'.

What made Alexander feel wary was that he could also feel as if every nearby house and the master within was spying on his house due to the sound of gunfire, their thoughts almost manifesting into a single question. 

The person who used the weapon… was it a human? Or was it a beast?

The very idea that these already buffed monster could use human weaponry made the already few survivors feel cold in their hearts, because then apart from their talent, they had no advantage. 

Alexander entered the house and immediately pinched his nose. The dead giant pitbull stunk like hell already and he immediately killed the idea to store its meat. It was not him being picky, because with this kind of smell with it only being dead a few minutes, if he dared to even refrigerate this meat, the smell when he opened his fridge a few days later could kill him. 

In fact, Alexander simply had his two death clones carry the dead body and rush to the wall he jumped from, throwing the large corpse over to the other side with much effort. Alexander did not dare to keep it in his house any longer, because this smell was not something that could be hidden. 

Right now, he could only pray that beasts do not gain strength from eating each other's corpses, or some stray monster that feasted on that corpse would become his killer in the future. 

Alexander could not afford to think of too many what ifs right now. He immediately got his death clones back and the three of them rigorously cleaned then disinfected the entire house, removing the smell and the blood. 

After doing so, he took a quick shower to clean himself and sat behind his computer, booting it up. He was not here to play games or procrastinate, but to see if the internet still worked and he could acquire some vital news. 

Information could change everything about his situation right now, so this was something that was not negotiable. Alexander entered the typical news sites and saw sparse updates about what was going on. 

After all, unlike typical apocalypses where it was humanity versus invading monsters, here it was humanity versus humanity versus invading monsters! It was every man for himself and wasting one's time to give others news when they could be either making use of their system given talents. 

This was a logical train of thought and given humanity's ability to think rationally and critically - which was the main reason we were able to become rulers of this planet - this should be the natural course of action for every human. 

But unfortunately, if humanity really acted so smartly, it wouldn't be the humanity we know. 

Alexander opened the news sites to see hundreds of live reports, from journalistic agencies and even from individuals who were either filming or sending photos of their situation. 

Alexander also noticed that every site was labeled with a big prompt that popped up stating that there was a government established website for disaster news. Alexander was shocked because it had only really been an hour or so since the Death Game began and there was already a site?

He naturally headed there and saw that it was a mixture of an imageboard and forum-like design. Alexander was no web developer, but he suspected that this was repurposed from some other already live government site and they copy pasted the code for reddit and 4chan then mixed them together. 

There were 10+ pinned posts and many new threads were appearing live, with hundreds of comments per second. Alexander was a bit overwhelmed by the potent internet activity, and he couldn't help but feel disjointed. 

Before an hour ago, he had never seen a person die before him, only in those snuff videos of terrible accidents or the ramifications of war. However in the span of an hour, he had witness two gory deaths, experienced two gory deaths, then viewed a live scene of fellow humans dismembered before killing two former house pets turned monster in very brutal ways.

Even considering his silent neighborhood, Alexander felt like he was the only one left in the world, and all around him were enemies who wanted to take his life. While that was not necessarily untrue, it felt extremely jarring to see such online activity as if the world was still the way it was just an hour ago.

When one thinks of the apocalypse, what comes to mind blood, meat, corpses, skulls and mutated monsters. One could argue that this was true for this situation, but in the end, any person thinking of an apocalypse hardly thought about the internet, working electricity as well as a functional house with running water. 

Alexander realized that his eyes were blurry and that he was actually shedding tears. He wiped his eyes and pushed away from his computer leaning into the seat and gazing at his ceiling. 

His two death clones stood ramrod straight in utter silence while watching around for any danger, but one could almost feel as if their eyes paused on Alexander for a split second with each sweep of their vision. 

Alexander eventually fished around for his phone and switched it on, hoping to see some calls from his parents but there was nothing, much to hid disappointment, not even a text message. 

Alexander tapped his phone and pondered whether to call them when he stopped. What if they were in a very tricky situation right now and calling them would put them in fatal danger? It was best to wait until they called him. 

Alexander then realized that his parents could be thinking the exact same thing on their end, so there was a chance that they were fine and hooping for his safety. This heartened him and he slapped his cheeks before moving back in front of his computer and opening the first pinned thread. 


Government Announcement

Posted by The United States Government. 

Title: Important Announcement - Stay Calm and Prepare

Dear citizens,

We understand that the current situation is causing anxiety and uncertainty. We want to reassure you that we are doing everything within our power to address the unprecedented challenges we are facing.

As you may already know, the universe has reached the end of its natural lifespan. In response to this, the Creator has initiated a process known as the 'Omega System.' This system has brought about significant changes, including the transformation of all animals, even beloved pets, into aggressive creatures that pose a threat to sentient species.

However, the Creator has also granted us a means of survival. Each of us has been provided with a 'system' that offers various stats, which can be upgraded by eliminating these newly transformed monsters. Additionally, you have all received one free random talent, ranging from F-grade to S-grade, to aid you in this new world.

We urge you to stay calm and remain vigilant. We are providing resources to help you survive during these trying times. Please follow the link below to access vital information on how to protect yourself and your loved ones:

[Survival Resources](link-to-resources)

We are in this together, and we will persevere. Let's support one another and face this challenge with courage and determination.

Stay safe,

The United States Government.


{User Comments}

Jenny Hudson: OMG, this is insane! I can't believe this is happening! What's going to happen to us?! 

Liam Porter: Seriously? An apocalypse caused by the universe's natural lifespan? Sounds like a sci-fi novel. I'll believe it when I see it.

Karl Clearland: Haha, I got an S-grade talent! I'm practically invincible now! I must be the chosen one!

Skye Levin: We can do this, folks! Stay strong, stay smart, and let's kick some monster butt!

William Filber: I've always wanted to fight monsters and save the world! Time to put on my homemade hero costume and take on the apocalypse! 


There were more user comments down below, but they were nothing like Alexander expected. He was dumbfounded especially when someone claimed that they were being deceived by the government and wanted visual proof. 

Alexander almost wondered if everything he had experienced up until now was his own imagination and he had simply gone mad after losing so many ranked matches in a row with his friends. 

However, a simple remembrance of the agony he experienced in his second death was enough to wake him up and reassure him that this was real. So it could only be that the person in this comment was either mad or had not experienced things the way Alexander did. 

It was actually pretty plausible, since some people did not live near any animals or pets which could threaten them. As for the announcement and the subsequent system, one could assume it was some lightshow and tricks if they were enough of a conspiracist. 

Alexander clicked the link and downloaded a PDF file that was named 'Survival Resources Guide'. Opening it revealed a neat and well structured guide that listed all the important things for citizens to note.

Apocalypse Survival Guide

Dear Survivors,

In these challenging times, it is essential to equip yourself with the knowledge and skills needed to survive the apocalypse caused by the universe's death. This guide provides you with valuable information and tips to increase your chances of staying safe in this dying world.

1. Understand the 'System'

Each of us have been granted a 'system' with unique stats and a free random talent. Understanding your system is crucial for survival. Here's what you need to know:

- Stats: These include Potency (Strength and Agility), Vitality (Endurance and Regeneration), and Acuity (Intelligence and Wisdom). These stats can be upgraded by defeating monsters.

- Talent: Your talent is a special ability that can give you an advantage in various situations. Make the most of it.

2. Combat and Defense

- Monster Encounters: When facing monsters, prioritize your safety. Use your talents and stats to your advantage. Avoid confrontations if possible.

- Weapons: If you must fight, use any available weapons or improvised tools. Aim for vital areas and cooperate with others for better results.

- Group Survival: Team up with other survivors whenever possible. Strength in numbers can be a significant advantage.

3. Resource Management

- Food and Water: Secure a stable source of food and water. Canned goods, bottled water, and foraging are essential strategies.

- Shelter: Find or fortify a safe place to rest. Board up windows and reinforce doors to keep monsters out.

- Medical Supplies: Gather first-aid kits and medical supplies to treat injuries and illnesses.

4. Stay Informed

- Government Updates:*Keep an eye out for official announcements and updates from the government. Information is your ally.

- Local News: Stay informed about your immediate surroundings. Know where danger zones are and be aware of local resources.

5. Maintain Sanity

- Mental Health: The apocalypse can be mentally taxing. Seek support from others and try to maintain a sense of normalcy when possible.

6. Soul Points

- Collecting Soul Points: Engage in combat with monsters to collect Soul Points. These points are essential for upgrading your stats and abilities.

- Use Them Wisely: Spend Soul Points strategically. Focus on areas where you need improvement.

7. Help Others

- Community: Building a supportive community can increase your chances of survival. Share resources and knowledge.

8. Hope

- Believe in Survival: Remember that humans have a remarkable ability to adapt and endure. Stay hopeful and keep fighting.


Surviving the apocalypse will be a challenging journey, but with knowledge, preparation, and the support of others, you can overcome the odds. Trust in your abilities and strive for a brighter future.

Stay vigilant, stay safe, and never lose hope.


The United States Government