
chapter 1: The beginning

12 million years ago the gods descended from Olympus, for a short time. They fell in love and had five children, each child was blessed with a gift. the first was a daughter named Eve she was blessed with the gift of speed, followed by James who could take the form of any object he desired, then came Kiara was blessed with knowledge, and then there was John he was blessed with the strength of Hercules, the last child was Matthew he was blessed with the wings of Horus.

The gods along with their children ascended back to Olympus where they spent 1 million years. 1 unfaithful day the five children were at war with Alexander the Great's army and unfortunately only one returned the youngest of them all known as Matthew. This raised suspicion among the Gods which leads to the conspiracy that Matthew betrayed his brothers and sisters which led to him being disowned and banished to Earth live, feel and need like a mortal until he was worthy to be a God again