
Omega's Rebirth

What was worse than death itself? Well it was dying knowing that no one would miss you, knowing that your death was a favour to everyone you ever knew. This was exactly how I felt the day I died. I was the love child of the Eclipse Alpha King, in a time where the mate bond was considered sacred, a child born out of wedlock was nothing short of sacrilegious... 'It was his fault, he loved someone other than his mate...' 'It was his fault, he had carnal knowledge of a human woman.' 'It was all his fault, my only crime was being born out of his lust.' But why was that Alpha King father of mine perfectly safe, while I was hated, scorned and blamed for everything instead? Why did I have to be my father's bargaining chip, used to achieve his goals? Why could I not get a rejection like everyone else but was instead murdered by my own mate? Why was I killed before I even had a chance to live? I had a thousand questions and yet there was no one to answer and this was exactly how I died... So why then did my eyes flutter open to that day, a month before my death? Was it because of my little secret? A secret I will tell no one else but you... From the title of my tale, you must think I am an omega wolf... No, you got it wrong... I am not an Omega wolf, I am an Alpha wolf and my name is Omega. ~Second Book in the Werewolf Rebirth Series. *Not a prequel or sequel to 'The Alpha King's Nemesis', both books are not related save for the world setting and Werewolf Rebirth concept. *Cover art sourced from the internet, all credits to the original artist.*

JHeart · Fantasy
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632 Chs

Disaster Averted (Ch.15)

Neveah leaned her head against the edge of the wooden bath, watching through hooded lids as the water was dyed red with her blood.

She heaved a quiet sigh knowing she would do herself no good if she remained within the bath water for too long, she quickly washed herself and stepped out.

Neveah stood before her floor length mirror, inspecting the wound left behind by the black dragon.

Neveah frowned, this was the longest it had taken any of her wounds to heal but she guessed for a wound of such severity, this was already unbelievably rapid healing.

Neveah did not bother putting any healing herbs on it, the lighter wounds had already begun closing up and she knew in a day or two, she would be as good as new.

Neveah picked up a clean strip of bandage, she wrapped it securely around her torso before she pulled on her night robe and tossed the bloodied remains of the white tunic as well as the black tunic into the fire place.

Neveah sighed, she had taken the time to return to fetch the shredded pieces of her ball gown as well, just to make sure no traces were left behind other than the obvious blood trail.

However there was nothing Neveah could do about that, she could only reassure herself that their search would lead to a dead end.

Neveah did not share the scent of her wolf, and so they could never trace the scent of the blood back to her and even if they looked out for everyone who had an injury, they still would not come looking around Neveah's quarters.

The most likely conclusion would be the fact that the unidentified Alpha wolf had left Eclipse borders which suited Neveah perfectly.

Neveah threw the remains of the distasteful dress into the fireplace as well, now that she was back within the comfort of her quarters and with no Governess breathing down her back,

Neveah felt as though she could finally breathe as she pulled on a pair of night robes and headed to bed, collapsing down on her bed with exhaustion.

Neveah lay there, gazing up ahead, unable to believe she had just risked exposing her most closely guarded secret to save the pup of her Governess.

The very same Governess who had taken it as a point of duty to make Neveah's day to day life a living hell.

"You are completely nuts Veah...there is no saving you." Neveah reprimanded herself as she let her mind slowly return to calm knowing she had successfully averted this disaster.

Neveah had a feeling there would be many more to come, but at least for now, she could take a deep breath and just sleep away all the tension.

Whatever came afterwards, Neveah was certain she would make it through... she had survived this long walking on eggshells, she was used to it now.

Neveah then pulled her covers aside and climbed into bed, falling asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow.